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Afdeling Mobiliteit en Ruimtelijke Planning (UGent-AMRP)

English name: Center for Mobility and Spatial Planning

Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 Blok2 (Technicum)
9000 Gent

Tel.: +32-(0)9-331 32 51
Type: Scientific

The Center for Mobility and Spatial Planning (AMRP) was founded in 1990 and originates from the Seminar for Survey and Spatial Planning (1972-1990). The scientific domains on which AMRP concentrates are: spatial economy and spatial management, spatial planning and spatial design, environmental management, sustainable mobility and integrated water management. Within this framework, AMRP participates in several national and European research projects and collaborates intensively with several Belgian and Dutch institutes and consultancy offices.

The marine research of this group is associated with the following projects:
- CcASPAR: climate change and changes in spatial structures;
- Climate Proof Areas (CPA): how to deal with climate change;
- Climar: Evaluation of the impact of global climate change and adaptation measures for marine activities;
- WaterCap: climate change and its effects on the hydrological cycle.

In the future, AMRP will further develop the spatial design research as a commercial tool to mobilise stakeholders to participate in a positive marine/maritime story.

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Part-financed by ERDF through the Interreg IV A 2 Seas Programme “Investing in your Future”
INTERREG IVa 2Seas Project

 “The document reflects the author's views. The INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Programme Authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.”

Website developed and maintained by VLIZ

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