Accumulation of metals in bivalves: shells as bio-indicators in estuarian and marine environments, more
An assessment of the ecological importance of mangroves in the Kakinada area, Andhra Pradesh, India
An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean
Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological pump to climate change, more
Assessment of mangrove degradation and resilience in the Indian Sub-continent: the cases of Godavari Estuary and South West Sri Lank
Azores mid-oceanic ridge ecosystem studies: an integrated research programme on deep-sea hydrothermal transfers and fluxes
Belgian Polar Research Cluster
Bepaling van delta 13C en delta 15N op biologische materialen, als bijdrage tot de studie van de mariene voedselketen en de oceanische koolstof- en stikstofkringloop
Biogeochemical cycles of C, N and water balances
Biogeochemical interactions between the Danube River and the North-Western Black Sea
Biogeochemische cycli in open oceanen, kustzeeën en estuaria
Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems, more
Critical evaluation of marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change
Darwin's laatste idee in getallen uitgedrukt: onderzoek naar de invloed van bioturbatie op de biogeochemie van de zeebodem en de impact op de globale koolstofkringloop
De rol van de biologische koolstofpomp als mechanisme voor koolstofexport naar diepzee en sedimenten in de Zuidelijke Oceaan, more
Development, calibration and application of independent salinity proxies
Dynamics and assessment of Kenyan mangrove ecosystem
Ecosystem Responses to global change: a multiscale approach in the Southern Ocean
Een 'multi-proxy' benadering voor de studie van biogeochemische cycli van koolstof en stikstof in tropische en gematigde estuaria
Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment, more
European Network for marine integrated system analysis
European River Ocean System: the interactions between the river Danube and the north western Black Sea - Pilot phase
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Gather and promote Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere related belgian efforts, more
Integrated approach to the assess Carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean
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Interaction between water column and intertidal zones of Scheldt River: Biogeochemical cycles of C and N
Interlinkages between Eastern African coastal systems
Koolstof en stikstof cycli in de Westerschelde : het ontwikkelen van een geïntegreerde visie en de identificatie van de belangrijkste organismen in die cycli
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Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics in the upper reaches of the Schelde basin, more
Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics: process and field studies in the upper reaches of river bassins, more
Maintenance and exploitation of a laboratory-container aboard the R.V. Belgica, for marine pollution surveillance
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Monitoring deep sea floor hydrothermal environments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A Marie Curie Research Training Network
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Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan, more
Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan: Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment
Spatial and seasonal variability of the transport of biogenic compounds in the Southern Ocean
Studie naar de koolstofcyclus in het Vlaams gedeelte van het Schelde-estuarium, more
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. I
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. II
The balance between heterotrophic and autotophic processes in the Scheldt estuary: consequences for the carbon and nitrogen cycles, more
The C cycle of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more
The C cycle of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more
The quantitative importance of the Scheldt estuary for marine fish populations: an analysis for the goby species Pomatoschistus minutus using geochemical markers
Tidal freshwater marshes as processors and sinks of nitrogen in estuaries: a whole ecosystem 15N-labeling study, more
Trace elements as proxies of biochemical processes in aquatic systems, more
Trophic role and ecological fate of the microbial production and leafs in mangroves
Use of sclerosponges (Porifera) as biorecorders of environmental changes
Validation of alternative marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change, more
Zoetwaterschorren als "sinks" voor stikstof: dynamiek van het benthische compartiment en het onderzoek naar hun rol in estuariene stikstofretentie
Deman, F.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Roukaerts, A.; García-Ibáñez, M.I.; Le Roy, E.; Thilakarathne, E.P.D.N.; Elskens, M.; Dehairs, F.; Fripiat, F. (2021). Nitrate supply routes and impact of internal cycling in the North Atlantic Ocean inferred From nitrate isotopic composition. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 35(4): e2020GB006887.
Jacques, C.; Gkritzalis, T.; Tison, J.-L.; Hartley, T.; van der Veen, C.; Röckmann, T.; Middelburg, J.J.; Cattrijsse, A.; Egger, M.; Dehairs, F.; Sapart, C.J. (2021). Carbon and hydrogen isotope signatures of dissolved methane in the Scheldt Estuary. Est. Coast. 44(1): 137–146.
Troina, G.; Riekenberg, P.M.; Van der Meer, M.T.J.; Botta, S.; Dehairs, F.; Secchi, E.R. (2021). Combining isotopic analysis of bulk-skin and individual amino acids to investigate the trophic position and foraging areas of multiple cetacean species in the western South Atlantic. Environ. Res. 201: 111610.
Lemaitre, N.; Planquette, H.; Dehairs, F.; Planchon, F.; Sarthou, G.; Gallinari, M.; Roig, S.; Jeandel, C.; Castrillejo, M. (2020). Particulate trace element export in the North Atlantic (GEOTRACES GA01 Transect, GEOVIDE Cruise). ACS Earth & Space Chemistry 4(11): 2185-2204.
Mears, C.; Thomas, H.; Henderson, P.B.; Charette, M.A.; MacIntyre, H.; Dehairs, F.; Monnin, C.; Mucci, A. (2020). Using 226Ra and 228Ra isotopes to distinguish water mass distribution in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Biogeosciences 17(20): 4937-4959.
Troina, G.C.; Dehairs, F.; Botta, S.; Di Tullio, J.C.; Elskens, M.; Secchi, E.R. (2020). Zooplankton-based d13C and d15N isoscapes from the outer continental shelf and slope in the subtropical western South Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 159: 103235.
Troina, G.C.; Botta, S.; Dehairs, F.; Di Tullio, J.C.; Elskens, M.; Secchi, E.R. (2020). Skin d13C and d15N reveal spatial and temporal patterns of habitat and resource use by free-ranging odontocetes from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 167(12): 186.
Van der Linden, F.C.; Tison, J.-L.; Champenois, W.; Moreau, S.; Carnat, G.; Kotovitch, M.; Fripiat, F.; Deman, F.; Roukaerts, A.; Dehairs, F.; Wauthy, S.; Lourenço, A.; Vivier, F.; Haskell, T.; Delille, B. (2020). Sea ice CO2 dynamics across seasons: impact of processes at the interfaces. JGR: Oceans 125(6): e2019JC015807.
Fonseca-Batista, D.; Li, X.; Riou, V.; Michotey, V.; Deman, F.; Fripiat, F.; Guasco, S.; Brion, N.; Lemaitre, N.; Tonnard, M.; Gallinari, M.; Planquette, H.; Planchon, F.; Sarthou, G.; Elskens, M.; LaRoche, J.; Chou, L.; Dehairs, F. (2019). Evidence of high N2 fixation rates in the temperate northeast Atlantic. Biogeosciences 16(5): 999-1017.
Nehemia, A.; Chen, M.; Kochzius, M.; Dehairs, F.; Brion, N. (2019). Ecological impact of salt farming in mangroves on the habitat and food sources of Austruca occidentalis and Littoraria subvittata. J. Sea Res. 146: 24-32.
Roukaerts, A.; Nomura, D.; Deman, F.; Hattori, H.; Dehairs, F.; Fripiat, F. (2019). The effect of melting treatments on the assessment of biomass and nutrients in sea ice (Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan). Polar Biol. 42(2): 347-356.
Tang, W.; Wang, S.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Dehairs, F.; Gifford, S.; Gonzalez, A.G.; Gallinari, M.; Planquette, H.; Sarthou, G.; Cassar, N. (2019). Revisiting the distribution of oceanic N2 fixation and estimating diazotrophic contribution to marine production. Nature Comm. 10(1): 10 pp.
Fripiat, F.; Declercq, M.; Sapart, C.J.; Anderson, L.G.; Bruechert, V.; Deman, F.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Humborg, C.; Roukaerts, A.; Semiletov, I.P.; Dehairs, F. (2018). Influence of the bordering shelves on nutrient distribution in the Arctic halocline inferred from water column nitrate isotopes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 63(5): 2154-2170.
Lemaitre, N.; Planquette, H.; Planchon, F.; Sarthou, G.; Jacquet, S.; García-Ibáñez, M.I.; Gourain, A.; Cheize, M.; Monin, L.; André, L.; Laha, P.; Terryn, H.; Dehairs, F. (2018). Particulate barium tracing of significant mesopelagic carbon remineralisation in the North Atlantic. Biogeosciences 15(7): 2289-2307.
Lemaitre, N.; Planchon, F.; Planquette, H.; Dehairs, F.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Roukaerts, A.; Deman, F.; Tang, Y.; Mariez, C.; Sarthou, G. (2018). High variability of particulate organic carbon export along the North Atlantic GEOTRACES section GA01 as deduced from 234Th fluxes. Biogeosciences 15(21): 6417-6437.
Li, X.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Roevros, N.; Dehairs, F.; Chou, L. (2018). Environmental and nutrient controls of marine nitrogen fixation. Prog. Oceanogr. 167: 125-137.
Salter, I.; Dehairs, F.; Miquel, J.-C.; Blain, S. (2018). Annual particulate matter and diatom export in a high nutrient, low chlorophyll area of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biol. 41(1): 25-40.
Sarthou, G.; Lherminier, P.; Achterberg, E.P.; Alonso-Pérez, F.; Bucciarelli, E.; Boutorh, J.; Bouvier, V.; Boyle, E.A.; Branellec, P.; Carracedo, L.I.; Casacuberta, N.; Castrillejo, M.; Cheize, M.; Pereira, L.C.; Cossa, D.; Daniault, N.; De Saint-Leger, E.; Dehairs, F.; Deng, F.; de Gesincourt, F.D.; Devesa, J.; Foliot, L.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Gallinari, M.; García-Ibáñez, M.I.; Gourain, A.; Grossteffan, E.; Hamon, M.; Heimbürger, L.E.; Henderson, G.M.; Jeandel, C.; Kermabon, C.; Lacan, F.; Le Bot, P.; Le Goff, M.; Le Roy, E.; Lefèbvre, A.; Leizour, S.; Lemaitre, N.; Masque, P.; Ménage, O.; Barraqueta, J.-L.M.; Mercier, H.; Perault, F.; Pérez, F.F.; Planquette, H.; Planchon, F.; Roukaerts, A.; Sanial, V.; Sauzède, R.; Schmechtig, C.; Shelley, R.U.; Stewart, G.; Sutton, J.N.; Tang, Y.; Tisnérat-Laborde, N.; Tonnard, M.; Tréguer, P.; van Beek, P.; Zurbrick, C.M.; Zunino, P. (2018). Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences 15(23): 7097-7109.
de Winter, N.J.; Goderis, S.; Dehairs, F.; Jagt, J.W.M.; Fraaije, R.H.B.; Van Malderen, S.J.M.; Vanhaecke, F.; Claeys, P. (2017). Tropical seasonality in the late Campanian (late Cretaceous): comparison between multiproxy records from three bivalve taxa from Oman. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 485: 740-760.
Fonseca Batista, D.; Dehairs, F.; Riou, V.; Fripiat, F.; Elskens, M.; Deman, F.; Brion, N.; Quéroué, F.; Bode, M.; Auel, H. (2017). Nitrogen fixation in the eastern Atlantic reaches similar levels in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. JGR: Oceans 122(1): 587-601.
Li, X.; Roevros, N.; Dehairs, F.; Chou, L. (2017). Biological responses of the marine diatom Chaetoceros socialis to changing environmental conditions: a laboratory experiment. PLoS One 12(11): e0188615.
Charette, M.A.; Lam, P.J.; Lohan, M.C.; Kwon, E.Y.; Hatje, V.; Jeandel, C.; Shiller, A.M.; Cutter, G.A.; Thomas, A.; Boyd, P.W.; Homoky, W.B.; Milne, A.; Thomas, H.; Andersson, P.S.; Porcelli, D.; Tanaka, T.; Geibert, W.; Dehairs, F.; Garcia-Orellana, J. (2016). Coastal ocean and shelf-sea biogeochemical cycling of trace elements and isotopes: lessons learned from GEOTRACES. Philos. Trans. - Royal Soc., Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 374(2081): 19 pp.
Collard, M.; Rastrick, P.; Calosi, P.; Demolder, Y.; Dille, J.; Findlay, H.; Hall-Spencer, J.; Milazzo, M.; Moulin, L.; Widdicombe, S.; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2016). The impact of ocean acidification and warming on the skeletal mechanical properties of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus from laboratory and field observations. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 73(3): 727-738.
Lemaitre, N.; Planquette, H.; Dehairs, F.; Van der Merwe, P.; Bowie, A.R.; Trull, T.W.; Laurenceau-Cornec, E.C.; Davies, D.; Bollinger, C.; Le Goff, M.; Grossteffan, E.; Planchon, F. (2016). Impact of the natural Fe-fertilization on the magnitude, stoichiometry and efficiency of particulate biogenic silica, nitrogen and iron export fluxes. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 117: 11-27.
