Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea
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TROPHOS: Nematode length/width measurements for stations 115bis and 330 in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (1999)
Franco, M. (2003). Nematode length/width Trophos. Ghent University, Department of Biology, Marine Biology Section (MARBIOL), Belgium.

Archived data
Availability: Restricted
The data are withheld from general circulation and disclosure but access may be obtained on a case-by-case basis through negotiation

Notes: Not freely available

Data are part of a thesis, but were in fact collected in the framework of the Belgian SPSD II project (Second scientific support plan for a sustainable development policy) TROPHOS Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea. more

The lengths and widths were measured for a maximum of 120 nematodes per sample. All samples were collected at two stations on the Belgian Continental Shelf.

Biology, Biology > Benthos
Marine/Coastal, Meiofauna, Nematoda, Nematode, ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS), Nematoda

Geographical coverage
ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS) Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 2,6183; Lat: 51,1517 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 2,8033; Lat: 51,4333 [WGS84]

Temporal coverage
February 2003 - October 2003

Taxonomic coverage
Nematoda [WoRMS]

Nematode measurements

Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie (MARBIOL), moredata owner

Related datasets
(Partly) included in:
PROJECT DATA: Integrated data from projects PODOI and Trophos (1997-2006), more

TROPHOS: Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea, more
Grant agreement ID EV/25

Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research
Metadatarecord created: 2006-06-07
Information last updated: 2024-02-29
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