Western marsh harriers Circus aeruginosus from nearby breeding areas migrate along comparable loops, but on contrasting schedules in the West African–Eurasian flyway
Vansteelant, W.M.G.; Klaassen, R.; Strandberg, R.; Janssens, K.; T´Jollyn, F.; Bouten, W.; Koks, B.J.; Anselin, A. (2020). Western marsh harriers Circus aeruginosus from nearby breeding areas migrate along comparable loops, but on contrasting schedules in the West African–Eurasian flyway. J. Ornithol. 161: 953-965. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10336-020-01785-6
In: Journal of Ornithology. Springer: Berlin. ISSN 2193-7192; e-ISSN 1439-0361
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