Riou, V.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Roukaerts, A.; Biegala, I.; Prakya, S.; Loureiro, C.; Santos, M.; Muniz-Piniella, A.; Schmiing, M.; Elskens, M.; Brion, N.; Martins, M.; Dehairs, F. (2016). Importance of N2-fixation on the productivity at the north-western Azores current/front system, and the abundance of diazotrophic unicellular cyanobacteria. PLoS One 11(3): e0150827.
Roukaerts, A.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Fripiat, F.; Lannuzel, D.; Meiners, K.M.; Dehairs, F. (2016). Sea-ice algal primary production and nitrogen uptake rates off East Antarctica. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 131: 140-149.
Troina, G.; Botta, S.; Secchi, E.R.; Dehairs, F. (2016). Ontogenetic and sexual characterization of the feeding habits of franciscanas, Pontoporia blainvillei, based on tooth dentin carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 32(3): 1115-1137.
Apostolopoulou, M.-V.; Monteyne, E.; Krikonis, K.; Pavlopoulos, K.; Roose, P.; Dehairs, F. (2015). n-Alkanes and stable C, N isotopic compositions as identifiers of organic matter sources in Posidonia oceanica meadows of Alexandroupolis Gulf, NE Greece. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 99(1-2): 346-355.
Bode, M.; Hagen, W.; Schukat, A.; Teuber, L.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Dehairs, F.; Auel, H. (2015). Feeding strategies of tropical and subtropical calanoid copepods throughout the eastern Atlantic Ocean - Latitudinal and bathymetric aspects. Prog. Oceanogr. 138(Part A): 268-282.
Cavagna, A.-J.; Fripiat, F.; Elskens, M.; Mangion, P.; Chirurgien, L.; Closset, I.; Lasbleiz, M.; Florez-Leiva, L.; Cardinal, D.; Leblanc, K.; Fernandez, C.; Lefevre, D.; Oriol, L.; Blain, S.; Queguiner, B.; Dehairs, F. (2015). Production regime and associated N cycling in the vicinity of Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences 12(21): 6515-6528.
Collard, M.; De Ridder, C.; David, B; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2015). Could the acid-base status of Antarctic sea urchins indicate a better-than-expected resilience to near-future ocean acidification? Glob. Chang. Biol. 21(2): 605-617.
Dehairs, F.; Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Trull, W; Fernandez, C; Davies, D; Roukaerts, A.; Fonseca Batista, D.; Planchon, F; Elskens, M. (2015). Nitrogen cycling in the Southern Ocean Kerguelen Plateau area: evidence for significant surface nitrification from nitrate isotopic compositions. Biogeosciences 12(5): 1459-1482.
Fripiat, F.; Elskens, M.; Trull, W; Blain, S; Cavagna, A.-J.; Fernandez, C; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Planchon, F; Raimbault, P; Roukaerts, A.; Dehairs, F. (2015). Significant mixed layer nitrification in a natural iron-fertilized bloom of the Southern Ocean. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 29(11): 1929-1943.
Jacquet, M; Dehairs, F.; Lefevre, D; Cavagna, A.-J.; Planchon, F; Christaki, U; Monin, L.; Andre, L.; Closset, I; Cardinal, D (2015). Early spring mesopelagic carbon remineralization and transfer efficiency in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area. Biogeosciences 12(6): 1713-1731.
Jeandel, C.; van der Loeff, M.; Lam, P.; Roy-Barman, M.; Sherrell, R.; Kretschmer, S.; German, C.; Dehairs, F. (2015). What did we learn about ocean particle dynamics in the GEOSECS-JGOFS era? Prog. Oceanogr. 133: 6-16.
Planchon, F.; Ballas, D.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Bowie, A.; Davies, D.; Trull, T.; Laurenceau-Cornec, E.; Van Der Merwe, P.; Dehairs, F. (2015). Carbon export in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area of the Southern Ocean based on the 234Th approach. Biogeosciences 12(12): 3831-3848.
Trull, W; Davies, M; Dehairs, F.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Lasbleiz, M; Laurenceau-Cornec, C; d'Ovidio, F; Planchon, F; Leblanc, K; Queguiner, B; Blain, S (2015). Chemometric perspectives on plankton community responses to natural iron fertilisation over and downstream of the Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences 12(4): 1029-1056.
van der Merwe, P; Bowie, R; Queroue, F; Armand, L; Blain, S; Chever, F; Davies, D; Dehairs, F.; Planchon, F; Sarthou, G; Townsend, T; Trull, W (2015). Sourcing the iron in the naturally fertilised bloom around the Kerguelen Plateau: particulate trace metal dynamics. Biogeosciences 12(3): 739-755.
Apostolopoulou, M.-V.; Monteyne, E.; Krikonis, K; Pavlopoulos, K; Roose, P.; Dehairs, F. (2014). Monitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Northeast Aegean Sea using Posidonia oceanica seagrass and synthetic passive samplers. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 87(1-2): 338-344.
Collard, M.; Dery, A.; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2014). Euechinoidea and Cidaroidea respond differently to ocean acidification. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 174: 45-55.
Collard, M.; Eeckhaut, I.; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2014). Acid-base physiology response to ocean acidification of two ecologically and economically important holothuroids from contrasting habitats, Holothuria scabra and Holothuria parva. Environm. Sc. & Poll. Res. 21(23): 13602-13614.
Collard, M.; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2014). Acid-base regulation in sea urchins: differential susceptibility to ocean acidification? Integrative and Comparative Biology 54: E40-E40
Tamooh, F.; Meysman, F.; Borges, A.V.; Marwick, T.R.; van den Meersche, K.; Dehairs, F.; Merckx, R.; Bouillon, S. (2014). Sediment and carbon fluxes along a longitudinal gradient in the lower Tana River (Kenya). J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences 119(7): 1340-1353.
Bal, K.D.; Brion, N.; Woule-Ebongué, V.; Schoelynck, J.; Jooste, A.; Barrón, C.; Dehairs, F.; Meire, P.; Bouma, T.J. (2013). Influence of hydraulics on the uptake of ammonium by two freshwater plants. Freshwat. Biol. 58(12): 2452–2463.
Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Bouillon, S.; Woule-Ebongué, V.; Planchon, F.; Delille, B.; Bouloubassi, I. (2013). Water column distribution and carbon isotopic signal of cholesterol, brassicasterol and particulate organic carbon in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences 10(4): 2787-2801.
Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F. (2013). Uranium in aragonitic marine bivalve shells. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 373: 60-65.
Planchon, F.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Cardinal, D.; André, L.; DeHairs, F. (2013). Late summer particulate organic carbon export and twilight zone remineralisation in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences 10(2): 803-820.
Rakhesh, M.; Raman, A.V.; Ganesh, T.; Chandramohan, P.; Dehairs, F. (2013). Small copepods structuring mesozooplankton community dynamics in a tropical estuary-coastal system. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 126: 7-22.
Tamooh, F.; Borges, A.V.; Meysman, F.J.R.; Van Den Meersche, K.; Dehairs, F.; Merckx, R.; Bouillon, S. (2013). Dynamics of dissolved inorganic carbon and aquatic metabolism in the Tana River basin, Kenya. Biogeosciences 10(11): 6911-6928.
Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; de Brauwere, A.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2012). Processes controlling the Si-isotopic composition in the Southern Ocean and application for paleoceanography. Biogeosciences 9(7): 2443-2457.
Maiti, K.; Buesseler, K.O.; Pike, S.M.; Benitez-Nelson, C.; Cai, P.; Chen, W.; Cochran, K.; Dai, M.; DeHairs, F.; Gasser, B.; Kelly, R.P.; Masque, P.; Miller, L.A.; Miquel, J.C.; Moran, S.B.; Morris, P.J.; Peine, F.; Planchon, F.; Renfro, A.A.; van der Loeff, M.R.; Santschi, P.H.; Turnewitsch, R.; Waples, J.T.; Xu, C. (2012). Intercalibration studies of short-lived thorium-234 in the water column and marine particles. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods 10: 631-644.
Tamooh, F.; Van den Meersche, K.; Meysman, F.; Marwick, T.R.; Borges, A.V.; Merckx, R.; Dehairs, F.; Schmidt, S.; Nyunja, J.; Bouillon, S. (2012). Distribution and origin of suspended matter and organic carbon pools in the Tana River Basin, Kenya. Biogeosciences 9(8): 2905-2920.
Bauwens, M.; Ohlsson, H.; Barbé, K.; Beelaerts, V.; Dehairs, F.; Schoukens, J. (2011). On climate reconstruction using bivalves: three methods to interpret the chemical signature of a shell. Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 104(2): 104-111.
Beelaerts, V.; Bauwens, M.; Versteegh, E.; Dehairs, F.; Pintelon, R. (2011). Periodic time-series modeling of environmental proxy records with guaranteed positive growth rate estimation. Math. Geosc. 43(6): 635-662.
Bowie, A.R.; Griffiths, F.B.; Dehairs, F.; Trull, T.W. (2011). Oceanography of the subantarctic and Polar Frontal Zones south of Australia during summer: Setting for the SAZ-Sense study. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(21-22): 2059-2070.
Bowie, A.R.; Trull, T.W.; Dehairs, F. (2011). Estimating the sensitivity of the subantarctic zone to environmental change: The SAZ-Sense project. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(21-22): 2051-2058.
Cavagna, A.J.; Fripiat, F.; Dehairs, F.; Wolf-Gladrow, D.; Cisewski, B.; Savoye, N.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Silicon uptake and supply during a Southern Ocean iron fertilization experiment (EIFEX) tracked by Si isotopes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56(1): 147-160.
Cavagna, A.J.; Elskens, M.; Griffiths, F.B.; Fripiat, F.; Jacquet, S.H.M.; Westwood, K.J.; Dehairs, F. (2011). Contrasting regimes of production and potential for carbon export in the Sub-Antarctic and Polar Frontal Zones south of Tasmania. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(21-22): 2235-2247.
Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Speich, S.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Silicon pool dynamics and biogenic silica export in the Southern Ocean inferred from Si-isotopes. Ocean Sci. 7(5): 533-547.
Fripiat, F.; Leblanc, K.; Elskens, M.; Cavagna, A.J.; Armand, L.; André, L.; Dehairs, F.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Efficient silicon recycling in summer in both the Polar Frontal and Subantarctic Zones of the Southern Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 435: 47-61.
Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.J.; Savoye, N.; Dehairs, F.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Isotopic constraints on the Si-biogeochemical cycle of the Antarctic Zone in the Kerguelen area (KEOPS). Mar. Chem. 123(1-4): 11-22.
Jacquet, S.H.M.; Lam, P.J.; Trull, T.; Dehairs, F. (2011). Carbon export production in the subantarctic zone and polar front zone south of Tasmania. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(21-22): 2277-2292.
Jacquet, S.H.M.; Dehairs, F.; Dumont, I.; Becquevort, S.; Cavagna, A.J.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Twilight zone organic carbon remineralization in the Polar Front Zone and Subantarctic Zone south of Tasmania. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(21-22): 2222-2234.
Thomas, H.; Shadwick, E.; Dehairs, F.; Lansard, B.; Mucci, A.; Navez, J.; Gratton, Y.; Prowe, F.; Chierici, M.; Fransson, A.; Papakyriakou, T.N.; Sternberg, E.; Miller, L.A.; Tremblay, J.-E.; Monnin, C. (2011). Barium and carbon fluxes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. J. Geophys. Res. 116(C9): 16 pp.
Versteegh, E.A.A.; Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F. (2011). Analysis of d15N values in mollusk shell organic matrix by elemental analysis/isotope ratio mass spectrometry without acidification: an evaluation and effects of long-term preservation. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 25(5): 675-680.
Bauwens, M.; Ohlsson, H.; Barbé, K.; Beelaerts, V.; Schoukens, J.; Dehairs, F. (2010). A nonlinear multi-proxy model based on manifold learning to reconstruct water temperature from high resolution trace element profiles in biogenic carbonates. Geosci. Model Dev. 3(2): 653-667.
Burd, A.B.; Hansell, D.A.; Steinberg, D.K.; Anderson, T.R.; Aristegui, J.; Baltar, F.; Beaupre, S.R.; Buesseler, K.O.; DeHairs, F.; Jackson, G.A.; Kadko, D.C.; Koppelmann, R.; Lampitt, R.S.; Nagata, T.; Reinthaler, T.; Robinson, C.; Robison, B.H.; Tamburini, C.; Tanaka, T. (2010). Assessing the apparent imbalance between geochemical and biochemical indicators of meso- and bathypelagic biological activity: What the @$#! is wrong with present calculations of carbon budgets? Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 57(16): 1557-1571.
Hoppema, M.; DeHairs, F.; Navez, J.; Monnin, C.; Jeandel, C.; Fahrbach, E.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2010). Distribution of barium in the Weddell Gyre: Impact of circulation and biogeochemical processes. Mar. Chem. 122(1-4): 118-129.
Poulain, C.; Lorrain, A.; Mas, R.; Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.; Robert, R.; Paulet, Y.M. (2010). Experimental shift of diet and DIC stable carbon isotopes: Influence on shell d13C values in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Chem. Geol. 272(1-4): 75-82.
