Polyansky, Y.I. (1955). Materialy po parazitologii ryb severnykh morei SSSR. Parazity ryb Barentsova morya. [The parasites of fish of northern marine waters of the USSR. Parasites of the fish of the Barents Sea.]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta, Akademii Nauk SSSR, Leningrad (Collection of works on parasitology. Translation by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1966). 19:5-170, figs. 1-37, tabs. 1-24.
Polyansky, Y.I.
Materialy po parazitologii ryb severnykh morei SSSR. Parazity ryb Barentsova morya. [The parasites of fish of northern marine waters of the USSR. Parasites of the fish of the Barents Sea.]
Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta, Akademii Nauk SSSR, Leningrad (Collection of works on parasitology. Translation by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1966)