MACROBEL Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf |
Introduction | Methods | Taxonomy | Distribution | Project info | Atlas |
Macrobel source details
Poli J.X. (1791). Testacea utriusque Siciliae eorumque historia et anatome tabulis aeneis illustrata. Ex Regio Typographeio, Parmae. Vol. 1: pp. i-lxxiii, [1-6], i-x, 1-90, 1-50, [1], 1-74, pls 1-18.
Poli J.X.
<i>Testacea utriusque Siciliae eorumque historia et anatome tabulis aeneis illustrata.</i> Ex Regio Typographeio, Parmae. Vol. 1: pp. i-lxxiii, [1-6], i-x, 1-90, 1-50, [1], 1-74, pls 1-18
Date action by 2013-01-12 18:30:12Z created db_admin
Cerastoderma Poli, 1795 (original description)