Riou, V.; Colaço, A.; Bouillon, S.; Khripounoff, A.; Dando, P.R.; Mangion, P.; Chevalier, E.; Korntheuer, M.; Serrão Santos, R.; Dehairs, F. (2010). Mixotrophy in the deep sea: a dual endosymbiotic hydrothermal mytilid assimilates dissolved and particulate organic matter. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 405: 187-201
Riou, V.; Bouillon, S.; Serrão Santos, R.; Dehairs, F.; Colaço, A. (2010). Tracing carbon assimilation in endosymbiotic deep-sea hydrothermal vent mytilid fatty acids by 13C-fingerprinting. Biogeosciences 7(9): 2591-2600.
Riou, V.; Duperron, S.; Halary, S.; Dehairs, F.; Bouillon, S.; Martins, I.; Colaco, A.; Santos, R.S. (2010). Variation in physiological indicators in Bathymodiolus azoricus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) at the Menez Gwen Mid-Atlantic Ridge deep-sea hydrothermal vent site within a year. Mar. Environ. Res. 70(3-4): 264-271.
Beelaerts, V.; De Ridder, F.; Schmitz, N.; Bauwens, M.; Dehairs, F.; Schoukens, J.; Pintelon, R. (2009). On the elimination of bias averaging-errors in proxy records. Math. Geosc. 41(2): 129-144.
Bouillon, S.; Abril, G.; Borges, A.V.; Dehairs, F.; Govers, G.; Hughes, H.J.; Merckx, R.; Meysman, F.J.R.; Nyunja, J.; Osburn, C.; Middelburg, J.J. (2009). Distribution, origin and cycling of carbon in the Tana River (Kenya): a dry season basin-scale survey from headwaters to the delta. Biogeosciences 6(11): 2475-2493.
Boye, M.; Achterberg, E.; Bown, J.; Bucciarelli, E.; Cardinal, D.; Cassar, N.; Cavagna, A.J.; Chever, F.; Dehairs, F.; Fine, R.A.; Happell, J.; Joubert, W.; Le Moigne, F.; Masque, P.; Monteiro, P.; Planchon, F.; Sarthou, G.; Verdeny, E.; Wake, B.; Waldron, H. (2009). A first look at GEOTRACES issues from the IPY BONUS GOODHOPE cruise in the Southern Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73(13): A152-A152
de Brauwere, A.; De Ridder, F.; Pintelon, R.; Schoukens, J.; Dehairs, F. (2009). A comparative study of methods to reconstruct a periodic time series from an environmental proxy record. Earth-Sci. Rev. 95(3-4): 97-118.
Konn, C.; Charlou, J.L.; Donval, J.P.; Holm, N.G.; Dehairs, F.; Bouillon, S. (2009). Hydrocarbons and oxidized organic compounds in hydrothermal fluids from Rainbow and Lost City ultramafic-hosted vents. Chem. Geol. 258(3-4): 299-314.
Satyanarayana, B.; Raman, A.V.; Mohd-Lokman, H.; Dehairs, F.; Sharma, V.S.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F. (2009). Multivariate methods distinguishing mangrove community structure of Coringa in the Godavari Delta, East coast of India. Aquat. ecosyst. health manag. 12(4): 401-408.
Van Damme, S.; Dehairs, F.; Tackx, M.; Beauchard, O.; Struyf, E.; Gribsholt, B.; Van Cleemput, O.; Meire, P. (2009). Tidal exchange between a freshwater tidal marsh and an impacted estuary: the Scheldt estuary, Belgium. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 85(2): 197-207.
Brion, N.; Andersson, M.G.I.; Elskens, M.; Diaconu, C.; Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F.; Middelburg, J.J. (2008). Nitrogen cycling, retention and export in a eutrophic temperate macrotidal estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 357: 87-99.
Buesseler, K.O.; Trull, T.W.; Steinber, D.K.; Silver, M.W.; Siegel, D.A.; Saitoh, S.I.; Lamborg, C.H.; Lam, P.J.; Karl, D.M.; Jiao, N.Z.; Honda, M.C.; Elskens, M.; Dehairs, F.; Brown, S.L.; Boyd, P.W.; Bishop, J.K.B.; Bidigare, R.R. (2008). VERTIGO (VERtical Transport in the Global Ocean): A study of particle sources and flux attenuation in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 55(14-15): 1522-1539.
de Brauwere, A.; De Ridder, F.; Pintelon, R.; Meersmans, J.; Schoukens, J.; Dehairs, F.A. (2008). Identification of a periodic time series from an environmental proxy record. Comput. Geosci. 34(12): 1781-1790.
Dehairs, F.; Jacquet, S.; Savoye, N.; Van Mooy, B.A.S.; Buesseler, K.O.; Bishop, J.K.B.; Lamborg, C.H.; Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W.; Boyd, P.W.; Casciotti, K.L.; Monnin, C. (2008). Barium in twilight zone suspended matter as a potential proxy for particulate organic carbon remineralization: Results for the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 55(14-15): 1673-1683.
Dehairs, F.; de Brauwere, A.; Elskens, M. (2008). Controls on organic carbon export and twilight zone remineralization: An overview from the EUROCEANS workshop, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, May 28-30, 2008. Oceanography 21(3): 92-95
Elskens, M.; Brion, N.; Buesseler, K.; Van Mooy, B.A.S.; Boyd, P.; Dehairs, F.; Savoye, N.; Baeyens, W. (2008). Primary, new and export production in the NW Pacific subarctic gyre during the vertigo K2 experiments. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 55(14-15): 1594-1604.
Gillikin, D.P.; Lorrain, A.; Paulet, Y.M.; André, L.; Dehairs, F. (2008). Synchronous barium peaks in high-resolution profiles of calcite and aragonite marine bivalve shells. Geo-Mar. Lett. 28(5-6): 351-358.
Guelinckx, J.; Dehairs, F.; Ollevier, F. (2008). Effect of digestion on the d13C and d15N of fish-gut contents. J. Fish Biol. 72(1): 301-309.
Jacquet, S.H.M.; Dehairs, F.; Savoye, N.; Obernosterer, I.; Christaki, U.; Monnin, C.; Cardinal, D. (2008). Mesopelagic organic carbon remineralization in the Kerguelen Plateau region tracked by biogenic particulate Ba. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 55(5-7): 868-879.
Jacquet, S.H.M.; Savoye, N.; Dehairs, F.; Strass, V.; Cardinal, D. (2008). Mesopelagic carbon remineralization during the European iron fertilization experiment. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 22(1): 9 pp.
Ralison, O.H.; Borges, A.V.; Dehairs, F.; Middelburg, J.J.; Bouillon, S. (2008). Carbon biogeochemistry of the Betsiboka estuary (north-western Madagascar). Org. Geochem. 39(12): 1649-1658.
Riou, V.; Halary, S.; Duperron, S.; Bouillon, S.; Elskens, M.; Bettencourt, R.; Santos, R.S.; Dehairs, F.; Colaço, A. (2008). Influence of CH4 and H2S availability on symbiont distribution, carbon assimilation and transfer in the dual symbiotic vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. Biogeosciences 5(6): 1681-1691.
Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; Jacquet, S.H.M.; Navez, J.; Dehairs, F. (2008). 234Th-based export fluxes during a natural iron fertilization experiment in the Southern Ocean (KEOPS). Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 55(5-7): 841-855.
Bouillon, S.; Middelburg, J.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Borges, A.V.; Abril, G.; Flindt, M.R.; Ulomi, S.; Kristensen, E. (2007). Importance of intertidal sediment processes and porewater exchange on the water column biogeochemistry in a pristine mangrove creek (Ras Dege, Tanzania). Biogeosciences 4(3): 311-322
Bouillon, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; Velimirov, B.; Abril, G.; Borges, A.V. (2007). Dynamics of organic and inorganic carbon across contiguous mangrove and seagrass systems (Gazi Bay, Kenya). J. Geophys. Res. 112: G02018.
Bouillon, S.; Dehairs, F.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Borges, A.V. (2007). Biogeochemistry of the Tana estuary and delta (northern Kenya). Limnol. Oceanogr. 52(1): 46-59.
Buesseler, K.O.; Lamborg, C.H.; Boyd, P.W.; Lam, P.J.; Trull, T.W.; Bidigare, R.R.; Bishop, J.K.B.; Casciotti, K.L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Honda, M.; Karl, D.M.; Siegel, D.A.; Silver, M.W.; Steinberg, D.K.; Valdes, J.; Van Mooy, B.A.S.; Wilson, S. (2007). Revisiting carbon flux through the ocean's twilight zone. Science (Wash.) 316(5824): 567-570.
Cardinal, D.; Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; Dehairs, F.A.; Kopczynska, E.E.; Fripiat, F.; Tison, J.-L.; André, L. (2007). Silicon isotopes in spring Southern Ocean diatoms: Large zonal changes despite homogeneity among size fractions. Mar. Chem. 106(1-2): 46-62.
De Brabandere, L.; Brion, N.; Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F. (2007). d15N dynamics of ammonium and particulate nitrogen in a temperate eutrophic estuary. Biogeochemistry 82(1): 1-14.
de Brauwere, A.; Jacquet, S.H.M.; De Ridder, F.; Dehairs, F.; Pintelon, R.; Schoukens, J.; Baeyens, W. (2007). Water mass distributions in the Southern Ocean derived from a parametric analysis of mixing water masses. J. Geophys. Res. 112(C02021): 16 pp.
De Ridder, F.; de Brauwere, A.; Pintelon, R.; Schoukens, J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Wilkinson, B.H. (2007). Comment on: Paleoclimatic inference from stable isotope profiles of accretionary biogenic hardparts: a quantitative approach to the evaluation of incomplete data, by Wilkinson, B.H., Ivany, L.C., 2002. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl. Palaeoecol. 185, 95-114. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 248(3-4): 473-476
Gillikin, D.P.; Lorrain, A.; Meng, L.; Dehairs, F. (2007). A large metabolic carbon contribution to the d13C record in marine aragonitic bivalve shells. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71(12): 2936-2946.
Gribsholt, B.; Struyf, E.; Tramper, A.; De Brabandere, L.; Brion, N.; van Damme, S.; Meire, P.; Dehairs, F.; Middelburg, J.J.; Boschker, H.T.S. (2007). Nitrogen assimilation and short term retention in a nutrient-rich tidal freshwater marsh - a whole ecosystem 15N enrichment study. Biogeosciences 4(1): 11-26.
Guelinckx, J.; Maes, J.; Van Den Driessche, P.; Geysen, B.; Dehairs, F.A.; Ollevier, F.P. (2007). Changes in d13C and d15N in different tissues of juvenile sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus: a laboratory diet-switch experiment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 341: 205-215.
Jacquet, S.H.M.; Dehairs, F.; Elskens, M.; Savoye, N.; Cardinal, D. (2007). Barium cycling along WOCE SR3 line in the Southern Ocean. Mar. Chem. 106(1-2): 33-45.
Kopczynska, E.E.; Savoye, N.; Dehairs, F.; Cardinal, D.; Elskens, M. (2007). Spring phytoplankton assemblages in the Southern Ocean between Australia and Antarctica. Polar Biol. 31(1): 77-88.
Bouillon, S.; Korntheurer, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A. (2006). A new automated setup for stable isotope analysis of dissolved organic carbon. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods 4: 216-226.
De Brauwere, A.; Jacquet, S.H.M.; De Ridder, F.; Dehairs, F.; Pintelon, R.; Schoukens, J.; Baeyens, W. (2006). A parametric method for water mass analysis applied to the Southern Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70(18): A134-A134.
Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Lorrain, A.; Steenmans, D.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; André, L. (2006). Barium uptake into the shells of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70(2): 395-407.
Gribsholt, B.; Struyf, E.; Tramper, A.; Andersson, M.G.I.; Brion, N.; De Brabandere, L.; Van Damme, S.; Meire, P.; Middelburg, J.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Boschker, H.T.S. (2006). Ammonium transformation in a nitrogen-rich tidal freshwater marsh. Biogeochemistry 80(3): 289-298
Guelinckx, J.; Maes, J.; De Brabandere, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Ollevier, F.P. (2006). Migration dynamics of clupeoids in the Schelde estuary: a stable isotope approach. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 66(3-4): 612-623.
Konn, C.; Holm, N.G.; Charlou, J.L.; Donval, J.P.; Dehairs, F.; Bouillon, S. (2006). Biogenic or abiogenic organics in hydrothermal fluids from ultramafic-hosted vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge: The first step to the origin of life? Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70(18): A330-A330.
Van Riel, M.C.; van der Velde, G.; Rajagopal, S.; Marguillier, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; Bij de Vaate, A. (2006). Trophic relationships in the Rhine food web during invasion and after establishment of the Ponto-Caspian invader Dikerogammarus villosus. Hydrobiologia 565(1): 39-58.
Bosire, J.O.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F.; Kairo, J.G.; Kazungu, J.; Dehairs, F.; Koedam, N. (2005). Litter degradation and CN dynamics in reforested mangrove plantations at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Biol. Conserv. 126(2): 287-295.
