Investigator | Campaign |
stijn de moor | / |
ben goos | / |
bart aerts | / |
Colin Janssen | / |
Filip Volckaert | / |
André Cattrijsse | / |
Bart Hellemans | / |
Jan Mees | / |
Kevin Vanhalst | / |
Sara Vandamme | FISHCONNECT |
Lisbeth Van Cauwenberghe | / |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
west 1 | 51°10'17" | 2°39'19" |
west 2 | 51°10'50" | 2°35'0" |
oost 1 | 51°14'0" | 2°53'0" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
sarah tilkin | / |
siege van ballaert | / |
Filip Volckaert | FISHCONNECT |
Kevin Vanhalst | FISHCONNECT |
Sara Vandamme | FISHCONNECT |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
oost1 | 51°13'60" | 2°52'60" |
west1 | 51°10'17" | 2°39'19" |
west2 | 51°10'50" | 2°34'60" |
trap1 | 51°6'9" | 2°32'54" |
kwinte b | 51°16'35" | 2°39'12" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
michail nicolai | / |
Kevin Vanhalst | FISHCONNECT |
Sara Vandamme | FISHCONNECT |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
zee1 | 51°20'33" | 3°8'12" |
knok1 | 51°28'5" | 3°14'42" |
diep1 | 51°29'24" | 3°4'30" |
oost1 | 51°13'60" | 2°52'60" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.