Full-time, part-time and seasonal employment per economic (sub)sector, as a percentage of the total active population: primary sector (agriculture and fisheries), secondary sector (construction and manufactory), tertiary sector (services and the profit sector), quaternary sector (non-profit sector (health and education, government services). Employment in fisheries and ports is expressed in absolute numbers. Full-time and part-time employment is expressed according to national definitions, based on hours worked per week.
Description :
Employment is an indication of the economic structure of the area. Strongly developed coastal zones are characterised by an important representation of the tertiary sector (services and the profit sector) and gradual loss of the primary sector. For a description of the measurements covered by this indicator please refer to the parameter filing cards.
Fact sheet :
Interactive graph
Data providers
Patterns of sectoral employment
Percentage of the working population in full-time employment
Percentage of the working population in part-time employment
Percentage of the working population employed in the primary sector (agriculture, stock-farming, fisheries)
Percentage of the working population employed in the secondary sector (industry, manufactury, construction)
Percentage of the working population employed in the tertiary sector (trade and services)
Percentage of the working population employed in the quaternary sector (non-profit sector)