Cardinal, D.; Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; André, L.; Kopczynska, E.E.; Dehairs, F.A. (2005). Variations of carbon remineralisation in the Southern Ocean illustrated by the Baxs proxy. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 52(2): 355-370.
Cardinal, D.; Alleman, L.Y.; Dehairs, F.A.; Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; André, L. (2005). Relevance of silicon isotopes to Si-nutrient utilization and Si-source assessment in Antarctic waters. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 19: GB2007 (1-13)
Cardinal, D.; Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; André, L.; Kopczynska, E.E.; Dehairs, F.A. (2005). Corrigendum to: “Variations of carbon remineralisation in the Southern Ocean illustrated by the Baxs proxy”. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 52(11): 2193-2194.
Gichuki, J.W.; Triest, L.; Dehairs, F. (2005). The fate of organic matter in a papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) dominated tropical wetland ecosystem in Nyanza Gulf (Lake Victoria, Kenya)inferred from delta C-13 and delta N-15 analysis. Isot. Environ. Healt. S. 41(4): 379-390.
Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Navez, J.; Lorrain, A.; André, L. (2005). Inter- and intra-annual variations of Pb/Ca ratios in clam shells (Mercenaria mercenaria): a record of anthropogenic lead pollution? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 50(12): 1530-1540.
Gillikin, D.P.; De Ridder, F.; Ulens, H.; Elskens, M.; Keppens, E.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A. (2005). Assessing the reproducibility and reliability of estuarine bivalve shells (Saxidomus giganteus) for sea surface temperature reconstruction: implications for paleoclimate studies. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 228(1-2): 70-85.
Gribsholt, B.; Boschker, H.T.S.; Struyf, E.; Andersson, M.; Tramper, A.; De Brabandere, L.; Van Damme, S.; Brion, N.; Meire, P.; Dehairs, F.; Middelburg, J.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (2005). Nitrogen processing in a tidal freshwater marsh: a whole-ecosystem 15N labeling study. Limnol. Oceanogr. 50(6): 1945-1959.
Jacquet, S.H.M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Cardinal, D.; Navez, J.; Delille, B. (2005). Barium distribution across the Southern Ocean frontal system in the Crozet-Kerguelen Basin. Mar. Chem. 95(3-4): 149-162.
Muylaert, K.; Dasseville, R.; De Brabandere, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Vyverman, W. (2005). Dissolved organic carbon in the freshwater tidal reaches of the Schelde estuary. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 64(4): 591-600.
Van Damme, S.; Struyf, E.; Maris, T.; Ysebaert, T.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Tackx, M.; Heip, C.H.R.; Meire, P. (2005). Spatial and temporal patterns of water quality along the estuarine salinity gradient of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium and The Netherlands): results of an integrated monitoring approach. Hydrobiologia 540(1-3): 29-45.
Bouillon, S.; Moens, T.; Dehairs, F.A. (2004). Carbon sources supporting benthic mineralization in mangrove and adjacent seagrass sediments (Gazi Bay, Kenya). Biogeosciences 1(1): 71-78
Bouillon, S.; Koedam, N.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Satyanarayana, B.; Dehairs, F.A. (2004). Selectivity of subtidal benthic invertebrate communities for local microalgal production in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem during the post-monsoon period. J. Sea Res. 51(2): 133-144.
Bouillon, S.; Moens, T.; Koedam, N.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F.; Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F. (2004). Variability in the origin of carbon substrates for bacterial communities in mangrove sediments. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 49(2): 171-179.
Bouillon, S.; Moens, T.; Overmeer, I.; Koedam, N.; Dehairs, F. (2004). Resource utilization patterns of epifauna from mangrove forests with contrasting inputs of local versus imported organic matter. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 278: 77-88.
Fagel, N.; Dehairs, F.A.; Peinert, R.; Antia, A.; André, L. (2004). Reconstructing export production at the NE Atlantic margin: potential and limits of the Ba proxy. Mar. Geol. 204(1-2): 11-25.
Savoye, N.; Buesseler, K.O.; Cardinal, D.; Dehairs, F.A. (2004). 234Th deficit and excess in the Southern Ocean during spring 2001: particle export and remineralization. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31(12): L12301.
Verheyden, A.; Helle, G.; Schleser, G.H.; Dehairs, F.; Beeckman, H.; Koedam, N. (2004). High-resolution time-series of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata: an environmental or post-photosynthetic signal? Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 26(3): 79-79
Verheyden, A.; Helle, G.; Schleser, G. H.; Dehairs, F.; Beeckman, H.; Koedam, N. (2004). Annual cyclicity in high-resolution stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in the wood of the mangrove tree Rhizophora mucronata. Plant Cell Environ. 27(12): 1525-1536.
Bouillon, S.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F.; Rao, A.V.V.S.; Koedam, N; Dehairs, F.A. (2003). Sources of organic carbon in mangrove sediments: variability and possible ecological implications. Hydrobiologia 495(1-3): 33-39.
Bouillon, S.; Frankignoulle, M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Velimirov, B.; Eiler, A.; Abril, G.; Etcheber, H.; Borges, A.V. (2003). Inorganic and organic carbon biogeochemistry in the Gautami Godavari estuary (Andhra Pradesh, India) during pre-monsoon: the local impact of extensive mangrove forests. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 17(4): 25-1-25-12.
Dorothy, K.P.; Satyanarayana, B.; Kalavati, C.; Raman, A.V.; Dehairs, F. (2003). Protozoa associated with leaf litter degradation in Coringa mangrove forest, Kakinada Bay, east coast of India. Indian J. Mar. Sci. 32(1): 45-51
Lazareth, C.E.; Vander Putten, E.; André, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (2003). High-resolution trace element profiles in shells of the mangrove bivalve Isognomon ephippium: a record of environmental spatio-temporal variations? Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 57(5-6): 1103-1114.
Bouillon, S.; Raman, A.V.; Dauby, P.; Dehairs, F.A. (2002). Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of subtidal benthic invertebrates in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem (Andhra Pradesh, India). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 54(5): 901-913.
Colaço, A.; Dehairs, F.A.; Desbruyères, D. (2002). Nutritional relations of deep-sea hydrothermal fields at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: a stable isotope approach. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 49(2): 395-412.
Colaço, A.; Dehairs, F.A.; Desbruyères, D.; Le Bris, N.; Sarradin, P.-M. (2002). d13C signature of hydrothermal mussels is related with the end-member fluid concentrations of H2S and CH4 at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent fields. Cah. Biol. Mar. 43(3-4): 259-262.
De Brabandere, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Van Damme, S.; Brion, N.; Meire, P.; Daro, N. (2002). d15N and d13C dynamics of suspended organic matter in freshwater and brackish waters of the Scheldt estuary. J. Sea Res. 48(1): 1-15.
Elskens, F.; Dehairs, F.A.; Cattaldo, T.; Griffiths, B. (2002). N-uptake conditions during summer in the Sub-Antarctic and Polar Front zones in the Australasian sector of the Southern Ocean. J. Geophys. Res. 107(C11): 3182.
Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Cattaldo, T.; Dehairs, F.A.; Griffiths, B. (2002). N uptake conditions during summer in the Subantarctic and Polar Frontal Zones of the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean. J. Geophys. Res. 107(C11): 11 pp.
Fagel, N.; Dehairs, F.A.; André, L.; Bareille, G.; Monnin, C. (2002). Ba distribution in surface Southern Ocean sediments and export production estimates. Paleoceanography 17(2): 1011 (20 pp.).
Fagel, N.; Dehairs, F.A.; André, L.; Bareille, G.; Monnin, C. (2002). Export production estimation from sedimentary Ba content: A comparison between Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. Paleoceanography 10(129): 2000PA000552 29
Satyanarayana, B.; Raman, A.V.; Dehairs, F.A.; Kalavati, C.; Chandramohan, P. (2002). Mangrove floristic and zonation patterns of Coringa, Kakinada Bay, East Coast of India. Wetlands Ecol. Manag. 10: 25-39
Cardinal, D.; Dehairs, F.; Cattaldo, T.; André, L. (2001). Geochemistry of suspended particles in the Subantarctic and Polar Frontal Zones south of Australia: constraints on export and advection processes. J. Geophys. Res. 106(C12): 31637-31656.
Cardinal, D.; Dehairs, F.A.; Cattaldo, T.; André, L. (2001). Geochemistry of suspended particles in the Subantarctic and Polar Frontal Zones south of Australia: Constraints on export and advection processes. J. Geophys. Res. 106(C12): 31,637-31,656
Gichuki, J.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F.; Mugo, J.; Rabuor, C.O.; Triest, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (2001). Species inventory and the local uses of the plants and fishes of the Lower Sondu Miriu wetland of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 458(1-3): 99-106.
Gichuki, J.; Triest, L.; Dehairs, F. (2001). The use of stable carbon isotopes as tracers of ecosystem functioning in contrasting wetland ecosystems of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 458(1-3): 91-97.
Hellings, L.; Dehairs, F.; Van Damme, S.; Baeyens, W. (2001). Dissolved inorganic carbon in a highly polluted estuary (the Scheldt). Limnol. Oceanogr. 46(6): 1406-1414.
Joint, I.; Wollast, R.; Chou, L.; Batten, S.; Elskens, M.; Edwards, E.; Hirst, A.; Burkill, P.; Groom, S.; Gibb, S.; Miller, A.; Hydes, D.; Dehairs, F.; Antia, A.N.; Barlow, R.; Rees, A.; Pomroy, A.; Brockmann, U.H.; Cummings, D.; Lampitt, R.; Loijens, M.; Mantoura, F.; Miller, P.; Raabe, T.; Alvarez-Salgado, X.; Stelfox, C.; Woolfenden, J. (2001). Pelagic Production at the Celtic Sea shelf break. A synthesis of results obtained in the OMEX I project. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 48(14-15): 3049-3081.
Kopczynska, E.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Wright, S. (2001). Phytoplankton variability between the subtropical and Polar Fronts south off Australia: Thriving under regenerative and new production in late summer. J. Geophys. Res. 106(C12): 31,597-31,610
Kopczynska, E.E.; Dehairs, F.; Elskens, M.; Wright, S. (2001). Phytoplankton and microzooplankton variability between the Subtropical and Polar Fronts south of Australia: Thriving under regenerative and new production in late summer. J. Geophys. Res. 106(C12): 31597-31609.
McCave, I.N.; Antia, A.N.; von Bodungen, B.; Chouba, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Hall, I.R.; Lampitt, R.; Peinert, R.; Thomsen, L.; de Stigter, H.; van Weering, T.C.E.; Wollast, R. (2001). Sources, distribution, composition and flux of suspended particulate material on the European margin 47-50 N: a synthesis of results from the OMEX I program. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 48: 3107-3139
McCave, I.N.; Hall, I.R.; Antia, A.N.; Chou, L.; Dehairs, F.; Lampitt, R.S.; Thomsen, L.; van Weering, T.C.E.; Wollast, R. (2001). Distribution, composition and flux of particulate material over the European margin at 47°-50°N. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 48(14-15): 3107-3139.
Bouillon, S.; Mohan, P.C.; Sreenivas, N.; Dehairs, F.A. (2000). Sources of suspended organic matter and selective feeding by zooplankton in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem, as traced by stable isotopes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 208: 79-92.
Bouillon, S.; Dehairs, F.A. (2000). Estimating spatial and seasonal phytoplankton d13C variations in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem. Isot. Environ. Healt. S. 36(3): 273-284
Dehairs, F.A.; Rao, R.; Chandramohan, P.; Raman, A.V.; Marguiller, S.; Hellings, L. (2000). Tracing mangrove carbon in suspended matter and aquatic fauna of the Guatami-Godavari Delta, Bay of Bengal (India). Hydrobiologia 431(2-3): 225-241.
Dehairs, F.A.; Fagel, N.; Antia, A.N.; Peinert, R.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (2000). Export production in the Bay of Biscay as estimated from barium-barite in settling material: a comparison with new production. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 47(4): 583-601.
Hellings, L.; Van Den Driessche, K.; Baeyens, W.; Keppens, E.; Dehairs, F. (2000). Origin and fate of dissolved inorganic carbon in interstitial waters of two freshwater intertidal areas: A case study of the Scheldt Estuary, Belgium. Biogeochemistry 51(2): 141-160.
Jeandel, C.; Tachikawa, H.; Bory, A.; Dehairs, F.A. (2000). Biogenic barium in suspended and trapped material as a tracer of export production in the tropical NE Atlantic (EUMELI sites). Mar. Chem. 71(1-2): 125-142.
Lazareth, C.; Willenz, P.; Navez, J.; Keppens, E.; Dehairs, F.A.; André, L. (2000). Sclerosponges as a new potential recorder of environmental changes: Lead in Ceratoporella nicholsoni. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 28(6): 515-518.<515:SAANPR>2.0.CO;2
Vander Putten, E.; Dehairs, F.; Keppens, E.; Baeyens, W. (2000). High resolution distribution of trace elements in the calcite shell layer of modern Mytilus edulis: environmental and biological controls. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64(6): 997-1011.
