MACROBEL Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf |
Introduction | Methods | Taxonomy | Distribution | Project info | Atlas |
Macrobel source details
Retzius A.J. (1788). Dissertatio historico-naturalis sistens nova testaceorum genera. Quam præside D. M. Andr. J. Retzio (...) ad publicum examen defert Laurentius Münter Philipsson. 4+23 pp. Lund.
Retzius A.J.
<i>Dissertatio historico-naturalis sistens nova testaceorum genera. Quam præside D. M. Andr. J. Retzio (...) ad publicum examen defert Laurentius Münter Philipsson</i>. 4+23 pp. Lund.
This work is a thesis by Philipsson, working under his master Retzius at the University of Lund. By the law or custom then prevailing the professor was treated as the author of all papers which a student under him defended. For this reason the names
in this thesis have been attributed by some authors to Retzius. It is clear, however, from the title page that Philipsson was the real author of this Dissertatio and the name therein are therefore correctly attributable to him and not to Retzius.
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