- CLASH: Crest Level Assessment of coastal Structures by full scale monitoring, neural network prediction and Hazoa analysis on permissible wave overtopping, more
- COAST3D: Coastal Study of Three-Dimensional Sand Transport Processes and Morphodynamics, more
- CoPraNet: Coastal Practice Network, more
- ENCORA: European platform for coastal research: coordination action, more
- Feasibility study of two dimensional nutrient and sediment transport modelling for the Scheldt bassin and the controled inundation area Kruibeke-Bazel-Rupelmonde, more
- FLOODsite: Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies, more
- Maritieme toegang tot de haven van Antwerpen - Studie densiteitstromingen in kader van LTV (O&M), more
- OPTICREST: The Optimisation of Crest Level Design of Sloping Coastal Structures through Prototype Monitoring and Modelling, more
- PROMISE: Pre-operational Modelling in the seas of Europe, more
- SPICOSA: Science and policy integration for coastal System Assessment, more
- Strategical MER development draft Scheldt estuary 2010, more
- Studie densiteitsstromingen in kader van de Lange Termijnvisie voor het Schelde-estuarium, more