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The obtained results of the ENDIS-RISKS project will be communicated in various ways. The results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and brought together in a book which will include the developed datasets on CD-rom. This page contains a list of publications made based on this project, a list of other publications related to this project, a list of project meetings, a list of sampling campaigns and a list of laboratory analyses.
** FINAL REPORT of ENDIS-RISKS project: downloaded here
Project related publications, PhD theses, posters and oral presentations
Fockedey N.; Mees J.; Vangheluwe M., Verslycke T., Janssen C. & Vincx M. (2005). Temperature and salinity effects on post-marsupial growth of Neomysis integer. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 326, 27-47.
Fockedey N., Ghekiere A., Bruwiere S. and Vincx M. (2006). Effect of salinity and temperature on the intra-marsupial development of the brackish water mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea). Mar. Biol. 148(6): 1339-1356.
Ghekiere, A., Verslycke, T., De Smet, L., Van Beeumen, J., Janssen, C.R. (2004). Purification and characterization of vitellin from the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea; Mysidacea). Comp. Biochem. Pysiol. 138A, 427-433.
Ghekiere, A., Fenske, M., Verslycke, T., Tyler, C., Janssen, C.R. (2005). Development of a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for vitellin in the mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 142(1)A, 43-49
Ghekiere, A., Verslycke, T., Janssen, C.R. (2006a). Non-target effects of the insecticide methoprene on molting of mysid shrimp (Crustacea; Mysidacea). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 332(2): 226-234
Ghekiere, A., Verslycke, T., Janssen, C.R. (2006b). Effects of methoprene, nonylphenol, and estrone on the vitellogenesis of the mysid Neomysis integer. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 147(2):190-195
Ghekiere, A., Fockedey, N.; Verslycke, T.; Vincx, M.; Janssen, C.R.(2007). Marsupial development in the mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) to evaluate the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 66(1): 9-15
Noppe H., De Wasch K., Poelmans S., Van Hoof N., Verslycke T., Janssen C.R. and De Brabander H.F. (2005). Development and validation of an analytical method for the detection of Estrogens in water. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 382,91-98
Noppe H., Verlsycke T., De Wulf E., Poelmans S., Verheyden K., Monteyne E., Van Hoof N., Van Caeter P., Janssen C.R., De Brabander H.F. (2005). Occurence of estrogens in the Scheldt Estuary: a 2-year survey. Ecotox. and Environ. Saf. 66: 1-8
Noppe H., Ghekiere A., Polfliet K., Verslycke T., De Wulf E., Poelmans S., Verheyden K., Monteyne E., Van Caeter P., Janssen C.R., De Brabander H. (2007). The occurrence of organonitrogen herbicides in the Scheldt estuary (B-Nl): Ecotoxicological evaluation using Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea). Env. Pollut. 147: 668-676
Verslycke T., Janssen C.R. (2002). Effect of a changing abiotic environment on the energy metabolism in teh estuarine mysid shrimp Neomysis integer (Crustacea; Mysidacea). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 279, 61-72
Verslycke T., S. Poelmans, K. De Wasch, J. Vercauteren, C. Devos, L. Moens, P. Sandra, H. De Brabander,C.R. Janssen (2003). Testosterone metabolism in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) following tribultyn exposure. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22(9): 2030-2036.
Verslycke T. , S.D. Roast, J. Widdows, M.B. Jones, C.R. Jansen (2003). Cellular energy allocation in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) following TBTCI exposure. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. and Ecol. 288, 167-179.
Verslycke T. , A. Ghekiere, C.R. Janssen (2004). Seasonal and spatial patterns in cellular energy allocation in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) of the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 306, 245-267
Verslycke, T.; Fockedey, N.; McKenney jr., C.L.; Roast, S.D.; Jones, M.B.; Mees, J.; Janssen, C.R. (2004). Mysid crustaceans as potential test organisms for the evaluation of environmental endocrine disruption: a review. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23(5): 1219-1234.
Verslycke T, Poelmans S, De Wasch K, De Brabander HF, Janssen CR (2004). Testosterone and energy metabolism in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) following exposure to endocrine disruptors. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23(5): 1289-1296.
Verslycke T. , A.D. Vethaak, K. Arijs, C.R. Janssen (2005). Flame retardants, surfactants and organotins in sediment and mysid shrimp of the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands). Environ. Pollut. 136: 19-31.
