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Prof. Dr Henriet, Jean-Pierre

Previous institute  Top | Publications | Projects 
    Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Geologie; Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG), more
    Function: Geologist/Geophysicist, Emeritus professor

Projects (43)  Top | Publications | Projects 
  • "Paardenmarkt" site evaluation
  • Antarctic expedition GEBRA2
  • Antarctic shelf-slope dynamics: an innovative geophysical approach
  • Belgian Polar Research Cluster
  • Co-financement of the CORSAIRES project
  • Coring Stable and Instable Realms in European Seas
  • Curriculumontwikkeling voor docenten in mariene Geo-ecologische Surveying in gebieden van ontginning van natuurlijke rijkdommen
  • Deep sea geophysics. Objective: Natural methane hydrates
  • E.S.F.-Euro Diversity - MiCROSYSTEMS - Microbial Diversity and Functionality in Cold Water. Coral Reef Ecosystems.
  • Een studie van de structuur van de Belgische korst door lokale seismische tomografie
  • ESF-EUROCORES-EUROMARGINS : Forcing of carbonate mounds and deep water coral reefs along the NW European continental margin
  • European North Atlantic Margin: Quantification and Modelling of Large-scale Sedimentary Processes and Fluxes
  • Europese mariene zand en grindvoorraden: Evaluatie en milieu-impact van extractie
  • Forcing of Carbonate Mounds and Deep Water Coral Reefs along the NW European Continental Margin
  • GeNesis Gent-NEBROC II geassocieerd project over de genese van mounds.
  • Genesis of deep-sea carbonate reefs in the Porcupine Basin (Ireland) and relation to methane migration: implications for fossil counterparts, more
  • Geophysical site survey of the 'Vlakte van de Raan', Belgian sector of the North Sea
  • High resolution geophysical study on the 'Paardenmarkt'
  • High-resolution seismic study of active mud volcanism in the Gulf of Cadiz, Portugal
  • Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat
  • Laat-cenozoïsche evolutie van het zuidelijke Porcupine bekken, ten zuidwesten van Ierland, seismostratigrafie en sedimentaire dynamiek van een passieve periglaciale rand
  • Late-Cenozoïc evolution of the Southern Porcupine Basin, SW off Ireland: Seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary dynamics of a passive periglacial margin, more
  • Marine geology - Sediment dynamics and morphodynamics; Seismic stratigraphy; Tithostratigraphy
  • Marine geology: Fase 2 - Partim Seismostratigraphy
  • Marine Research Drilling - The ESF Magellan Workshop Series.
  • Microbial Diversity and Functionality in Cold-Water Coral Reef Ecosystems
  • Migratie en expulsie van fluïda ter hoogte van de accretiewig ten westen van Marokko: een seismisch-structurele en petrologische benadering
  • Modelling of Ecological Risks Related to Sea-dumped Chemical Weapons
  • Monitoring colonisation processes in chemosynthetic ecosystems
  • Mound-4D: een ROV-ondersteunde studie naar de 4D architectuur van carbonate mounds
  • OA-CL-016 BE-POLES: Belgische Polaire onderzoekscluster
  • Ontwikkeling en toepassing van een nieuwe generatie thermische sonde voor het onderzoek in hydraathoudende "seeps"
  • Optimal Offshore Wind Energy Developments in Belgium, more
  • Participation to Antarctic expedition (January-March 1999)
  • Participation to Antarctic expedition (January-March 2000)
  • Porcupine-Belgica
  • Slope instability and mass wasting events along glacial continental margins
  • Spatial geophysical analysis of the 'Magellan' carbonate build-ups and the interaction with drift processes: key towards a genetic interpretation, more
  • The cyclic structure of cold-water coral mounds in the deapsee: exterior versus interior regulation and variability
  • The Mound factory - Internal controls
  • Theoretical and experimental study of the destabilization of methane hydrates at the seabed
  • Very High Resolution Marine 3D Seismic Method for Detailed Site Investigation, more
  • Vlaamse deelname aan het Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) met het European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD).

Publications (360)  Top | Publications | Projects 
A1 Publications (59) [show]
Peer reviewed publications (53) [show]
Books (8) [show]
Book chapters (69) [show]
Abstracts (41) [show]
Reports (20) [show]
Other publications (57) [show]
Thesis (co-)promotor (53) [show]

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