Renewable energy from coastal resources

Definition : Installed capacity (MW) of renewable energy infrastructure from offshore wind farms, onshore wind farms and wave and tidal energy
Description : The indicator follows the trends in the installed capacity (in MW) of renewable energy installations in the coastal zone of the sub-regions in the southern North Sea. The coastal zones are particularly interesting for the generation of renewable energy from wind. Wave and tidal energy installations are currently in an experimental phase. Installed capacity does not measure the amount of energy (MWh) actually produced by the installation, but it provides a good measure of the private and public investments, political interest and the relative importance of the coastal zone for eolic and other alternative energy sources, compared to the wider region..
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IndicatorParametersInteractive graphMapTrendData providers
Renewable energy from coastal resources
  • Installed capacity of offshore windenergy
  • Interactive graph available Data Providers for Installed capacity of offshore windenergy
  • Installed capacity of onshore windenergy
  • Interactive graph availableMap available Data Providers for Installed capacity of onshore windenergy
  • Installed capacity from tidal energy at the coast
  • Interactive graph available Data Providers for Installed capacity from tidal energy at the coast
  • Installed capacity from wave and tidal energy at the coast
  • Interactive graph available Data Providers for Installed capacity from wave and tidal energy at the coast
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