Verslycke T. , Ghekiere A., Raimondo S., Janssen C.R. (2007). Mysid crustaceans as standard models for the screening and testing of endocrine- disrupting chemicals. Ecotoxicology 16: 205-219
PhD theses
Fockedey, N. (2005). Diet and growth of Neomysis integer (Leach, 1814) (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Ph.D. thesis. Section Marine Biology, Ghent University, Belgium. 297 pp.
Ghekiere, A. (2006). Study of invertebrate-specific effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Leach, 1814). PhD thesis, Ghent University, Belgium. 143 pp.
Noppe, H. (2006). Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices. Ph.D. thesis. Laboratory of Chemical Analysis, Ghent University, Belgium. 153 pp.
Verslycke, T. (2003). Endocrine disruption in the estuarine invertebrate Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Ph.D. thesis. Ghent University, Belgium. 224 pp.
General informative poster about the ENDIS-RISKS project: ENDIS-RISKS: Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt Estuary - distribution, exposure and effects. pdf-version of poster (2880kb)
Fockedey N., Mees J. & Vincx M (2002). Feeding and growth of the mysid Neomysis integer on aggregates in the MTZ of the Scheldt estuary. ECSA local meeting - Ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt estuary: from past to future. 7-10 October 2002, UIA, Antwerp, Belgium.
Fockedey N., Mees J. & Vincx M (2003). Feeding and growth of the mysid Neomysis integer on aggregates in the MTZ of the Scheldt estuary. VLIZ Jongerencontactdag 2003. 28 February 2003, Provinciehuis Boeverbos, Brugge, Belgium.
Fockedey N., Bruwiere S., Ghekiere A. & Vincx M. (2005). In vitro embryogenesis of Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysidacea) as a potential indicator for endocrine disruption. VLIZ Jongerencontactdag 2005. 25 February 2005, Provinciehuis Boeverbos, Brugge, Belgium
Ghekiere A., T. Verslycke and C. Janssen (2003). Ecdysteroid metabolism in Neomysis integer and its future perspectives in invertebrate endocrine disruption research. SETAC Europe 13th Annual Meeting, April 27th - May 1st, Hamburg, Germany.
Ghekiere A. , T. Verslycke and C. Janssen (2003). Ecdysteroid metabolism in Neomysis integer and its future perspectives in invertebrate endocrine disruption research. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, February 28th, Sint-Andries (Brugge), Belgium.
Ghekiere, A., Verslycke, T. & Janssen, C.R. (2004). Non-target effects of the insecticide methoprene on molting of mysid shrimp (Crustacea, Mysidacea). VLIZ 4th Annual Young Scientists' Day, March 5th 2004, Sint-Andries (Brugge), Belgium.
Ghekiere, A., Verslycke, T. & Janssen, C.R. (2004). Non-target effects of the insecticide methoprene on molting of mysid shrimp (Crustacea, Mysidacea). SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting, April 18th-April 22nd 2004, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ghekiere, A., Fenske, M., Verslycke, T., Tyler, C.R. and Janssen, C.R. (2004). A competitive ELISA for vitellin in Neomysis integer as a tool to assess endocrine disruption in crustaceans. CREDO Cluster Workshop, July 5th-July 7th 2004, University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K.
Ghekiere A., Fockedey N., Verslycke T. & Janssen C.R. (2005). Impact of endocrine disruptors on th emolting and embryogenesis in mysid shrimp (Crustacea; Mysidacea). Poster presentation. VLIZ Jongerencontactdag 2005. 25 February 2005, Provinciehuis Boeverbos, Brugge, Belgium.
Monteyne E. and P. Roose (2004). Total Water Concentration and Patterns of selected PAHs in the Scheldt Estuary. Poster presentation. VLIZ 4th Annual Young Scientists' Day, March 5th, Provinciehuis Boeverbos, Brugge, Belgium.
Monteyne E. , T. Van de Zande, P. Roose (2004). Improved Determination of Organotin Compounds in Marine Matrices. Poster presentation. Setac Europe 14th annual meeting, Environmental Science Solutions: A Pan-European Perspective, april 18th -22th, Prague, Czech Republic, Organized by SETAC EUROPE
Monteyne E. , P. Roose, C.R.Janssen (2005). Endocrine Disrupters in the Scheldt Estuary (2). in: Mees, J.; Seys, J. (Ed.) (2005). VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 47.
