Managing Fisheries to Conserve Groundfish and Benthic Invertebrate Species Diversity
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Workshops are an important tool within the MAFCONS project framework. They not only bring together all the project partners to share ideas and experiences, but also provide a forum for external experts who are invited when appropriate. These experts in fields relevant to the subjects being discussed and developed, provide advice, act as external reviewers of the quality of the science being undertaken and, also, help to broaden the vision of the project.

External experts, who have attended or contributed electronically to the workshops held so far, include those from the fields of ecological theory and modelling, fisheries disturbance and fisheries management. They have come from institutes in countries ranging in distribution from Germany to Scotland to the United States and Canada.

Workshop on the Ecological Theory of Community Structure

Hosted by: The University of Ghent, Belgium

Date: April 2003

Outcome: A review of The Theory of Community Structure: Applications in Marine Ecosystems
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Workshop on the Ecological Disturbance of Fishing

Hosted by: Fisheries Research Services (FRS) - Aberdeen, UK

Date: May 2003

Outcome: A review of The Ecological Disturbance of Fishing in Demersal Fish and Benthic Invertebrate Communities
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Workshop on MAFCONS Sampling and Analysis Methodology (3 parts)

Hosted by: Part (1) The University of Wales – Swansea, UK

Part (2) Fisheries Research Services (FRS) - Aberdeen, UK

Part (3) The Senckenburg Institute, Germany

Dates: January and May 2003; February 2004

Outcome: The MAFCONS Methods Manual
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Workshop on Ecological Modelling and Fisheries Management Protocol (2 parts)

Hosted by: Part (1) Institute of Marine Research, Norway

Part (2) The Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO), The Netherlands

Dates: February 2005;  March 2006

Outcome: in progress

Workshop on the Relationship between Catch, Fishing Effort and Quotas

Hosted by: The Senckenburg Institute, Germany

Date: February 2004

Outcome: A review of the Relationship between Fishing Effort and Catch
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Henning Reiss, Siegfried Ehrich and Ingrid Kröncke working on the German
case study for the Catch-Effort workshop in February 2004 at Wilhelmshaven

Some of the group discussing the development of ecological modelling
for MAFCONS at the Tromso workshop in February 2005

A project funded under the
European Union Quality of
Life and Management of Living Resources

Contract no: Q5RS-2002-00856
Key Action 5.1.2
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture

Project coordination: Dr John Lancaster
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