Vereshchaka, A.L.; Vinogradov, G.M.; Lein, A.Yu.; Dalton, S.; Dehairs, F.A. (2000). Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of the fauna from the Broken Spur hydrothermal vent field. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 136(1): 11-17.
Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Rees, A.; Joint, I.; Baeyens, J. (1999). Improved estimation of f-ratio in natural phytoplankton assemblages. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 46(10): 1793-1808
Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Rees, A.; Joint, I.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1999). Improved estimation of f-ratio in natural phytoplankton assemblages. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 46(10): 1793-1808.
Fagel, N.; André, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (1999). Advective excess Ba transport as shown from sediment and trap geochemical signatures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63(16): 2353-2367
Hellings, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Tackx, M.; Keppens, E.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1999). Origin and fate of organic carbon in the freshwater part of the Scheldt Estuary as traced by stable carbon isotope composition. Biogeochemistry 47(2): 167-186.
Mengesha, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (1999). Phytoplankton nitrogen nutrition in the western Indian Ocean: Ecophysiological adaptations of neritic and oceanic assemblages to ammonium supply. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 48(5): 589-598
Monnin, C.; Jeandel, C.; Cattaldo, T.; Dehairs, F.A. (1999). The marine barite saturation state of the world's oceans. Mar. Chem. 65(3-4): 253-261
Semeneh, M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (1999). Phytoplankton nitrogen uptake in the tropical western Indian Ocean: Monsoonal and spatial variability. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 48: 589-598
Vander Putten, E.; Dehairs, F.A.; André, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1999). Quantitative in-situ microanalysis of minor and trace elements in biogenic calcite using infrared laser ablation - inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: a critical review. Anal. Chim. Acta 378: 261-272
Goeyens, L.; Semeneh, M.; Elskens, M.; Shopova, D.; Baumann, M.E.M.; Dehairs, F.A. (1998). Phytoplankton nutrient utilisation and nutrient signature in the Southern Ocean. J. Mar. Syst. 17: 143-147
Jeandel, C.; Ruiz-Pino, E.; Gjata, E.; Poisson, A.; Brunet, C.; Charriaud, E.; Dehairs, F.A.; Delille, D.; Fiala, M.; Fravalo, C.; Miquel, J.C.; Park, Y.-H.; Pondaven, P.; Quéguiner, B.; Razouls, S.; Shauer, B.; Tréguer, P. (1998). KERFIX, a time series station in the Southern Ocean: a presentation. J. Mar. Syst. 17: 555-569
Jeandel, C.; Ruiz-Pino, D.; Gjata, E.; Poisson, A.; Brunet, C.; Charriaud, E.; Dehairs, F.A.; Delille, D.; Fiala, M.; Fravalo, C.; Miquel, J.C.; Park, Y.-H.; Pondaven, P.; Quéguiner, B.; Razouls, C.; Shauer, B.; Tréguer, P. (1998). KERFIX, a time-series station in the Southern Ocean: a presentation. J. Mar. Syst. 17(1-4): 555-569.
Rijstenbil, J.W.; Dehairs, F.; Ehrlich, R.; Wijnholds, J.A. (1998). Effect of the nitrogen status on copper accumulation and pools of metal-binding peptides in the planktonic diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Aquat. Toxicol. 42(3): 187-209.
Rijstenbil, J.W.; Dehairs, F.A.; Ehrlich, R.; Wijnholds, J.A. (1998). Effect of nitrogen status on copper accumulation and pools of metal-binding peptides in the planktonic diatom Thalssiosira pseudonana. Aquat. Toxicol. 42(3): 187-209.
Semeneh, M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Baumann, M.E.M.; Kopczynska, E.E.; Lancelot, C.; Goeyens, L. (1998). Nitrogen uptake regime and phytoplankton community structure in the Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. J. Mar. Syst. 17(1-4): 159-177.
Semeneh, M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Fiala, M.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (1998). Seasonal variation of phytoplankton community structure and nitrogen uptake regime in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biol. 20: 259-272
Chandramohan, P.; Rao, R.G.; Dehairs, F.A. (1997). Role of Godavari mangroves (India) in the production and survival of prawn larvae. Hydrobiologia 358: 317-320.
Coffey, M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Collette, O.; Luther, G.; Church, T.; Jickells, T. (1997). The behaviour of dissolved Ba in estuaries. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 45: 113-121
Coffey, M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Collette, O.; Luther, G.; Church, T.; Jickells, T. (1997). The behaviour of dissolved barium in estuaries. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 45(1): 113-121
Dehairs, F.A.; Kopczynska, E.; Nielsen, C.; Lancelot, C.; Bakker, D.; Koeve, W.; Goeyens, L. (1997). d13C of Southern Ocean suspended organic matter during spring and early summer: Regional and temporal variability. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 44(1-2): 129-142
Dehairs, F.A.; Shopova, D.; Ober, S.; Veth, C.; Goeyens, L. (1997). Particulate barium stocks and oxygen consumption in the Southern Ocean mesopelagic water column during spring and early summer. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 44(1-2): 497-516
Löscher, B.M.; de Jong, J.T.M.; de Baar, H.J.W.; Veth, C.; Dehairs, F.A. (1997). The distribution of Fe in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 44(1-2): 143-188
Marguillier, S.; van der Velde, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Hemminga, M.A.; Rajagopal, S. (1997). Trophic relationships in an interlinked mangrove-seagrass ecosystem as traced by d 13C and d 15N. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 151: 115-121
Woitchik, A. F.; Ohowa, B.; Kazungu, J. M.; Rao, R. G.; Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F. (1997). Nitrogen enrichment during decomposition of mangrove leaf litter in an East African coastal lagoon (Kenya): relative importance of biological nitrogen fixation. Biogeochemistry 39(1): 15-35.
Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Tréguer, P.; Bauman, E.M.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1995). The leading role of ammonium in the nitrogen uptake regime of Southern Ocean marginal ice zones. J. Mar. Syst. 6: 345-361
Kopczynska, E.; Goeyens, L.; Semeneh, M.; Dehairs, F.A. (1995). Phytoplankton composition and cell carbon distribution in Prydz Bay, Antarctica: Relation to organic particulate matter and its d13C values. J. Plankton Res. 17: 685-707
Shopova, D.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1995). A simple model of biogeochemical element distribution in the oceanic water column. J. Mar. Syst. 6(4): 331-344
Rao, R.; Woitchik, A.F.; Goeyens, L.; Van Riet, A.; Kazungu, J.; Dehairs, F.A. (1994). Carbon, nitrogen contents and stable carbon isotope abundance in mangrove leaves from an east African coastal lagoon (Kenya). Aquat. Bot. 47: 175-183
Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Goeyens, L. (1992). Accumulation of suspended barite at mesopelagic depths and export production in the Southern Ocean. Science (Wash.) 258: 1332-1335
Jickells, T.D.; Church, T.M.; Scudlark, J.R.; Dehairs, F.A. (1992). Barium in North Atlantic rain water: A reconnaissance. Atmos. Environ. (1994) 26A: 2641-2646
Stroobants, N.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Vanderheijden, N.; Van Grieken, R. (1992). Barite formation in the Southern Ocean water column. Mar. Chem. 35: 411-421
Dehairs, F.A.; Stroobants, N.; Goeyens, L. (1991). Suspended barite as a tracer of biological activity in the Southern Ocean. Mar. Chem. 35: 399-410
Goeyens, L.; Sörensson, F.; Tréguer, P.; Morvan, J.; Panouse, M.; Dehairs, F.A. (1991). Spatiotemporal variability of inorganic nitrogen stocks and uptake fluxes in the Scotia-Weddell Confluence area during November and December 1988. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 77: 7-19
Goeyens, L.; Tréguer, P.; Lancelot, C.; Mathot, S.; Becquevort, S.; Morvan, J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1991). Ammonium regeneration in the Scotia-Weddell Confluence area during spring 1988. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 78: 241-252
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Stroobants, N.; Bernard, P.; Goyet, C.; Poisson, A.; Chesselet, R. (1990). On suspended barite and the oxygen minimum in the Southern Ocean. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 4(1): 85-102
Dehairs, F.A.; Neybergh, H.; Hoenig, M. (1989). Direct determination of dissolved barium in seawater by inductively coupled plasma / atomic emission spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 222: 55-61
Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Van Gansbeke, D. (1989). Tight coupling between enrichment of iron and manganese in North Sea suspended matter and sedimentary redox processes: evidence for seasonal variability. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 29: 457-471
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Stroobants, N.; Mathot, S. (1988). Elemental composition of suspended matter in the Scotia-Weddell Confluence area during spring and summer 1988. Polar Biol. 12: 25-33
Dehairs, F.A.; Lambert, C.E.; Chesselet, R.; Risler, N. (1987). The biological production of marine suspended barite and the barium cycle in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Biogeochemistry 4: 119-139
Dehairs, F.A.; Hoenig, M.; De Bondt, M.; Baeyens, J.; Van Den Winkel, P. (1987). Determination of barium in sea water by cation-exchange separation and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 196: 33-40
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Mommaerts, J.-P.; Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Decadt, G. (1984). Dynamic patterns of dissolved nitrogen in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 18(5): 499-510.
Dehairs, F.A.; Chesselet, R.; Jedwab, J. (1980). Discrete suspended particles of barite and the barium cycle in the open ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 49(2): 528-550.
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Mas, R.; Claeys, P.; Keppens, E.; Dehairs, F. (2009). Stable isotopic composition of bivalve shell organic matrix: Mytilus edulis collected along the Scheldt estuary. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 11(EGU2009-11632): 1
Cavagna, A.-J.; Cassar, N.; Dehairs, F.; DiFiore, P.J.; Tilbrook, B.; Griffiths, B.; Elskens, M. (2008). Summer f-ratios and net community production in the Australian sector of Southern Ocean: contrasting regimes of nutrient availability and ecosystems functioning. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 10: 07770
Jacquet, S.H.M.; Dehairs, F.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Dumont, I.; Becquevort, S.; Cardinal, D.; Lam, P. (2008). Twilight zone C mineralization under different regimes of macro- and micronutrient availabilities in the Southern Ocean. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 10: 03083
Cavagna, A.-J.; Fripiat, F.; Wolf-Gladrow, D.; Dehairs, F.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2007). Natural dissolved silicon isotopic signal during EIFEX (European Iron Fertilization Experiment): diatom uptake vs. mixing. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 9: 01636
Gillikin, D.P.; Steenmans, D.; DeHairs, F.; Baeyens, W.; Navez, J.; André, L.; Keppens, E.; CALMARs group (2004). Calibration and validation of the mussel Mytilus edulis as an environmental archive. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 6: 04054
Dehairs, F.A.; Fagel, N.; Antia, A.N.; Peinert, R.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (2000). Export production in the Gulf of Biscay as estimated from barium-barite in settling material: A comparison with new production. Deep Sea Res. (1977) 47: 583-601
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H. (1990). Wet and dry deposition fluxes above the North Sea. Atmos. Environ., A Gen. Topics 24(7): 1693-1703
Kazungu, J. M.; Dehairs, F.; Goeyens, L. (1989). Nutrients distribution patterns in Tudor estuary (Mombasa, Kenya) during rainy season. Kenya J. Sci. (B Biol. Sci.) 10(1-2): 47-61
Van Bennekom, J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Pamatmat, M.; Tréguer, P. (1989). Barium biogeochemistry. Ber. Polarforsch. Meeresforsch. 65: 44-46
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Gillain, G.; Ronday, F.; Dehairs, F.A. (1987). Trace metals in the eastern part of the North Sea: 2. Flows of Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn through the coastal area. Oceanol. Acta 10(3): 301-309
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1982). An automated method for the assessment of mercury adsorption rates on particulate suspended matter. Oceanol. Acta 5(3): 261-264
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1982). An automated method for the assessment of mercury adsorption rates. Oceanol. Acta 5: 261-264
Dehairs, F.A.; Decadt, G.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1982). Comparative study of different wet mineralisation digestion methods for the measurement of total mercury in biological samples. Analusis 10(8): 373-376
Van Damme, S.; Meire, P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Chevalier, E. (2008). Een kwaliteitslabel voor het Scheldewater? [PPT Presentatie]. [S.n.]: Antwerpen. 22 slides pp.
Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (Ed.) (1998). Integrated Marine System Analysis - European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis FWO Vlaanderen: Proceedings of the second network meeting (Brussels, May 29-31, 1997). VUB. Laboratorium voor Analytische Chemie: Brussel. 376 pp.
Baeyens, J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (Ed.) (1996). Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis. FWO Vlaanderen: minutes of the first network meeting (Brugge, 29.02.96-02.03.96). Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Laboratorium voor Analytische Chemie: Brussel. 217 pp.
Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1986). Biogeochemical regulation of stable pollutant transfer in open sea and coastal environments (heavy metals and organochlorine residues). Part A: Trace and major elements Final report of contract env-766-B (1984-1986). VUB: Brussel.
