The project is designed to improve and reinforce conservation of natural heritage in protected transitional ecosystems and to enlarge their sustainable fruition. The strategic objective are:
- to ameliorate conservation of natural heritage health in protected transitional waters of the CADSES area, by deepening knowledge, producing technological innovation, reinforcing regulation and overcoming fragmentation of expertise and competencies;
- to reinforce territorial integration on environmental policy in the CADSES area;
- to translate effort on conservation into sustainable development strategies, creation of new jobs opportunities and improvement of quality of life.
The project is organized into the following areas: environmental, socio-economic, and networking-communication.
Environmental project area will promote studies and pilot actions on transitional protected areas, focusing on Ramsar and Nature 2000 sites, to address the following specific objectives:
- to measure anthropogenic pressures;
- to define state variables relevant to monitor natural heritage safety;
- to develop methodological and technological innovation in the field of ecological descriptors of environmental safety;
- to extent and/or reinforce the Nature 2000 approach to NMS.
Socio-economic area will promote studies and pilot actions to address the following specific objectives:
- to realize feasibility studies of sustainable economic development;
- to promote pilot action of spin-off in tourist enterprises, through natural heritage valorisation;
- to reinforce regulation and contribute to European environmental normative integration of CADSES countries.
Networking-communication area is based on the creation of an e-Centre, which:
- will constitute a functional networking among protected transitional Ramsar and Nature 2000 areas, by bridging knowledge, expertises and competencies of project partners, administrations NGOs and enterprises;
- will guarantee the information flow, organising and publishing information and knowledge produced by the project and performing result dissemination to different end-users, from Institutions to local people;
- will organise training and formation;
- will produce services through spin-off of ‘niche’ enterprises, encouraging management by young people and woman;
- will ensure project follow-up, being itself a service, as a consultant agency on transitional protected area management and sustainable development.