NARMS taxon details
original description
(of ) Müller, O.F. (1776). Zoologiae Danicae prodromus, seu Animalium Daniae et Norvegiae indigenarum: characteres, nomina, et synonyma imprimis popularium. [Prodrome of Danish Zoology, or the Native Animals of Denmark and Norway: the characters, names, and synonyms of the most popular ones.]. <em>Typis Hallagerii, Havni, Copenhagen.</em> 282 pp., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/47550 page(s): 236 [details] 
taxonomy source
ten Hove, H. A.; Smith, R. S. (1990). A redescription of Ditrupa gracillima Grube, 1878 (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) from the Indo-Pacific, with a discussion of the genus. <em>Records of the Australian Museum.</em> 42(1): 101-118., available online at https://australianmuseum.net.au/journal/Hove-and-Smith-1990-Rec-Aust-Mus-421-101118 [details]
context source (Deepsea)
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), available online at http://www.iobis.org/ [details]
basis of record
Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Hartman, Olga. (1959). Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World. Parts 1 and 2. <em>Allan Hancock Foundation Occasional Paper.</em> 23: 1-628. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
McIntosh, W.C. 1923. A monograph of the British marine annelids. Polychaeta, Sabellidae to Serpulidae. With additions to the British marine Polychaeta during the publication of the monograph. Ray Society of London, 4(2): 251-538. [details]
additional source
Mörch, O. A. L. (1863). Revisio critica Serpulidarum. Et Bidrag til Rørormenes Naturhistorie. <em>Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift København.</em> Ser. 3, 1: 347-470, pl. 11 [also issued as a separate, 1–124, pl. 11]., available online at http://www.archive.org/details/naturhistoriskti01copeuoft [details]
additional source
Dewarumez, Jean-Marie (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Glasby, Christopher J.; Read, Geoffrey B.; Lee, Kenneth E.; Blakemore, R.J.; Fraser, P.M.; Pinder, A.M.; Erséus, C.; Moser, W.E.; Burreson, E.M.; Govedich, F.R.; Davies, R.W.; Dawson, E.W. (2009). Phylum Annelida: bristleworms, earthworms, leeches. <em>[Book chapter].</em> Chapt 17, pp. 312-358. in: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Liu, J.Y. [Ruiyu] (ed.). (2008). Checklist of marine biota of China seas. <em>China Science Press.</em> 1267 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors 
Jirkov, I.A. (2001). [Polychaeta of the Arctic Ocean] (In Russian) Polikhety severnogo Ledovitogo Okeana. Yanus-K Press, Moscow, 632 pp., available online at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259865957_Jirkov_2001_Polychaeta_of_the_North_Polar_Basin [details] Available for editors 
From editor or global species database