Le coût énergétique des échanges d'ions: l'exemple des crustacés euryhalins = The energetic cost of ionic exchange: The example of euryhaline crustaceans
Péqueux, A.; Sébert, P. (2004). Le coût énergétique des échanges d'ions: l'exemple des crustacés euryhalins = The energetic cost of ionic exchange: The example of euryhaline crustaceans. Océanis (Paris) 30(3): 311-329
Hitherto, the question of the energetic cost of osmo-ionoregulation in euryhaline crustaceans has received only cursory attention. Many studies are scanty, even contradictory. Most of the experiments carried out on this topic are based on measurements of oxygen consumption and estimates of aerobic metabolic activity. The ATP content of crustacean tissues has also sometimes been measured. Some attempts were made to correlate osmoregulation patterns, ions transport activity and oxygen consumption of some decapod crustacea. The basic aim of this work is to re-examine the question with some new data.
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