Troina, G.; Botta, S.; Dehairs, F. (2014). Feeding habits of franciscanas, Pontoporia blainville, based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in tooth dentin, in: Abstract book 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society: Marine mammals as sentinels of a changing environment, Liège, Belgium, 5-9th April 2014. pp. 236
Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Jacquet, S.; Planchon, F. (2013). Primary production and potential for carbon export in naturally iron-fertilized waters in the Southern Ocean, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1]
Fonseca Batista, D.; Dehairs, F. (2013). Fixed nitrogen and atmospheric N2 contribution to biological productivity along a North-South transect in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1]
Roukaerts, A.; Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F. (2013). Nutrient uptake and primary production in the East Antarctic sea-ice zone (SIPEX 2 preliminary results, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1]
Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Woule-Ebongué, V.; Delille, B. (2011). Surface delta13C-POC, cholesterol and brassicasterol decline from Cape Basin to the northern Weddell Gyre (Southern Ocen): is the signal conserved in the deep ocean?, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1
Dehairs, F.; Jacquet, S.; Fripiat, F.; Cardinal, D.; Hoppema, M.; Jeandel, C.; Monnin, C.; Navez, J.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Speich, S.; Boyé, M.; Fahrbach, E.; Blain, S.; Rutgers van der Loeff, M.; De Baar, H.; Rintoul, S. (2011). Differential retention of dissolved barium and silicon in the Atlantic, Indian and Australian sectors of the Southern Ocean, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1
Delille, B.; Geilfus, N.-X.; Gonzalez-Davila, M.; Santana-Casiano, J.M.; Planchon, F.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Cardinal, D.; Fripiat, F.; André, L.; Speich, S.; Dehairs, F. (2011). pCO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon distribution of the mixed layer during the Bonus-Goodhope cruise, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1
Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Speich, S.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Silicon pool dynamics and biogenic silica export in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current inferred from Si-isotopes, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1
Jacquet, S.; Grauby, O.; Baronnet, A.; Cardinal, D.; Dehairs, F. (2011). Barite crystals facies in the Southern Ocean: towards a better understanding of bio-organo-mineralisation mechanisms, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1
Middelburg, J.J.; Andersson, M.; Boschker, E.; Brion, N.; Dehairs, F.; Dijkman, N.; Kromkamp, J.C.; Soetaert, K. (2011). Carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Scheldt estuary: the major players, long-term changes and an integrated view, in: Heip, C. et al. (Ed.) Aspects of coastal research in contribution to LOICZ in the Netherlands and Flanders (2002-2010). LOICZ Research & Studies, 38: pp. 148-154
Struyf, E.; Gribsholt, B.; Boschker, E.; Dehairs, F.; Meire, P. (2011). N and Si cycling in freshwater tidal marshes, in: Heip, C. et al. (Ed.) Aspects of coastal research in contribution to LOICZ in the Netherlands and Flanders (2002-2010). LOICZ Research & Studies, 38: pp. 155-161
Thomas, H.; Shadwick, E.; DeHairs, F.; Lansard, B.; Navez, J.; Gratton, Y.; Prowe, F.; Mucci, A.; Chierici, M.; Fransson, A.; Papakyriakou, T.; Sternberg, E.; Miller, L.A. (2011). Barium and Carbon fluxes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1
Van Damme, S.; Dehairs, F.; Tackx, M.; Beauchard, O.; Struyf, E.; Gribsholt, B.; Van Cleemput, O.; Meire, P. (2010). Tidal exchange between a freshwater tidal marsh and an impacted estuary: the Scheldt estuary, Belgium, in: Van Damme, S. Water quality and the estuarine environment: Spatio temporal patterns and opportunities for restoration with emphasis on nitrogen removal = Waterkwaliteit en het estuarien milieu: Spatio-temporele patronen en mogelijkheden tot herstel met speciale aandacht voor stikstofverwijdering. pp. 113-136
Van Damme, S.; Struyf, E.; Maris, T.; Ysebaert, T.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Tackx, M.; Heip, C.H.R.; Meire, P. (2010). Spatial and temporal patterns of water quality along the estuarine salinity gradient of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium and The Netherlands): results of an integrated monitoring approach, in: Van Damme, S. Water quality and the estuarine environment: Spatio temporal patterns and opportunities for restoration with emphasis on nitrogen removal = Waterkwaliteit en het estuarien milieu: Spatio-temporele patronen en mogelijkheden tot herstel met speciale aandacht voor stikstofverwijdering. pp. 45-70
Guelinckx, J.; Geysen, B.; De Brabandere, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Ollevier, F.P. (2008). Spatial variability in d13C and d15N of estuarine and coastal benthic consumers derived from sand goby gut contents and muscle tissue, in: Guelinckx, J. Estuarine habitat use by a goby species: a geochemical approach = Estuarien habitatgebruik door een grondelsoort: een geochemische benadering. pp. 33-45
Guelinckx, J.; Dehairs, F.; Ollevier, F. (2008). Effect of digestion on the d13C and d15N of fish-gut contents, in: Guelinckx, J. Estuarine habitat use by a goby species: a geochemical approach = Estuarien habitatgebruik door een grondelsoort: een geochemische benadering. pp. 25-31
Guelinckx, J.; Maes, J.; Van Den Driessche, P.; Geysen, B.; Dehairs, F.A.; Ollevier, F.P. (2008). Changes in d13C and d15N in different tissues of juvenile sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus: a laboratory diet-switch experiment, in: Guelinckx, J. Estuarine habitat use by a goby species: a geochemical approach = Estuarien habitatgebruik door een grondelsoort: een geochemische benadering. pp. 47-63
Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Lorrain, A.; Steenmans, D.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; André, L. (2005). Barium uptake into the shells of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction, in: Gillikin, D.P. Geochemistry of marine bivalve shells: the potential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. pp. 183-207
Dehairs, F.A.; Lancelot, C.; André, L.; Frankignoulle, M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Becquevort, S.; Cardinal, D.; Cattaldo, T.; Delille, B.; Elskens, M.; Fagel, N.; Goosse, H.; Hannon, E.; Navez, J.; Probst, G.; Schoemann, V. (2003). An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean, in: Belgian Scientific Research programme on the Antarctic, phase 4 (1997-2001), Scientific results: 1. Marine biota and global change. pp. 1-160
De Brabandere, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (2002). Assessment of the pelagic food web structure of the Scheldt estuary from C and N stable isotope ratios, in: ECSA Local Meeting: ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 37
Gribsholt, B.; Dehairs, F.A.; Struyf, E.; Boschker, E. (2002). Whole ecosystem 15N labeling to identify nitrogen cycling in marshes, in: ECSA Local Meeting: ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 25
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Brion, N.; Dehairs, F.A.; Leermakers, M. (2001). De Schelde en de Belgische kustzee: ecosysteem of afvoersysteem van polluenten, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Beheer van kust en zee: beleidsondersteunend onderzoek in Vlaanderen: Studiedag, Oostende, 9 november 2001. VLIZ Special Publication, 4: pp. 18-21
Dehairs, F.A.; Lancelot, C.; Frankignoulle, M. (2001). The role of the Southern Ocean in the global carbon cycle and its climatic implications, in: Decleir, H. et al. (Ed.) The Belgica Expedition Centennial: perspectives on Antarctic science and history: Proceedings of the Belgica Centennial Symposium, 14-16 May 1998, Brussels. pp. 287-294
Dehairs, F.A. (1998). Export production and POM degradation: 2. Carbon export and degradation of POM in water column and sediments: introductory note, in: Dehairs, F.A. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis FWO Vlaanderen: Proceedings of the second network meeting (Brussels, May 29-31, 1997). pp. 219-221
Dehairs, F.A.; Fagel, N.; Elskens, M.; André, L.; Goeyens, L. (1998). Export production in the Gulf of Biscay as estimated from barium-barite in settling material, in: Dehairs, F.A. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis FWO Vlaanderen: Proceedings of the second network meeting (Brussels, May 29-31, 1997). pp. 259-277
Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Rees, A.; Joint, I.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1998). Improved estimation of f-ratio in natural phytoplankton assemblages, in: Dehairs, F.A. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis FWO Vlaanderen: Proceedings of the second network meeting (Brussels, May 29-31, 1997). pp. 139-150, 2 plates
Jeandel, C.; Tachikawa, K.; Dehairs, F.A. (1998). Barite-fluxes and suspended-barite to trace export production in the tropical NE Atlantic (EUMELI sites), in: Dehairs, F.A. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis FWO Vlaanderen: Proceedings of the second network meeting (Brussels, May 29-31, 1997). pp. 239-257
Marguiller, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; van der Velde, G.; Kelleher, B.; Rajagopal, S. (1998). Initial results on the trophic relationships based on Corophium curvispinum in the Rhine traced by stable isotopes, in: [s.d.] pp. 171-177
Marguillier, S.; Dehairs, F.; van der Velde, G.; Kelleher, B.; Rajagopal, S. (1998). Initial results on the trophic relationships based on Corophium curvispinum in the Rhine traced by stable isotopes, in: Nienhuis, P.H. et al. (Ed.) New concepts for sustainable management of river basins. pp. 171-177
Dehairs, F.A.; Semeneh, M.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (1997). Spatial and seasonal variability of new production and export production in the Southern Ocean, in: Caschetto, S. (Ed.) Belgian research programme on the Antarctic: scientific results of phase III (1992-1996): 1. Marine biochemistry and ecodynamics. pp. A3/03/001/1-83
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1996). Oxidation rate of organic carbon in the mesopelagic water column as traced by suspended barium-barite, in: Baeyens, J. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis. FWO Vlaanderen: minutes of the first network meeting (Brugge, 29.02.96-02.03.96). pp. 205-217
Semeneh, M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1995). Uptake of nitrogenous nutrients by phytoplankton in the tropical western Indian Ocean (Kenyan coast): monsoonal and spatial variability, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. (Ed.) Monsoons and coastal ecosystems in Kenya. pp. 101-104
Woitchik, A.F.; Dehairs, F.A. (1995). Importance of biological nitrogen fixation for nutrient input into the seagrass meadows of Gazi Bay, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. (Ed.) Monsoons and coastal ecosystems in Kenya. pp. 67-70
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Clement, J.-P. (1994). Production, transport and sinks of organic matter and associated elements in marine systems: nutrient fluxes and new production, in: Vanderborght, O. et al. (Ed.) IGBP and 'Global Change' related research in Belgium II. pp. 136-137
Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L.; Vervlimmeren, J. (1994). Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX): subproject biogeochemical cycles, particle biogeochemistry, bioreactive elements in suspended matter, in: Vanderborght, O. et al. (Ed.) IGBP and 'Global Change' related research in Belgium II. pp. 125
Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (1993). Seasonal fluctuation of export and recycled production in different subareas of the Southern Ocean, in: Caschetto, S. (Ed.) Belgian scientific research programme on Antarctica: scientific results of phase II (10/1988-05/1992): 1. Plankton ecology and marine biogeochemistry. pp. II/08/1-79
Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (1993). Seasonal fluctuations of export and recycled production in different areas of the Southern Ocean, in: [s.d.] pp. 2-79
Church, T.M.; Arimoto, R.; Barrie, L.A.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dulac, F.; Jickells, T.D.; Mart, L.; Sturges, W.T.; Zoller, W.H. (1990). The long-range transport of trace elements: A critical evaluation, in: [s.d.] pp. 37-58
Jickells, T.D.; Arimoto, R.; Barrie, L.A.; Church, T.M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dulac, F.; Mart, L.; Sturges, W.T.; Zoller, W.H. (1990). The Long-Range transport of trace elements: Four case studies, in: [s.d.] pp. 177-196
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Vandenhoudt, A. (1989). Stable pollutants in the eastern part of the North Sea, in: Pichot, G. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research 1989: proceedings of the North Sea Symposium held in Ghent, 14 February 1989. pp. 325-340
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1989). The biogeochemistry of barium in the Southern Ocean, in: [s.d.] pp. 1-100
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1989). The biochemistry of barium in the Southern Ocean, in: Caschetto, S. (Ed.) Belgian scientific research programme on Antarctica: scientific results of phase I (10/1985-01/1989): 2. A: Marine geochemistry; B: Marine geophysics. pp. 08/1-100
Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (1989). Study of the remineralization process by N-15 isotope dilution experiments, in: [s.d.] pp. 5-21
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1988). Dissolved barium and nutrients in the Southern Ocean: Their potential use as tracers for the characterisation of the different watermasses, in: [s.d.] pp. 79-95
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1988). IGBP: Panel on marine biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Barium biogeochemistry in the oceanic watercolumn, in: Cottenie, A.H. et al. (Ed.) Belgian research on Global Change IGBP: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Brussels on 22 April 1988. pp. 202
Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1988). Dissolved barium and nutrients in the Southern Ocean: their potential use as tracers for the characterization of the different watermasses, in: Proceedings of the Belgian National Colloquium on Antarctic Research (Brussels, October 20, 1987). pp. 79-95
Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1987). Studies of the wet and dry deposition of ecotoxicological heavy metals from the atmosphere to the Southern Bight of the North Sea, in: [s.d.] pp. 198-200
Baeyens, W.; Gillain, G.; Hoenig, M.; Dehairs, F. (1986). Mobilization of major trace elements at the water-sediment interface in the Belgian coastal area and the Scheldt Estuary, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. (Ed.) Marine interfaces ecohydrodynamics: proceedings of the 17th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 42: pp. 453-485.
