- Context
Marine mammals of the North Eastern Atlantic are all listed among vulnerable, declined, or threatened species by international directives. Among these species, the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) are specially concerned due to their coastal distribution, in direct contact with shipping, fishing, and noise pollution and to its overall presence in reasonable number along the European coasts. Whereas some aspects such as the xenobiotic pollution are already largely studied, human impact is however hard to establish, mainly due to a blatant lack of information on marine mammals population ecology, density, distribution and diversity.
- Project Description
- Objectives
This project aims to assess the viability of the harbour porpoise and harbour seal populations in the North Sea (focusing mainly on its southern Bay) through
1. the characterisation of their genetic structure and diversity
2. a better understanding of their feeding ecology
3. the assessment of their susceptibility of being trapped accidentally in fishing nets
- Methodology
Following approaches will be considered to reach the objectives:
1. The genetic structure of these populations will be investigated using four complementary genetic markers: the D-loop region of the mtDNA, the microsatellite markers of the Y and of the autosomous chromosomes, and the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC).
2. The determination of stable carbon and nitrogen signatures (d3C and d15N) in the muscles and blood of harbour porpoises and harbour seals will provide some further insights on their respective diets.
3. The susceptibility to incidental capture will be investigated by both post-mortem investigations and systematic inventory of carcasses in fishing nets.