
ENCORA provides several services to the European Coastal Community through this Portal:

Contact database


a database with information on persons, institutes, and projects related to ICZM in Europe.




the Coastal Wiki - short for "Coastal and Marine Wikipedia" - is an Internet encyclopaedia for coastal professionals providing up-to-date high quality information, which is continuously improved, complemented and updated by expert users registered as ENCORA Participants.




the Young Professionals Exchange Programme (YPEP) provides financial support (travel grants) to young professionals for participation in expert events tailored to their needs.




Electronic newsletter informing about the activities and achievements of the ENCORA network. Every issue contains a section with national ENCORA news items in the national languages.


FP7 partner search 


Inventory or interest expressed by members to participate in a consortium preparing a proposal for a particular topic of the EU RTD Framework Programme.