
BELGIUM Ghent University Geology & Soil Science, Krijgslaan 281 S8, B-9000 Gent
BELGIUM Université de Liège Department de Geologie, Campus du Sart-Tilman, B18 Allée du 6 Août, B-4000 Liege
DENMARK Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Oestervoldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K
DENMARK Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate Brekkutun 1, Postbox 3059, FO 110 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
FRANCE IFREMER Géoscience marines, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané cédex
FRANCE Université de Perpignan UMR 5110, 52 Avenue Paul Alduy, Perpignan 66860
GERMANY AWI Bremerhaven Fachbereich Geosystem, Postfach 12 01 61, 27515 Bremerhaven
GERMANY IFM-GEOMAR Wischhofstr. 1-3, 24148 Kiel
GERMANY MARUM - University of Bremen Klagenfurter str., 28359 Bremen
GERMANY University of Hamburg Center for Marine and Climate Research, Bundesstrasse 55, 20146 Hamburg
GERMANY Universität Greifswald Institut für Geographie und Geologie, Jahn-Strasse 17a, D-17487 Greifswald
IRELAND University College Cork School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, North Mall Campus, Cork
IRELAND National University of Ireland, Galway Dept. Earth and Ocean Sciences, NUI, Galway
ITALY OGS GEMAR, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C, 34010, Sgonico
ITALY Universita La Sapienza Dipartimento di fisica, Piazzale aldo moro, Roma
ITALY IGAG-CNR P. Le A Moro 5, 00185, Rome
ITALY ISMAR-CNR Sezione di Geologia Marina di Bologna, Via Gobetti, 10140129
ITALY Universita degli Studi di Trieste Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Via E. Weiss 2, 34128 Trieste
NORWAY University of Bergen Dept. Earth Science, Allegt. 41, N-5007 Bergen-Universitetet
NORWAY University of Tromsoe Dept. Of Geology, N-9037 Tromsoe
POLAND Jagiellonian University Institute of Geological Sciences, Oleandry 2a, 30-063 Krakow
PORTUGAL Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia Unidade de Geologica Marinha, Estrada da Portela, Zambujal, 2610-143 Amadora
UNITED KINGDOM Heriot-Watt University ECOSSE, Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Edingburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland
UNITED KINGDOM University of Hull Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom
UNITED KINGDOM Southampton Oceanography Centre Geology & Geophysics, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH
RUSSIA P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, 36 Nakhimovsky prospect, 117997 Moscow
SPAIN Universidad de Vigo Facultad de Ciencias del mar, 36310 Vigo (Pontevedra)
SPAIN Instituto Geológico y Minero de España La Calera, 1, 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid)
SPAIN IDAEA-CSIC Department of Environmental Chemistry, Jordi Girona 18, 08034 Barcelona
SPAIN Universidad de Granada Dpt. Estratigrafia y Paleontologia, Avd. Fuente Nueva s/n, 18002, Granada
SPAIN Universidad de Vigo Facultad de Ciencias del mar, 36310 Vigo (Pontevedra)
SPAIN Instituto Español de Oceanografia Centro Oceanografico de Malaga, Puerto Pesquerao s/n, Apartado 285, 29640 Fuengirola
SPAIN Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM-CSIC) Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta, 37-49, 08003 Barcelona
SWEDEN University of Gothenburg Department of Earth Sciences, PB 460, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
ARGENTINA Argentina Hydrographic Survey Av. Montes de Oca 2124, Buenos Aires (C1271ABV)
ARGENTINA University of Buenos Aires Geology department, CONICET-INGEODAV
BRAZIL PETROBRAS Research and Development Center, Av. República do Chile, 65 RJ Post Box 15515 Rio De Janeiro 20031-912, Brazil
BRAZIL São Paulo University Dept. of Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography, Praça do Oceanográfico 191, Cidade Universitária, CEP 05508-900 São Paulo, SP, Brazil
CANADA Geological Survey of Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 4A2
USA Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000
USA University of Washington School of Oceanography, Seattle, WA 98195-7940
USA University of Pennsylvania Dept. Earth and Environmental Science, 240 S. 33rd Street - Hayden Hall, Philadelphia, PA19194-6316
USA University of Texas, Institute of Geophysics School of Geosciences, J.J. Pickle Research Campus, Bldg. 196, 10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758-4445
USA California State University Northridge Dept. Geological Sciences, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge CA 91330-8266
MEXICO Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, Carr. A Cerro Prieto, km 8. Hda de Guadalupe, 67700 Linares, Nuevo Leon
MOROCCO Mohamed V University Rabat-Agdal Dept. Earth Sciences, Rabat
MOROCCO Institut Scientifique of Rabat Dept. de Géologie, BP 703 Rabat-Agdal, 10106 Rabat
SOUTH AFRICA University of Cape Town Oceanography department
CHINA Yangtze University School of Geosciences, n° 1 Nanhuan Road, Jingzhou District, Hubei, PA 434023
CHINA Research Institute Petroleum Exploration and Development CNPC, n°20 Xuefu Road, Beijing, PA 100083
CHINA Shijiazhuang University of Economics School of Resource, n°136 Huaian E. Road, Shijiazhuang, PA 050031
CHINA Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Institute of Geology, n°26 Baiwanzhuang Road, Xicheng Disctrict of Beijing City, PA 100037
CHINA China University of Geosciences School of Energy, Xue Yuan Road 100082, Beijing
JAPAN Chiba University 1-33, Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 263-8522 JAPAN