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The expedition will start on December 1st, with all participants flying to Errachidia (Morocco) and making a bus transfer to the hotel in Erfoud.

The second day, the Hamar Lakhdad ridge with the Kess-Kess mounds will be visited. After sleeping in a local hotel, the third day will also be devoted to work on the Kess-Kess mounds. At night, students and scientists will be able to present and discuss the results of the field work.

The fourth day, additional field work on the Kess-Kess mounds will be done and a bus transfer to Ouarzazate is programmed.

On December 5th, the fieldtrip ends in Ouarzazate.

More details will be posted as soon as possible. A day-by-day report of the expedition can be found in the Log Book.

A field guide to the KESS KESS carbonate mounds, Hamar Laghdad, Anti-Atlas, SE Morocco (December 2006) by Barbara CAVALAZZI - download (PDF).

A field guide book to Upper Ordovician carbonate formations of Eastern Tafilalt: facies, depositional models and control by Naima Hamoumi - download (PDF)



Roberto + students

station 3 Kess-Kess mounds, Hamar Laghdad, Morocco

station 1 Kess-Kess mounds, Hamar Laghdad, Morocco