split up filter
- Groom, S. (2014). Deliverable D2.3 “A description of the EO DB at L1 to be on the WAS". Contract: 07-027-FR-ISECA. Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth. 3 pp., more
- Groom, S. (2014). Deliverable D2.4a “A description of the EO DB at L2 and on the WAS". Contract: 07-027-FR-ISECA. Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth. 4 pp., more
- Martinez-Vicente, V.; Tilstone, G.H.; Groom, S. (2014). Deliverable 2.1: A description of the in-situ measurements, the attached protocols and the quality control. Contract: 07-027-FR-ISECA. Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth. 31 pp., more
- Martinez-Vicente, V.; Tilstone, G.; De Kok, J.L.; van Best, C.; Groom, S.B.; Santer, R. (2014). Earth observation tool for monitoring coastal eutrophication. Plymouth Marine Laboratory/VITO/Adrinord: Plymouth, Mol, Lille. 1 poster pp., more
- Martinez-Vicente, V.; Tilstone, G.H. (2014). Deliverable 2.5: Description of the in-situ measurements. Contract: 07-027-FR-ISECA. Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth. 11 pp., more
- Miller, P.; Kurekin, A.; Groom, S.; The AlgaRisk and PML visualisation teams (2014). AlgaRisk algal bloom warning system & data visualisation on the web. Presentation at the ISECA Final Event, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 30 June-1 July 2014. Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth. 23 pp., more
- Tilstone, G.H.; Hoya, S.M.; Gohin, F.; Groom, S. (2014). ISECA Earth Observation products for monitoring eutrophication in European coastal waters. Presentation at the ISECA Final Event, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 30 June-1 July 2014. Plymouth Marine Laboratory/IFREMER: Plymouth, Brest. 14 pp., more
- Martinez-Vicente, V.; Simis, S.G.H.; Alegre, R.; Land, P.E.; Groom, S.B. (2012). Initial results with automated ship-borne reflectance measurements and data processing in near-coastal waters in the Western Channel [Presentation]. Plymouth Marine Laboratory/Finnish Environment Institute SYKE: UK & Finland. 20 pp., more
- Martinez-Vicente, V.; Tilstone, G.H.; Bruun, J.; Groom, S.B. (2012). The western English Channel long-time series validation site. Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth. 1 poster pp., more
- Martinez-Vicente, V.; Tilstone, G.H.; Groom, S.B. (2011). Eutrophication: a response of the sea biology to human activities. Plymouth Marine Laboratory: Plymouth. 1 poster pp., more