Re-assessment of the new geological map of Belgium: earliest Oligocene dinoflagellate cyst-based ages in the Leuven area (sheet 24 Aarschot)
Van Simaeys, S.; De Man, E.; Vandenberghe, N. (2006). Re-assessment of the new geological map of Belgium: earliest Oligocene dinoflagellate cyst-based ages in the Leuven area (sheet 24 Aarschot). Geol. Belg. 10(1-2): 39-46
The dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages of two samples from a temporary outcrop in the vicinity of Haacht (Leuven) have been analysed. The co-occurrence of Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum, Cerebrocysta bartonensis, Glaphyrocysta semitecta, Rombodinium perforatum and Thalassiphora reticulata allows correlation with the North Sea Oligocene-1 zone. As a consequence, the considered unit has a latest Eocene to earliest Oligocene age, equivalent to the age of the marine Tongrian. Comparison of the studied area with the recent 1:50 000 geological map (sheet 24 Aarschot) shows that the current lithostratigraphic interpretation of the analysed section, i.e. the Middle Eocene Maldegem Formation, can no longer be uphold.
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