Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Toegepaste ecologie en milieubiologie; Laboratorium voor Milieutoxicologie en aquatische ecologie; Onderzoeksgroep voor Milieutoxicologie (ECOTOX)
Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie; Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT), sponsor
There is growing concern on the possible detrimental effects of exposure to xenobiotic compounds that are capable of modulating or disrupting the endocrine system. This concern for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) is directed at both wildlife and humans. This research project uses an ecotoxicological approach and aims at examining the fundamental aspects of endocrine disruption in the estuarine invertebrate Neomysis integer exposed to abiotic and toxic stress by means of selected biomarkers. Both laboratory studies and field studies in de Westerschelde estuary will be used.
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