A Biological Valuation Map for the Belgian Continental Shelf
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15 years of beach flora monitoring along the Belgian coast
Provoost, S.; van Gompel, W.; Vercruysse, E. (2022). 15 years of beach flora monitoring along the Belgian coast, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 53
In: Strypsteen, G. et al. (2022). Book of abstracts: Building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89. KU Leuven/Flanders Marine Institute: Leuven. iv, 81 pp.
In: VLIZ Special Publication. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISSN 1377-0950

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  • Provoost, S.
  • van Gompel, W.
  • Vercruysse, E.

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