Monteyne E., P. Roose and C.R. Janssen (2007). Endocrine disruptor levels in invertebrates from the Scheldt estuary: cause for concern? BMM: Oostende, Belgium. 1 poster pp.
Noppe H, De Wasch, Van Hoof N, Poelmans S, De Brabander HF (2003) Development of an accurate method for the measurement of organochlorine and organonitrogen pesticide residues. EURO FOOD CHEM 12th Annual Meeting, September 24th-27th 2003, Brugge, Belgium
Noppe H, De Wasch K, Van Hoof N, Poelmans S, De Brabander HF (2003) Development of an accurate method for the measurement of organochlorine and organonitrogen pesticide residues. Studiedag VITO, 2003, Mol, Belgium
Noppe H, De Wasch K, Van Hoof N, Poelmans S, De Brabander HF (2003) Development of an accurate method for the measurement of organochlorine and organonitrogen pesticide residues. ExpoVet, 2003, Ghent, Belgium
Noppe H., De Wasch K., Poelmans S., Van Hoof N., De Brabander H.F (2004). The Western Scheldt polluted with endocrine disruptors? Setac Europe 14th annual meeting, Environmental Science Solutions: A Pan-European Perspective, april 18th -22th 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, Organized by SETAC EUROPE
Noppe, H.; Poelmans, S.; Van Hoof, N.; Verslycke, T.; Janssen, C.; De Brabander, H. (2005). Endocrine disruptors in the Scheldt estuary (1), in: Mees, J.; Seys, J. (Ed.) (2005). VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 50.
Noppe H., De Wasch K., Poelmans S., Van Hoof N. and H.F. De Brabander (2004) The Western-Scheldt polluted with endocrine disrupters? SETAC 14th annual meeting, 18th-22th april 2004, Prague, Czech Republic
Noppe H., Poelmans S., Van Hoof N., Verslycke T., Janssen C.R. and H.F. De Brabander (2005). Occurence of estrogens in the Scheldt-estuary: a 2 year survey. Setac Europe 15th annual meeting, The Raison d'être of environmental toxicology and chemistry, may 22th -26th 2005, Lille, France
Poelmans S., De Wasch K., Verslycke T., Noppe H., Van Hoof N., Martelé Y., Janssen C.R., De Brabander H.F.(2004). Testosterone metabolism in the invertebrate Neomysis integer: a possible biomarker for endocrine disruption. Setac Europe 14th annual meeting, Environmental Science Solutions: A Pan-European Perspective, 18 tem 22 april 2004, Praag, Czech Republic, Georganiseerd door SETAC EUROPE
Poelmans S., Martelé Y., De Wasch K., Verslycke T., Noppe H., Van Hoof N., Janssen C.R., De Brabander H.F.(2004). Unraveling the testosterone metabolism in the invertebrate Neomysis integer. Setac Europe 14th annual meeting, Environmental Science Solutions: A Pan-European Perspective, 18 tem 22 april 2004, Praag, Czech Republic, Georganiseerd door SETAC EUROPE
Poelmans S., De Wasch K., Courteyn D. Van Hoof N., Noppe H., Janssen C.R., De Brabander H.F.(2004). The study of some new anabolic drugs by metabolisation experiments with Neomysis integer. Euroresidue V, Conference of Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food, may 10-12th 2004, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Organized by FECS
Poelmans S., Verslycke T., Noppe H., Van Hoof N., De Brabander F., Janssen C.(2004) Testosterone metabolism modulation in Neomysis integer: biomarker for endocrine disruption, VLIZ jongerendag, 25 februari 2005, Brugge, Belgium, Georganiseerd door VLIZ
Rappé K., Ghekiere, A.; Noppe, H.; Monteyne, E.; Fockedey, N.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.; Roose, P.; Vincx, M. (2007). ENDIS-RISKS: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary - a field study, in: Mees, J.; Seys, J. (Ed.) (2007). VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 53.
