IMIS: 30769
Passenger type: Scientist(*)=present, (-)=absent
FISHCONNECT LifeWatch Hardwiring the ocean floor LIVISTrips:
2014-05-26/2014-05-26 (*)Campaign(s):
Hardwiring the ocean floor Detection and isolation of harmful algaeTrips:
2014-11-26/2014-11-26 (*)Campaign(s):
Hardwiring the ocean floor Detection and isolation of harmful algaeTrips:
2014-11-07/2014-11-07 (*)Campaign(s):
Planeet ZeeTrips:
2014-11-12/2014-11-12 (-)Campaign(s):
Monitoring zand- en grindextractie Hardwiring the ocean floor Shoreface nourishmentsTrips:
2015-05-26/2015-05-28 (*)Campaign(s):
Vibrocoring Hardwiring the ocean floorTrips:
2018-08-08/2018-08-08 (-)