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International Union of Forest Research Organizations and Forestry Librarians
Goossens, B.; Avery, B. (2007). International Union of Forest Research Organizations and Forestry Librarians, in: Anderson, K.L. Every continent, every ocean: proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information centres (IAMSLIC), 8-12 October 2006, Portland, Oregon. IAMSLIC Conference Series, : pp. 137-146
In: Anderson, K.L. (2007). Every continent, every ocean: Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information centres (IAMSLIC), 8-12 October 2006, Portland, Oregon. IAMSLIC Conference Series, 32. IAMSLIC: Florida. 158 pp.
In: IAMSLIC Conference Series. IAMSLIC: Austin. ISSN 8755-6332
Related to:
Goossens, B.; Avery, B. (2007). International Union of Forest Research Organizations and Forestry Librarians, in: Konjevic, S. et al. (2009). From treasures of the seas - To treasures of the Libraries: Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Meeting of the European Association of Aquatic Science Libraries and Information Centres (EURASLIC): Krimskoe Primor'e, Crimea, Ukraine, May, 2-4, 2007 [CD-ROM]. pp. 1-9, more
Peer reviewed article  

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Document type: Conference paper

    Information > Information processing > Classification
    Organizations > International organizations > Iufro
    Services > Information services
    Vegetation types > Forests
Author keywords
    IUFRO; forests and forestry; international librarianship; Oxford Forestry Information Service; Global Forest Decimal Classification

Authors  Top 
  • Goossens, B.
  • Avery, B.

    The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is a global network whose aim is to foster cooperation among researchers in all areas of forestry and related sciences. Provided here is an overview of the IUFRO organizational structure and goals in general, and those that relate to information management in particular. Highlighted are the history and the recent accomplishments of Divisions 06.03 whose charge is centered on information services and knowledge organization within the forestry research community. Current issues facing forestry librarians are noted as is the need to take a fresh look at their role within IUFRO.

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