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Gillain, G.; Djenidi, S.; Hoenig, M.; Wartel, S.; Dehairs, F.A. (1985). Metal flows in, out and through the Belgian coastal waters, in: Van Grieken, R. et al. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research: Proceedings of a symposium held at the Palace of Academies Brussels, 3-5 March 1985. pp. 125-135
Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dehairs, F.A.; Qian, X.; Nemery, B. (1985). Heavy metals transfer from the atmosphere to the sea in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, in: Van Grieken, R. et al. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research: Proceedings of a symposium held at the Palace of Academies Brussels, 3-5 March 1985. pp. 170-177
Dedeurwaerder, H.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A. (1985). Estimates of dry and wet deposition of several trace metals in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, in: Lekkas, T.D. (Ed.) Heavy metals in the environment. pp. 135-137
Dehairs, F.A.; Gillain, G.; Debondt, M.; Vandenhoudt, A. (1985). The distribution of trace and major elements in Channel and North Sea suspended matter, in: Lekkas, T.D. (Ed.) Heavy metals in the environment. pp. 344-346
Dehairs, F.A.; Gillain, G.; Debondt, M.; Vandenhoudt, A. (1985). The distribution of trace and major elements in Channel and North Sea suspended matter, in: Van Grieken, R. et al. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research: Proceedings of a symposium held at the Palace of Academies Brussels, 3-5 March 1985. pp. 136-146
Decadt, G.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, F. (1984). A rapid and sensitive method for the determination of methylmercury in environmental samples by means of headspace gas chromatography, in: [s.d.] pp. 722-727
Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, J. (1984). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Part II: Spatial, temporal and compartmental distribution in the water column, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) (1982). Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 41-62
Decadt, G.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dehairs, F.A. (1984). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Part VI: An approach to elaborate a passive transport model, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) (1982). Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 125-138
Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Decadt, G.; Dejonghe, M.; Gillain, G.; Baeyens, J. (1984). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cu, Cd, Hg, PB, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Part III: The marine atmosphere as a transport route of heavy metals to the sea, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) (1982). Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 63-85
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Gillain, G. (1982). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Part V: Interaction kinetics between dissolved inorganic mercury and estuarine suspended matter, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 109-124
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Wartel, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; Decadt, G.; Bogaert, M.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H. (1982). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Part IV: The river Scheldt as a transport route of heavy metals to the sea, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 86-108
Gillain, G.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Bogaert, M.; Dejonghe, M.; Wartel, S. (1982). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 7-39
Gillain, G.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1982). Sampling techniques and analytical methods, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 13-39
Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dejonghe, M.; Dehairs, F.A. (1980). Strategy for the study of sea-air exchanges in the Belgian coastal zone, in: Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: verslag van de studiedagen = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapports des journées d'études. pp. 27-37
Dehairs, F.A. (1980). The biogeochemical cycle of barium in the open ocean: an evaluation, in: Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: verslag van de studiedagen = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapports des journées d'études. pp. 39-58
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A. (1977). Etude de la dispersion et des méchanismes de transport du mercure dans un estuaire: 1. Etude de la cynétique d'interaction du mercure avec d'autres sonstituants dans l'estuaire de l'Escaut, in: Elskens, I. et al. (Ed.) Studie en beheer van het mariene systeem: 4de Colloquium E4-77, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18 juli-5 augustus 1977, vol. 2. pp. 316-330
Dehairs, F.A. (1977). Le baryum et la barytine en suspension: résultats du programme GEOSECS, in: Elskens, I. et al. (Ed.) Studie en beheer van het mariene systeem: 4de Colloquium E4-77, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18 juli-5 augustus 1977, vol. 1. pp. 319-348
Deman, F.; Roukaerts, A.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Dehairs, F.; Fripiat, F. (2019). Estimation of Antarctic sea ice primary production inferred from biomass accumulation, in: 51st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Polar Ocean facing changes.
Dubois, P.; Agüera, A.; Ameziane, N.; Collard, M.; Danis, B.; David, B.; Dehairs, F.; De Ridder, C.; Di Giglio, S.; Eleaume, M.; Feral, J.-P.; Fournier, J.; Gallut, C.; Gonthier-Maurin, M.; Jane, P.; Marschal, C.; Michel, L.; Motreuil, S.; Pasotti, F.; Sahade, R.; Saucède, T.; Vanreusel, A. (2017). Acid-base physiology of Antarctic and Sub-antarctic sea urchins and their resilience to ocean acidification, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 392
Roukaerts, A.; Fripiat, F.; Dehairs, F. (2017). New insights in Antarctic fast ice biogeochemistry, the role of biofilm, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 384
Deman, F.; Brion, N.; Fripiat, F.; Verstraeten, D.; Dehairs, F. (2016). Stable isotopic composition of inorganic nitrogen substrates represent an efficient tool to investigate long term evolution of the Scheldt health condition, in: Meire, P. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: ECSA Local Meeting 2016. Estuarine Restoration: from theory to practice and back, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 5-9 July 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 77: pp. 23
Kingunge, P.K.; Dehairs, F.; Brion, N.; Fonseca Batista, D. (2015). How reproducible are methods to determine nanomolar concentrations of nitrate and nitrite?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 81-82
Nehemia, A.; Dehairs, F.; Kochzius, M. (2015). Influence of mangrove deforestation on nutrition ecology and genetic diversity of Uca annulipes along the Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar coast, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 96
Collard, M.; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2013). Tolerance to ocean acidification in sea urchins: are cidaroids better adapted?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 15 February 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 63: pp. 27
Collard, M.; Eeckhaut, I.; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2013). Impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs and mangroves sea cucumbers, in: 48th European Marine Biology Symposium, Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, 19-23/08/2013: abstracts. pp. 154
Collard, M.; Dehairs, F.; Dubois, P. (2013). Acid-base status of Antarctic sea urchins and their vulnerability facing ocean acidification, in: 48th European Marine Biology Symposium, Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, 19-23/08/2013: abstracts. pp. 153
Roukaerts, A.; Dehairs, F. (2012). Nitrogen fixation in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 70
Bauwens, M.; Ohlsson, H.; Beelaerts, V.; Barbé, K.; Schoukens, J.; Dehairs, F. (2009). Multi proxy methods to reduce the salinity impact on temperature proxies in marine bivalves, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 15
Cavagna, A.-J.; Woule-Ebongue, V.; Dehairs, F. (2009). Sterols and their d13C signature in suspended particles in the Southern Ocean water column, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 24
Bauwens, M.; Servaes, F.; Beelaerts, V.; Poulain, C.; Dubois, Ph.; Schoukens, J.; Dehairs, F.A. (2008). Climate reconstruction based on archaeological bivalve shells, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium, 29 February 2008: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 40: pp. 28
Mas, R.; Poulain, C.; Claeys, P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Keppens, E. (2008). Stable isotope (C, N) composition of bivalve shell organic matter and salinity, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium, 29 February 2008: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 40: pp. 57
Moens, T.; Bouillon, S.; Campinas Bezerra, T.N.; De Mesel, I.; Dehairs, F.; Vanreusel, A. (2007). Carbon sources supporting nematode communities in Kenyan mangrove and seagrass sediments, in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [32]
Beelaerts, V.; Bauwens, M.; De Ridder, F.; Dehairs, F.A.; CALMARs group (2006). Environmental records from calcareous marine skeletons, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 22
Meert, I.; Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A. (2006). Reconstruction of environmental conditions at the Belgian coastal area over the past 800 years using Mytilus edulis shells, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 2
Guelinckx, J.; Maes, J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Ollevier, F.P. (2005). Estimating turnover rates of d13C and d15N in muscle, heart and liver tissue of juvenile sand gobies (Pomatoschistus minutus), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 38
Meert, I.; Gillikin, D.P.; Ervynck, A.; Hillewaert, B.; Keppens, E.; Dehairs, F.A. (2005). Reconstructing the environmental conditions in the coastal area of the Southern Bight over the past millennium using Mytilus edulis shells, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 45
Gillikin, D.P.; Steenmans, D.; Meng, L.; Haiteg, T.; Ulens, H.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Navez, J.; Andre, L.; Keppens, E.; CALMARs group (2004). Bivalves as environmental archives, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 51
Rwabuhungu, D.; Chou, L.; Wollast, R.; Dehairs, F.A.; Roevros, N. (2004). Origin and behaviour of dissolved inorganic carbon in Lake Kivu as traced by stable carbon isostopes, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 64
De Ridder, F.; Schoukens, J.; Pintelon, R.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; André, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (2003). Non-linear growth rates of marine calcareous organisms and the problem of decoding the recorded environmental change signal, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 28-29
Guelinckx, J.; Maes, J.; De Brabandere, L.; Ollevier, F.P.; Dehairs, F.A. (2003). Migration of juvenile herring (Clupea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus) between the North Sea and the Schelde estuary proved by stable C en N isotopes, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 40
Brion, N.; De Brabandere, L.; De Galan, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W. (2002). Nitrification in a highly polluted European estuary (the Scheldt estuary) and consequences on changing the natural isotopic ratio of 15N in particulate organic matter (poster), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 13 March 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 7: pp. 29
De Brabandere, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (2002). d13C and d15N composition of suspended particular organic matter (SPOM) and zooplankton in the eutrophic Scheldt estuary (Belgium) (poster), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 13 March 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 7: pp. 32
Bouillon, S.; Koedam, N.; Raman, A.V.; Rao, A.V.V.S.; Dehairs, F. (2001). Organic carbon in intertidal mangrove forests: sources and utilization by benthic invertebrates, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 32
Cattaldo, T.; Jeandel, C.; Dehairs, F.; Candaudap, F.; Metzl, N. (2001). Dissolved barium in the Southern Ocean: conservative vs. non-conservative behaviour as constrained by a multiple end-member mixing model, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 35
De Brabandere, L.; Fisseha, R.; Dehairs, F. (2001). Biogeochemical reworking of sewage discharged in the Scheldt Estuary (Belgium) influences nitrogen and carbon isotopic composition of the aquatic food chain, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 36-37
Dehairs, F.A.; Lancelot, C.; Frankignoulle, M. (1998). The role of the Southern Ocean in the global carbon cycle and its climatic implications, in: 1898-1998 Belgica Antarctic Expedition Centennial Symposium 14-16 May 1998, Brussels, Belgium: Book of abstracts. pp. 39
Kazungu, J.M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Hemminga, M.; Goeyens, L.; Woitchik, A.F. (1998). Nitrogen dynamics in a tropical mangrove ecosystem, Gazi Bay, Kenia: evidence of net importation of Particulate Organic Nitrogen (PON) of marine origin, in: ECSA 29 Symposium. Estuarine Research and Management in Developed and Developping countries: Joint ECSA and CERM symposium at the University of Port Elizabeth 13-17 July 1998. Abstract book. pp. 51
Riou, V.; Martins, A.; Dehairs, F.; Prakya, S.R.; Loureiro, C.; Santos, M.; Vidigal Alves, A. (2011). EUROFLEETS Cruise Summary Report. Project DIAPICNA: DIAzotrophic PIco-Cyanobacteria in the North Atlantic open ocean: their abundance and importance as a source of new nitrogen at the Azores Front/Current. R/V NRP Dom Carlos I, Cruise No. DIAPICNA-OCE-2011-V01, 25/07/2011 – 03/08/2011, Horta (Portugal). Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Universidade dos Açores: Brussel, Horta. 13 pp.
Van Belleghem, S.; Bal, K.; Desmet, N.; Buis, K.; de Deckere, E.; Meire, P.; Vanderborcht, J.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Brion, N.; De Brabandere, L. (2007). Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics in the upper reaches of the Schelde basin (MANUDYN I). Federal Science Policy Belgium: Brussel. 130 pp.
Dehairs, F.A.; Lancelot, C.; André, L.; Goosse, H.; Frankignoulle, M.; Becquevort, S.; Borges, A.; Cardinal, D.; de Montety, A.; Delille, B.; Elskens, M.; Jacquet, S.; Lefebvre, W.; Pasquer, B.; Savoye, N.; Schoemann, V. (2006). Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological carbon pump to climate change (BELCANTO II): final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 130 pp.
Dehairs, F.A.; Lancelot, C.; André, L.; Goosse, H.; Frankignoulle, M.; Becquevort, S.; Borges, A.; Cardinal, D.; de Montety, A.; Delille, B.; Elskens, M.; Jacquet, S.; Lefebvre, W.; Pasquer, B.; Savoye, N.; Schoemann, V. (2006). Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological carbon pump to climate change (BELCANTO II): final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 130 pp.