Van Hoof N., K. De Wasch, L. Okerman, W. Reybroeck, S. Poelmans, H. Noppe, H. De Brabander, Quantification of 8 quinolones in bovine muscle using LC-MS², Euroresidue V, Conference of Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food, 10 tem 12 mei 2004, Noordwijkerhout, Nederland, georganiseerd door FECS
Van Hoof N. , K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander, S. Poelmans, H. Noppe, Analysis of legal and illegal veterinary drugs by LC-MSn, The 117the AOAC international annual meeting and exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Verslycke T., A. Ghekiere, N. Fockedy, P. Roose, K. De Wasch, D. Vethaak, J. Mees, E. Monteyne, H. Noppe, K. Deneudt, E. Vandenberghe, M. Vincx, H. De Brabander and C. Janssen (2003). The ENDIS-RISKS project: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt Estuary - distribution, exposure and effects. SETAC Europe 13th Annual Meeting, April 27th - May 1st, Hamburg, Germany. pdf-version of poster (1650kb)
Verslycke T., A. Ghekiere, N. Fockedy, P. Roose, K. De Wasch, D. Vethaak, J. Mees, E. Monteyne, H. Noppe, K. Deneudt, E. Vandenberghe, M. Vincx, H. De Brabander and C. Janssen (2003). The ENDIS-RISKS project: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt Estuary - distribution, exposure and effects. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, February 28th, Sint-Andries (Brugge), Belgium. pdf-version of poster (1650kb)
Verslycke T, Ghekiere A, Fockedey N, Roose P, De Wasch K, Vethaak D, Mees J, Monteyne E, Noppe H, Deneudt K, Vanderberghe W, Vincx M, De Brabander H, Janssen CR (2003) The ENDIS-RISKS project: Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary; distribution, exposure and effects. SETAC Europe 13th Annual Meeting, April 27th - May 1st 2003, Hamburg, Germany
Verslycke T., Ghekiere A., Fockedey N., McKenney C. & Janssen C. (2004). Mysid crustaceans as potential test organisms for the evaluation of environmental endocrine disruption. E.Hormone 2004 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (27-30 October 2004).
Oral presentations
Fockedey N., Verslycke T., Ghekiere A., Noppe H., Roose P., Monteyne E., De Wasch K., Vethaak D., Mees J., Vincx M., De Brabander H. & Janssen C. (2003). ENDIS-RISKS - Endocrine disruption in the Schelde estuary: distribution, exposure and effect on Neomysis integer. FIMBSS - First Internal Marine Biology Section Symposium, 24 January 2003, UG, Gent, Belgium.
Fockedey N., Mees J. & Vincx M. (2004). Contribution of Eurytemora sp. in the diet of its predator Neomysis integer: state of the art. Eurytemora workshop (WOG). 6-7 September 2004, Station Marine de Wimereux, France.
Fockedey, N. (2004) Welke uitdagingen moet de nieuwe generatie oceanografen overwinnen? Wat verwacht de socio-economische wereld van de resultaten van ons marien onderzoek? Symposium ter gelegenheid van de 20ste vejaardag van de Belgica, 25 October 2004, Brussel, Belgium.
Monteyne, E. (2006). Développement et validation d’une méthode analytique pour la détection des perturbateurs endocriniens (estrogènes) dans l’eau de mer. International seminar on solid-phase extraction and their environmental applications, November 28th, 2006, Paris, Organized by JTBaker in cooperation with LECA.
Noppe, H. (2003). Determination of estrogens, considered as endocrine disruptors in water, with GCMS²' Beltox Young Scientist Forum, September 5, 2003, Louvain-en-Woluwé (B), Organized by Beltox
Noppe, H. (2004). Atrazine in the Scheldt-Estuary: Reason to worry?' 56th International Symposium on Crop Protection, may 4th 2004, Ghent, Organized by Ghent University- Dept. Crop Protection
Noppe, H. (2004). Occurrence and detection of steroid hormones and related synthetic compounds considered as endocrine disrupters in the Western Scheldt', 9th FECS conference on chemistry and the environment, 2nd SFC meeting on environmental chemistry, August 29th-September 1st, 2004, Bordeaux, France, Organized by FECS
Noppe, H. (2005). Analysis of estrogens in water using Bakerbond SpeediskTM C18(XF)', International seminar on solid-phase extraction in clinical and biopharmaceutical samples, March 8th, 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Organized by JTBaker in cooperation with NVK-FAZ
Poelmans S. , K. De wasch, H. Noppe, T. Verslycke, A. Ghekiere, N. Van Hoof, De Brabander, H.F., C. Janssen (2003). Derivatisation in LC-MSn and GC-MSn: Necesarry approaches to meet low detection limits in environmental analysis. SETAC Europe 13th Annual Meeting, April 27th - May 1st, Hamburg, Germany.
