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Development of a flood risk model and applications in the management of hydrographical catchments
Vanneuville, W.; De Rouck, K.; Maeghe, K.; De Maeyer, P.; Mostaert, F. (2005). Development of a flood risk model and applications in the management of hydrographical catchments, in: Buchroithner, Manfred F. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Cartographic Cutting-Edge Technology for Natural Hazard Management held in Dresden, Germany, October 20 - 22, 2004. Kartographische Bausteine: KB, 30: pp. 169-180
In: Buchroithner, Manfred F. (Ed.) (2005). Proceedings of the Cartographic Cutting-Edge Technology for Natural Hazard Management held in Dresden, Germany, October 20 - 22, 2004. Kartographische Bausteine: KB, 30. Institute for Cartography: Dresden. ISBN 3-86005-475-9. 200 pp.
In: Kartographische Bausteine: KB. Institut für Kartographie: Dresden. ISSN 0323-6811

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Document type: Conference paper

    Flood damage
    Information systems > GIS
    Land use
    Belgium, Flanders [Marine Regions]

Authors  Top 
  • Vanneuville, W., more
  • De Rouck, K.
  • Maeghe, K., more
  • De Maeyer, P., more
  • Mostaert, F., more

    Flooding is a natural phenomenon and is highly unpredictable, therefore inundations are always possible. In Flanders, the organization responsible for the management of flooding of navigable waterways is the Waterways and Marine Affairs Administration (AWZ). They believe that a good approach in dealing with flooding takes into account the actual effects of the inundation by analyzing risk. Damage calculation is used as an essential element in risk calculations, where risk is defined as a mathematical combination of the potential damage and the frequency of flooding. The calculated risk maps are used as a basic input in (social) cost-benefit analysis because they allow an objective comparison of different alternatives in different hydrographical catchments. This paper describes the state of the art AWZ Flood Risk model and some applications where risk calculation is used to assess changes in time and as a tool for planning infrastructure in the future.

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