"Fishing and tourism: build a dynamic" seminar 4th June 2014 in Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes, France)
The seminar is part of Activity 3 of the GIFS project "Economy and Regeneration in fishing communities". The seminar will be based on the results of GIFS project on the theme « fishing and tourism synergy ».
French fishing and tourism stakeholders will also speak about their point of view and feedback about fishing tourism synergy.
The seminar day will be organized around four sessions with different presentations followed by questions /answers with the audience on the following topics:
- Fishing and tourism synergies in Europe and France;
- Fishing, is an asset to tourism?
- A tourism sector which is respectful of fishery activities?
- Work with the tourism sector to develop fisheries.
The seminar will be concluded with a debate "Fishing and tourism, competition or synergy?»
The presentations will be in French. For more details about the conference program click here (in french).