Verslycke T. , A. Ghekiere, N. Fockedey, P. Roose, K. De Wasch, D. Vethaak, J. Mees, E. Monteyne, H. Noppe, K. Deneudt, W. Vanden Berghe, M. Vincx, H. De Brabander, C. Janssen (2003). Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary; distribution, exposure and effects (ENDIS-RISKS). Kick-off meeting PODO II: Global change, ecosystems and biodiversity, April 8th, Brussels, Belgium.
Verslycke T. , A. Ghekiere, N. Fockedey, P. Roose, K. De Wasch, D. Vethaak, J. Mees, E. Monteyne, H. Noppe, K. Deneudt, W. Vanden Berghe, M. Vincx, H. De Brabander, C. Janssen (2003). The ENDIS-RISKS project: Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary; distribution, exposure and effects. SETAC U.K./SETAC Europe meeting on endocrine disruptors in the environment - Linking research and policy, March 31st - April 1st, York, U.K.
Verslycke T. , P.L.M. Goethals,G. Vandenbergh, K. Callebaut, C.R. Janssen (2002). Application of rule induction techniques for detecting the possible impact of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem. November 25th - 27th. The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data, Brussels, Belgium.
Verslycke T. , S. Poelmans, K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander, C. Janssen (2002). The steroid metabolism of the European mysid Neomysis integer as a potential biomarker for endocrine disruption. SETAC North America 23th Annual Meeting, November 16th-20th, Salt Lake City, USA.
Verslycke T. , S. Poelmans, K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander, C. Janssen (2002). The steroid metabolism of the European mysid Neomysis integer as a potential biomarker for endocrine disruption: lab and field results. Workshop: Recent progress in endocrine disruption and toxicity testing, September 16th-17th, 2002, Leuven, Belgium.
Verslycke T., Fockedey N., McKenney C.L.Jr., Roast S.D., Jones M.B., Mees J. & Janssen C.R. (2004). Mysid crustaceans as potential test organisms for the evaluation of environmental endocrine disruption: a review. SETAC Europe conference in Prague (April 2004).
Other relevant publications, posters and oral presentations
T. Verslycke: check up to date publication list
T. Verslycke, S. Poelmans, K. De Wasch, J. Vercauteren, C. Devos, L. Moens, P. Sandra., H.F. De Brabander and C. Janssen. The testosterone metabolism of the estuarine invertebrate Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) following TBTCl exposure. Environmental toxicology and Chemistry 22: 2030-2036.
K. De Wasch, S. Poelmans, T. Verslycke, C. Janssen, N. Van Hoof and H.F. De Brabander (2002). An alternative for vertebrate animal experiments in the study of the metabolisation of illegal growth promoters and veterinary drugs. Analytica Chimica Acta 473 (1 – 2): 59-69.
T. Verslycke, K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander and C. Janssen (2002). The testosterone metabolism of the estuarine invertebrate Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea): Identification of testosterone metabolites and endogenous vertebrate-type steroids. General and Comparative Endocrinology 126: 190-199.
C. Janssen, T. Verslycke (2002). Hormonenverstoring in het marien milieu: realiteit of fictie?. [Hormone disrupters in the marine environment: reality or fiction?.] De Grote Rede (4): 10-11.
G. Vandenbergh, T. Verslycke, C. Janssen, W. De Coen, F. Comhaire, W. Dhooge, K. Callebaut (2002). Evaluation of the impact of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem: Final report. Plan for Scientific Support for A Policy of Sustainable Development (DWTC - PODO II). Programme 'Sustainable management of the North Sea'. A pdf-version of this report can be downloaded from the website of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, where there is also an abstract available.
Noppe H. , K. De Wasch, S. Poelmans, N. Van Hoof, E. De Wulf and H.F. De Brabander (2003). Pesticides to 'Protect' our Food Production, can Harm our Environment. Proceedings Euro Food Chem XII: Strategies for safe food. Analytical, industrial and legal aspects: challenges in organisation and communication. II, 508-511
Noppe H. , K. Arijs, K. De Wasch, S. Van Cruchten, S. Poelmans, D. Courteyn, E. Cobbaert, W. Gillis, P. Vanthemsche, H. De Brabander, C. Janssen and N. Van Hoof (2004) Multi-disciplinary Approach for the detection and Identification of Illegal Estrogens. Veterinary Research Communications (accepted).
