Dana, J.D. (1848). Conspectus crustaceorum, in orbis terrarum circumnavigatione, Caroli Wilkes, e classe Reipublicae foederatae duce, collectorum auctore. Pars 1. Crustacea Copepoda (Cyclopacea). [Observations of crustaceans, collected by Charles Wilkes, captain of the United States Navy, during a circumnavigation of the world. Part 1. Crustacea Copepoda (Cyclopacea)]. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1: 149-155 (4.v.1847).
Dana, J.D.
Conspectus crustaceorum, in orbis terrarum circumnavigatione, Caroli Wilkes, e classe Reipublicae foederatae duce, collectorum auctore. Pars 1. Crustacea Copepoda (Cyclopacea). [Observations of crustaceans, collected by Charles Wilkes, captain of the United States Navy, during a circumnavigation of the world. Part 1. Crustacea Copepoda (Cyclopacea)]
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences