Wave run-up on the Zeebrugge rubble mound breakwater: full-scale measurement results
De Rouck, J.; Van de Walle, B.; Troch, P.; van der Meer, J.W.; Van Damme, L.; Medina, J.R.; Willems, M.; Frigaard, P. (2007). Wave run-up on the Zeebrugge rubble mound breakwater: full-scale measurement results. J. Coast. Res. 23(3): 577-583. dx.doi.org/10.2112/04-0157.1
In: Journal of Coastal Research. Coastal Education and Research Foundation: Fort Lauderdale. ISSN 0749-0208; e-ISSN 1551-5036
Full-scale wave run-up measurements have been carried out on the Zeebrugge rubble mound breakwater in the frame of the EU-funded OPTICREST project. Wave run-up has been measured by a run-up gauge and by a so-called spi-derweb system. The dimensionless wave run-up value Ru2%/Hm0 measured in Zeebrugge equals 1.77 for Iribarren number om = 3.63. An (apparent) influence of the water level on wave run-up has been observed. The porosity of the armor layer has a significant influence on wave run-up and may explain the dependency of wave run-up on the water level observed in Zeebrugge. Full-scale measurement results have been compared to literature data. The full-scale wave run-up data are in good agreement with the existing results of wave run-up tests with rip-rap slopes but are clearly higher than other wave run-up data resulting from tests with rubble mound breakwaters.
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