Coastal protection > Coastal protection against erosion > Morphodynamics soft coastal defences Literature and desktop study Numerical modelling Marine/Coastal
Author keywords
Littoral drift; Active zone; Coastal resilience; Climate change
This paper explains how a local seaward perturbation, headland Sint-André, in the straight sandy coastline of Belgium can persist for centuries. The diffusive longshore transport gradients on the beach are counterbalanced by a sediment supply from off-shore via a shoreface-connected ridge. A UNIBEST-CL+ 1D coastline model is set up to describe the genesis of this coastline feature. From the size and shape of the perturbation and taking into account the diffusivity caused by the longshore transport gradients, the average sand supply from off-shore is estimated to be 55,000 m3/year and it is hindcasted that the connection of the ridge to the coastline occurred between 300 and 400 years ago.
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