The role of marine spatial planning in implementing ecosystem-based, sea use management
Douvere, F.; Ehler, C. (Ed.) (2008). The role of marine spatial planning in implementing ecosystem-based, sea use management. Marine Policy, 32(Spec. Issue 5). Elsevier: London. 759-843 pp.
Deel van: Marine Policy. Elsevier: UK. ISSN 0308-597X; e-ISSN 1872-9460
Day, J. (2008). The need and practice of monitoring, evaluating and adapting marine planning and management-lessons from the Great Barrier Reef. Mar. Policy 32(5): 823-831., meer
Gilliland, P.M.; Laffoley, D. (2008). Key elements and steps in the process of developing ecosystem-based marine spatial planning. Mar. Policy 32(5): 787-796., meer
St. Martin, K.; Hall-Arber, M. (2008). The missing layer: geo-technologies, communities, and implications for marine spatial planning. Mar. Policy 32(5): 779-786., meer