Pliocene-Quaternary deformational structures in the eastern Algarve continental shelf, Gulf of Cadiz
Luján, M.; Lobo, F.J.; Mestdagh, T.; Vázquez, J.T.; Fernández-Puga, M.C.; Van Rooij, D. (2020). Pliocene-Quaternary deformational structures in the eastern Algarve continental shelf, Gulf of Cadiz. Geogaceta 67: 3-6
In: Geogaceta. Sociedad Geológica de Espańa: Barcelona. ISSN 0213-683X
The eastern Algarve continental shelf in the northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz has been investigated by analysing a set of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles. We examine the major structural elements affecting the upper sedimentary units. A seismo-stratigraphic interpretation and regional correlation allowed the identification of a major discontinuity that separates two main intervals, pre-Middle Pleistocene (MP) and post-MP. In addition, a number of deformation features such as ENE-WSW to NE-SW thrusts, kilometric-scale N-S to NW-SE folds and NNE-SSW to NNW-SSE sub-vertical normal faults were identified affecting the Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentary record, indicating neotectonic activity. The structures pre-dating MP are in agreement with a dominant transpressive regime along the continental shelf, under the Late Cenozoic NW-SE oblique convergence and related to the reactivation of Mesozoic diapiric structures. The structures post-dating MP induce a lower deformation of the sedimentary cover but were still active during the last glacial maximum, in agreement with the low uplift recognized in the Portuguese mainland.
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