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Onderzoeksgroep Ecosysteembeheer (UA-ECOBE)

English name: Ecosystem Management Research Group

Thesaurus terms (12) : Biogeochemistry; Ecology; Ecosystem management; Estuaries; Man-induced effects; Nature conservation; Nutrient cycles; Swamps; Vegetation; Vegetation; Vegetation; Wetlands
MRG keywords (4) : Biodiversity; Carbon capture; Climate change; Geobiology
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Wilrijk

Tel.: +32-(0)3-265 22 74
 Publication | Datasets 
Type: Scientific

Person formerly associated with this organization  Top | Publication | Datasets 

The research group Geobiology performs fundamental and applied research at the intersection between geology and biology. Their prime objective is to generate profound insights about the interactions between the biosphere on the one hand, and the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere on the other hand. As part of their societal mission, they adopt a 'solution-based' perspective, investigating how biology and natural systems can offer biology-based solutions to important societal challenges. Research examples include the investigation of electrical microbial systems in the seafloor (seafloor microbes that generate and conduct electricity), climate change mitigation by CO2 drawdown in coastal environments, ocean alkalinisation and the conversation and restoration of wetlands and heathlands to act as a biodiversity trove and carbon sink.

Publication  Top | Datasets 
    ( 1 peer reviewed ) split up filter
  • Peer reviewed article Cox, T.J.S.; Maris, T.; Soetaert, K.; Conley, D.J.; Van Damme, S.; Meire, P.; Middelburg, J.J.; Vos, M.; Struyf, E. (2009). A macro-tidal freshwater ecosystem recovering from hypereutrophication: the Schelde case study. Biogeosciences 6(12): 2935-2948, more

Datasets (2)  Top | Publication 
  • Ecosystem management group (ECOBE) - UA, Belgium; Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Water Geochemistry - ULB, Belgium; Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry - VUB, Belgium., Waterwegen en Zeekanaal NV; (2016): OMES: 13-hours measurements on the Zeeschelde., more
  • Ecosystem management group - Uantwerpen, Belgium; Waterwegen en Zeekanaal NV; (2016): Monitoring fysical-chemical water quality in the Zeeschelde., more

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Part-financed by ERDF through the Interreg IV A 2 Seas Programme “Investing in your Future”
INTERREG IVa 2Seas Project

 “The document reflects the author's views. The INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Programme Authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.”

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