Noppe H. (2005). Voeding en Leefmilieu: Lijden we aan hormonofobia. De Eetbrief (submitted)
Noppe H, Poelmans S., Verheyden K., De Brabander H.F., Van Hoof N. (2005). Actuele uitdagingen in de residu-analyse. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 74: 340-346
Noppe H., Arijs K., De Wasch K., Van Cruchten S., Poelmans S., Courtheyn D., Cobbaert E., Gillis W., Vanthemsche P., De Brabander H., Janssen C., Van Hoof N. (2005). Biological and chemical approaches for the detection and identification of illegal estrogens in water based solutions. Veterinary Research Communication (in press)
Noppe H., De Wasch K., Poelmans S., Van Hoof N., Verslycke T., Janssen C.R. & De Brabander H.F. (2005). Development and Validation of an analytical method for the detection of estrogens in water. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 382(1): 91-98
Noppe H., De Wasch K., Poelmans S., Van Hoof N., De Wulf E., De Brabander H.F. (2003). Pesticides to 'Protect' our Food Production, can Harm our Environment. Proceedings Euro Food Chem XII: Strategies for safe food. Analytical, industrial and legal aspects: challenges in organisation and communication. II, 508-511
S. Poelmans, K. De Wasch, D. Courteyn, N. Van Hoof, H. Noppe; C. Janssen, H.F. De Brabander (2004), The study of some new anabolic drugs by metabolism experiments with Neomysis integer, Analytical Chimica Acta, in press
Bram J. Versonnen, Patrick Roose, Els M. Monteyne and Colin R. Janssen (2004). Estrogenic and Toxic Effects of Methoxychlor on Zebrafish (Danio Rerio).. ET&C, vol.23, No9, pp.2194-22001.
C. Janssen, T. Verslycke. Hormoonverstoring: realiteit of fictie? pdf-version of poster (292kb)
N. Fockedey, J. Mees and M. Vincx. Feeding and growth of the mysid Neomysis integer on aggregates in the MZT of the Scheldt estuary. pdf-version of poster (540kb)
T. Verslycke, S. Poelmans, K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander and C. Janssen (2002). The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer : the quest continues … Recent progress in endocrine disruption and toxicity testing. September 16th-17th 2002, KUL, Leuven, Belgium.
T. Verslycke, S. Poelmans, K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander and C. Janssen (2002). The testosterone metabolism of Neomysis integer : the quest continues … SETAC Europe 12th Annual Meeting, May 12th– 16th 2002, Vienna, Austria.
T. Verslycke, K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander and C. Janssen (2001). The testosterone metabolism of the estuarine invertebrate Neomysis integer : How different are we from shrimp?
De Wasch K., Van Hoof N., Poelmans S., Noppe H., Vandewiele M., Courteyn D., De Brabander H.F. Analysis for the the ultimate androgens 1-AD en 1-T. Euroresidue V, Conference of Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food, 10 tem 12 2004, Noordwijkerhout, Nederland, Georganiseerd door FECS
Poelmans S., De Wasch K., Verslycke T., Noppe H., Van Hoof N., Martelé Y., Janssen C.R., De Brabander H.F. Testosterone metabolism in the invertebrate Neomysis integer: a possible biomarker for endocrine disruption. Conference on Ecological Relevance of Chemically
Arijs, K., Versonnen B., Maes H., Noppe H., De Brabander H.F., Janssen C.R. Comparison of new and existing methods for measuring estrogenic activity in fish. 4th Setac world Congress, 14 tot 18 november 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA, Georganiseerd door SETAC world
Noppe H, De Wasch, Van Hoof N, Poelmans S, De Brabander HF (2003) Pesticides to 'protect' our food production, can harm our environment.Presented on:
- EURO FOOD CHEM 12th Annual Meeting, September 24th-27th 2003, Brugge, Belgium.
- Studiedag VITO: Hormoonverstoring: een zorg voor milieu en gezondheid in vlaanderen?, november 21th 2003, Mol, Belgium.
- EXPOVET, december 12th 2003, Flanders Expo, Ghent, Belgium.
Noppe H., Arijs K., De Wasch K., Van Cruchten S., Poelmans S., Courtheyn D., Cobbaert E., Gillis W., Vanthemsche P., De Brabander H.F., Janssen C.R. and Van Hoof N. (2005). Detection and identification of illegal estrogens in water based solutions used in animal husbandry. Voedselchemie in Vlaanderen V: Trends in levensmiddelenchemie, May 26th 2005, Ghent, Belgium
Oral presentations
C. Janssen, T. Verslycke (2002) 'Evaluation of possible impacts of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem'
at the symposium: 'Sustainable management of the North Sea 1997-2001': 21-22/01/2002, Belgium.