Dehairs, F.A.; Lancelot, C.; André, L.; Goosse, H.; Frankignoulle, M.; Becquevort, S.; Borges, A.; Cardinal, D.; de Montety, A.; Delille, B.; Elskens, M.; Jacquet, S.; Lefebvre, W.; Pasquer, B.; Savoye, N.; Schoemann, V. (2006). Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological carbon pump to climate change (BELCANTO II): final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 130 pp.
Willenz, P.; Berry, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Gillikin, D.P.; Keppens, E.; De Ridder, F.; André, L.; Verheyden, S.; Lorrain, A.; Dubois, Ph.; Ranner, H.; Blust, R.; Mubiana, V.K. (2006). Validation of alternative marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate changes (CALMARS): final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 133 pp.
Wartel, S.; Chen, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.; Bouillon, S.; Leermaekers, M.; Van Den Winkel, P. (2004). Bepaling van de verhouding marien-fluviatiel slib in de beneden Zeeschelde in het voorjaar van 2004. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Afdeling Maritieme Toegang: Antwerpen. 66 pp.
Hellings, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A. (2000). Studie van de interactie tussen waterkolom en het intertidaal in de Zeeschelde: biogeochemische cycli van koolstof en stikstof (verlenging januari-december 1999): eindverslag. Algemene Milieu Impaktstudie Sigmaplan (AMIS), AMIS DS6.3. VUB. Laboratorium voor Analytische Chemie: Brussel. 22 pp.
Hellings, L.; Van Damme, S.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Van Den Driessche, K.; Keppens, E. (1999). Onderzoek Milieu-effecten Sigmaplan (OMES): deelstudie 7.3. Water-schor interactie: de biogeochemische cycli van koolstof en stikstof. Eindverslag. Algemene Milieu Impaktstudie Sigmaplan (AMIS), AMIS DS7.3. VUB: Brussel. 115, 33 pp.
Wartel, S.; Keppens, E.; Nielsen, P.E.; Dehairs, F.; Van Den Winkel, P.; Cornand, L. (1993). Bepaling van de verhouding marien en fluviatiel slib in de Beneden Zeeschelde. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur: Brussel. 16 + bijlagen pp.
Woitchik, A.F.; Kazungu, J.; Rao, R.G.; Dehairs, F.A. (1991). Relative importance of mangrove litter as nutrient source: preliminary results, in: Delbeke, K. (Ed.) Kenya - Belgium project in marine sciences "Higher Institute for Marine Sciences" VLIR - KMFRI Project and CEC Project "Dynamics and Assessment of Kenyan Mangrove Ecosystems" No. TS2-0240-C (GDF): Progress Report November 1990 -June 1991. pp. 29-31
Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F.; Goeyens, L.; Vandenhoudt, A. (1989). Stable pollutants in the eastern part of the North Sea. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1989(E:33). ICES: Copenhagen. [no pag.] pp.
Kazungu, J.M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1987). Nutrients distribution patterns in Tudor estuary during rainy season, in: Martens, E.E. Kenyan-Belgian Project in Marine Sciences: Second Quarterly Report. pp. 64-69
Dehairs, F. (1986). Report of a scientific visit of Dr. F. dehairs to the K.M.F.R.I., Mombasa, Kenya. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 10 pp.
Baeyens, W.; Wartel, S.; Dehairs, F.; Decadt, G.; Bogaert, M.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H. (1982). The river Scheldt as a transport route for heavy metals in the sea. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:37). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 85-107 pp.
Baeyens, W.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.; Goeyens, L.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Gillain, G. (1982). Part 5. Interaction kinetics between dissolved inorganic mercury and estuarine suspended matter. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:38). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 109-124 pp.
Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Dehairs, F.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W. (1982). Spatial, temporal and compartmental distribution in the water column. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:35). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 35-57 pp.
Decadt, G.; Baeyens, W.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dehairs, F. (1982). Part 6. An approach to elaborate a passive transport model. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:39). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 125-137 pp.
Dehairs, F.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dejonghe, M.; Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Baeyens, W.; Elskens, I. (1982). Boundary conditions for heavy metals at the air-sea interface. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:33). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 20 pp.
Gillain, G.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W. (1982). Part 1. Sampling techniques and analytical methods. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:34). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 7-33 pp.
Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dejonghe, M.; Dehairs, F.A. (1980). Strategy for the study of sea-air exchanges in the Belgian coastal zone. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1980(C:24). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 27-37 pp.
Dehairs, F. (1980). The biogeochemical cycle of barium in the open ocean. An evaluation. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1980(C:23). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 39-58 pp.
Van der Velde, G.; Dehairs, F.; Marguillier, S.; Mwatha, G. K.; Op 't Veld, R. L. J. M.; Rajagopal, S.; Van Avesaath, P. H. [s.d.]. Structural and stable isotope differences in the fish communities of mangrove creeks, seagrass meadows and sand flats in Gazi Bay (Kenya): report EG project. [S.n.]: Nijmegen. 132-156 pp.
Nehemia, A.; Dehairs, F.; Kochzius, M. (2016). Influence of mangrove deforestation on nutrition ecology and genetic diversity of Uca annulipes along the Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar coast. Poster at the VLIZ Marine Scientist Day 12 February 2016. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 1 poster pp.
Nehemia, A.; Dehairs, F.; Kochzius, M. (2015). Influence of mangrove deforestation on nutrition ecology and genetic diversity of Uca annulipes along the Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar coast. Poster presented at the VLIZ Young Marine Scientist's Day 20 February 2015. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 1 poster pp.
Dehairs, F.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; André, L.; Goosse, H.; Fripiat, F.; Moreau, S.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Schoemann, V.; Sapart, C.; Heinesch, B.; Zhou, J.; Carnat, G.; Roukaert, A.; Champenois, W.; de Jong, J. (2014). BIGSOUTH: BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth system. Sci. connect. (Ned. ed.) 44: 8-12
Roukaerts, A.; Fonseca Batista, D.; Riou, V; Dehairs, F. (2012). Nitrogen fixation in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Poster presentation. Analytical and Environmental Chemistry & Earth System Sciences, VUB: Brussels. 1 poster pp.
Dehairs, F.; de Brauwere, A.; Elskens, M. (2008). Organic carbon in the ocean’s twilight zone. Controls on organic carbon export and twilight zone remineralization. Brussels, Belgium, 28-30 May 2008. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 89(38): 351
Shopova, D.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, J. (1995). A simple model of biogeochemical element distribution in the water column of the Southern Ocean. J. Mar. Sci. 6: 331-344
Dauby, P.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Biondo, R.; Bouquegneau, J.-M.; Chou, L.; Collette, O.; Dehairs, F.A.; Elskens, M.; Frankignoulle, M.; Loijens, M.; Paucot, H.; Wollast, R. (1993). Distribution of particulate trace elements in the Northeastern Atlantic, in: Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research, Brussels, January 21-22, 1993. pp. 171-201
Lambert, C.E.; Buat-Menard, P.; Gloaquin, A.; Béthoux, J.P.; Thailliez, D.; Morin, P.; Le Corre, P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Fowler, S. (1990). Preliminary report of JGOFS-France MEDALANTE cruises: geochemistry of vertical advection in large stable bodies of water: Mediterranean eddies. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 71: 81 abstract
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Carpels, M.; Dehairs, F.A. (1986). Behaviour of particulate organic matter at the water-sediment interface in a coastal area of the North Sea. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 67: 984 abstract
Dedeurwaerder, H.L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Decadt, G.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1984). Estimates of dry and wet deposition and resuspension fluxes of several trace metals in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, in: Pruppacher, H.R. (Ed.) Precipitation, scavenging, dry deposition and resuspension. pp. 1219-1231
Baeyens, J.; Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Decadt, G.; Mommaerts, J.-P. (1983). Nitrogen cycles in a coastal open sea zone off the Belgian coast. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 64: 1024
Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Decadt, G.; Baeyens, J.; Gillain, G. (1983). Microlayer metal excesses in a coastal North Sea area: relative contribution of dry fall-out. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 64: 1030
Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1982). De distributie van zware metalen in de waterkolom van de Belgische kustzone. Water 5: 150-153
Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dejonghe, M.; Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Elskens, I. (1982). Boundary conditions for heavy metals at the air-sea interface, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. et al. (Ed.) Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 1. Hydrodynamic and dispersion models, boundary fluxes and boundary conditions = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 1. Hydrodynamic and dispersion models, boundary fluxes and boundary conditions. pp. 223-242
Chesselet, R.; Darcourt, C.; Dehairs, F.A. (1976). Barite as discrete suspended particles in the Atlantic Ocean. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 57: 255 abstract
Wollast, R.; Dehairs, F.A. (1972). Sedimentologisch onderzoek van de Spuikom te Oostende. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 40: 323-333
Andrisoa, A.D. (2013). Seasonal variation of the nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of nitrate in the Scheldt River and Estuary. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen/Universiteit Gent/VUB: Antwerpen, Gent, Brussel. 12, 39 pp.
Cibele Troina, G. (2013). Ontogenetic characterization of the feeding habits of Franciscanas, Pontoporia blainvillei, based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen/Universiteit Gent/VUB: Antwerpen, Gent, Brussel. 16, 45 pp.
Laurila, M. (2013). Understanding the differential behaviour of barium and silicic acid in the Southern Ocean. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen/Universiteit Gent/VUB: Antwerpen, Gent, Brussel. 14, 43 pp.
Roukaerts, A. (2012). Importance of nitrogen fixation in the surface primary production process near the Azores Front, North Atlantic Ocean. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of sciences, Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry: Brussel. 55 + appendix pp.
Bauwens, M. (2011). Nonlinear and dynamical models for temperature reconstructions from multiproxy data in bivalve shells. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 206 pp.
Guelinckx, J. (2008). Estuarine habitat use by a goby species: a geochemical approach = Estuarien habitatgebruik door een grondelsoort: een geochemische benadering. PhD Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Laboratorium voor Aquatische Ecologie: Leuven. ISBN 978-90-8649-165-0. 163 pp.
Ralison, O.H. (2006). Biogeochemistry of organic matter in the Betsiboka estuary north west Madagascar: a stable isotope approach. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen/Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA): Brussel. 102 + App. pp.
De Brabandere, L. (2005). Autotrophic and heterotrophic food sources of copepods in the Scheldt estuary as traced by stable C and N isotopes. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 155 pp.
Gillikin, D.P. (2005). Geochemistry of marine bivalve shells: the potential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 258 pp.
Meert, I. (2005). Reconstruction of environmental conditions at the Belgian coastal area over the past 800 years using Mytilus edulis shells. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA): Brussel. 78 pp.
De Ridder, F. (2004). Identification of the time base in environmental archives. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. XVI, 244 pp.
Bouillon, S. (2002). Organic carbon in a southeast Indian mangrove ecosystem: sources and utilization by different faunal communities. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 334 pp.
Guelinckx, J. (2002). Migratie van juveniele haring (Clupea harengus L.) en sprot (Sprattus sprattus (L.)) tussen de Noordzee en het Schelde-estuarium zoals aangetoond met stabiele C en N isotopen. MSc Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL): Leuven. 109 pp.
Nguyen, L.P. (2002). Temporal evolution of C/N ratio and d15N of willow leaves decomposing in Scheldt water. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen/Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. VII, 70 pp.
Ping, G. (2001). A stable isotope investigation of the seasonal variability of nutrients and organic matter in the Zenne river. MSc Thesis. VUB: Brussel. 84 pp.
Duc, T.A. (2000). Assessment of sewage effluents impact on Woluwe river water quality using Rb/Sr ratio. MSc Thesis. VUB: Brussel. 93 pp.
Hellings, L. (2000). Origin and fate of dissolved inorganic and particulate organic carbon in a highly polluted estuary (The Scheldt) as traced by stable carbon isotopes. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 210 pp.
Marguillier, S. (1998). Stable isotope ratios and food web structure of aquatic ecosystems. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 209 pp.
Kazungu, J. M. (1996). Nitrogen - transformational processes in a tropical mangrove ecosystem (Gazi bay, Kenya). PhD Thesis. VUB: Brussels. 198, 4 appendices, 1 figure pp.
Yongxin, C. (1996). d18O of water as a tracer of water sources: optimisation of the methodology and first results for the Schelde River. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 51 pp.
McCourt, J. (1995). The identification of metallothioneins in the bivalve Macoma balthica from the Western Scheldt Estuary. Thesis. VUB: Brussel. 99 pp.
Ehrlich, R. (1993). The interaction between nitrogen limitation and the detoxification of copper through sulphydrylpeptides, in the euryhaline planktonic diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. MSc Thesis. NIOO: Yerseke. 63 pp.
Ong'anda, H. (1992). Dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in the mangrove forest of Gazi, Kenya: a numerical modelling approach. MSc Thesis. FAME: Brussel. 89 pp.
Rao, R. G. (1991). A contribution to the study of carbon and nitrogen fluxes in a kenyan mangrove ecosystem. MSc Thesis. VUB: Brussel. 47 pp.
Oteko, D. (1987). Analysis of some major and trace metals in the sediments of Gazi, Makupa and Tudor creeks of the Kenya coast: a comparative investigation into the anthropogenic input levels. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 190 pp.
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