BIGSOUTH: BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth system Dehairs, F.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; André, L.; Goosse, H.; Fripiat, F.; Moreau, S.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Schoemann, V.; Sapart, C.; Heinesch, B.; Zhou, J.; Carnat, G.; Roukaert, A.; Champenois, W.; de Jong, J. (2014). BIGSOUTH: BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth system. Sci. connect. (Ned. ed.) 44 : 8-12
In: Science Connection. Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid = Belgian Science Policy = Politique Scientifique Fédérale: Brussel. ISSN 1780-8448
Authors Top
Dehairs, F., more
Tison, J.-L.
Delille, B., more
André, L.
Goosse, H., more
Fripiat, F.
Moreau, S.
Cavagna, A.-J., more
Vancoppenolle, M.
Schoemann, V., more
Sapart, C.
Heinesch, B.
Zhou, J.
Carnat, G.
Roukaert, A.
Champenois, W.
de Jong, J., more