T. Verslycke, K. De Wasch, H.F. De Brabander and C. Janssen (2001). The testosterone metabolism of the estuarine invertebrate Neomysis integer : How different are we from shrimp? SETAC Europe 11th Annual Meeting, May 6th-10th 2001, Madrid, Spain.
Noppe H. (2003) 'Determination of estrogens, considered as endocrine disruptors in water, with GCMS²' Beltox Young Scientist Forum September 5th, 2003, Louvain-en-Woluwé, Belgium
Noppe H. 'Development of a GC-MSn method for the detection of pesticide residues in environmental samples' Usesclub Polaris Q May 25th, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium
Noppe H. (2005) 'Analysis of estrogens in water using Bakerbond C18XF Speedisk' JTBaker Usersmeeting March 8th, 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Noppe H. (2005) 'Estrogens in the environment: Reason to worry?' Séminaires de Gynécologie-Obstrétique 2004-2005. Forum du CHU Saint-Pierre September 26th, 2005, Brussels, Belgium
Project Meetings
24-05-2002: A first logistical meeting was set up on 24 May 2002.
22-10-2002: A second logistical meeting was set up on 22 October 2002 and took place at the meeting room of the co-ordinator in the Jozef Plateaustraat 22 in Ghent.
11-12-2002: The official ENDIS-RISKS Kick-off meeting took place in 't Pand in Ghent on 11 December 2002 at 2 pm.
17-02-2003: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
10-03-2003: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
08-04-2003: Kick-off meeting PODO II: Global change, ecosystems and biodiversity, April 8th, Brussels, Belgium.
07-05-2003: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
24-06-2003: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
27-08-2003: A first preparatory meeting for the second official enduser meeting took place in the Jozef Plateaustraat 22 in Ghent on 27th august 2003 at 2 pm.
16-09-2003: A second preparatory meeting for the second official enduser meeting took place in the Jozef Plateaustraat 22 in Ghent on 16th september 2003 at 1 pm.
19-09-2003: The second official enduser meeting took place in the Jozef Plateaustraat 22 in Ghent on 19th september 2003 at 2 pm.
14-11-2003: A preparatory meeting for the sampling campaign of 24 nov 2003 - 28 nov 2003 took place on 14th november 2003.
22-01-04: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
29-03-04: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
18-06-2004: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
09-08-2004: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
09-11-2004: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
21-01-2005: The third official enduser meeting took place in the Jozef Plateaustraat 22 in Ghent on 21 january 2005 at 2 pm.
19-08-2005: Interim meeting amongst project partners.
Samples will be taken three times a year for the duration of the project. Each year wil have a winter sampling campaign in november or december, a spring sampling campaign in april and a summer sampling campaign in july or august.
Sampling activities with the R.V. Belgica were carried out on:
02 Dec 2002 - 06 dec 2002 (pdf of cruise report) (317kb)
17 Mar 2003 - 21 Mar 2003 (pdf of cruise report) (324kb)
30 Jun 2003 - 04 Jul 2003 (pdf of cruise report) (372kb)
24 Nov 2003 - 28 Nov 2003 (sampling campaign has been cancelled due to technical problems pdf of cruise report) (30.9kb)
05 Jan 2004 - 05 Jan 2004 (pdf of cruise report) (138kb)
03 Feb 2004 - 06 Feb 2004 (catching up sampling campaign pdf of cruise report) (408kb)
13 May 2004 - 14 May 2004 & 17 May 2004 - 19 May 2004 (pdf of cruise report)
06 Sep 2004 - 10 Sep 2004 (pdf of cruise report)
29 Nov 2004 - 02 Dec 2004 (pdf of cruise report)
11 Apr 2005 – 15 Apr 2005 (pdf of cruise report)Further sampling activities with the R.V. Belgica are planned for:
11 Jul 2005 - 15 Jul 2005 (pdf of cruise report)
07 Nov 2005 – 10 Nov 2005 (2005/27)
Laboratory analyses
At the moment protocols and methods for analysing water, sediment, biota and suspended matter samples are being developed. General information on the lab work is stored in the metadatabase.
General coordination: Colin Janssen, An Ghekiere Web site and databases hosted by VLIZ |