Université Catholique de Louvain; Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain; Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (IMMC)
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Université Catholique de Louvain; Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain; Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering; Unité de Mécanique Appliquée (MEMA)
Patil, A.R.; Fiengo Perez, F.; Lambrechts, J.; Draoui, I.; Deleersnijder, E. (2024). Numerical modelling for the distribution of 137Cs and 131I in the Scheldt basin after a potential nuclear accident. J. Environ. Radioactivity 280: 107568. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2024.107568
Ishimwe, A.P.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V.; Lambrechts, J. (2023). A split-explicit second order Runge-Kutta method for solving 3D hydrodynamic equations. Ocean Modelling 186: 102273. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2023.102273
Le, H.A.; Nguyen, T.; Gratiot, N.; Deleersnijder, E.; Soares-Frazao, S. (2023). The multi-channel system of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: impacts on the flow dynamics under relative sea-level rise scenarios. Water 15(20): 3597. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w15203597
Figueiredo, J.; Thomas, C.J.; Deleersnijder, E.; Lambrechts, J.; Baird, A.H.; Connolly, S.R.; Hanert, E. (2022). Global warming decreases connectivity among coral populations. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12(1): 83-87. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01248-7
Reijnders, D.; Deleersnijder, E.; van Sebille, E. (2022). Simulating Lagrangian subgrid-scale dispersion on neutral surfaces in the ocean. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. 14(2): e2021MS002850. https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2021MS002850
Vincent, D.; Lambrechts, J.; Tyler, R.H.; Karatekin, O.; Dehant, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2022). A numerical study of the liquid motion in Titan's subsurface ocean. Icarus 388: 115219. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115219
Yang, Y.; Guan, W.; Deleersnijder, E.; He, Z. (2022). Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling in the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent Chinese coastal zone during Typhoon Mangkhut. Cont. Shelf Res. 233: 104645. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2022.104645
Lucas, L.V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2021). Tracers and timescales: tools for distilling and simplifying complex fluid mechanical problems. Water 13(19): 2796. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w13192796
Vallaeys, V.; Lambrechts, J.; Delandmeter, P.; Pätsch, J.; Spitzy, A.; Hanert, E.; Deleersnijder, E. (2021). Understanding the circulation in the deep, micro-tidal and strongly stratified Congo River estuary. Ocean Modelling 167: 101890. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101890
Le, H.-A.; Gratiot, N.; Santini, W.; Ribolzi, O.; Tran, D.; Mériaux, X.; Deleersnijder, E.; Soares-Frazão, S. (2020). Suspended sediment properties in the Lower Mekong River, from fluvial to estuarine environments. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 233: 106522. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106522
Lucas, L.V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2020). Timescale methods for simplifying, understanding and modeling biophysical and water quality processes in coastal aquatic ecosystems: a review. Water 12(10): 2717. https://hdl.handle.net/10.3390/w12102717
Pham Van, C.; De Brye, B.; De Brauwere, A.; Hoitink, A.J.F.; Soares-Frazao, S.; Deleersnijder, E. (2020). Numerical simulation of water renewal timescales in the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia. Water 12(4): 1017. https://hdl.handle.net/10.3390/w12041017
Cushman-Roisin, B.; Deleersnijder, E. (2019). Top-to-bottom Ekman layer and its implications for shallow rotating flows. Environ. Fluid Mech. 19(5): 1105-1119. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-018-9611-y
Kästner, K.; Hoitink, A.J.F.; Torfs, P.J.J.F.; Deleersnijder, E.; Ningsih, N.S. (2019). Propagation of tides along a river with a sloping bed. J. Fluid Mech. 872: 39-73. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2019.331
Vincent, D.; Lambrechts, J.; Karatekin, O.; Van Hoolst, T.; Tyler, R.H.; Dehant, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2019). Normal modes and resonance in Ontario Lacus: a hydrocarbon lake of Titan. Ocean Dynamics 69(10): 1121-1132. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1007/s10236-019-01290-2
Vallaeys, V.; Kärnä, T.; Delandmeter, P.; Lambrechts, J.; Baptista, A.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hanert, E. (2018). Discontinuous Galerkin modeling of the Columbia River's coupled estuary-plume dynamics. Ocean Modelling 124: 111-124. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.02.004
Vincent, D.; Karatekin, O.; Lambrechts, J.; Lorenz, R.D.; Dehant, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2018). A numerical study of tides in Titan's northern seas, Kraken and Ligeia Maria. Icarus 310: 105-126. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.018
Delandmeter, P.; Lambrechts, J.; Marmorino, G.O.; Legat, V.; Wolanski, E.; Remacle, J.-F.; Chen, W.; Deleersnijder, E. (2017). Submesoscale tidal eddies in the wake of coral islands and reefs: satellite data and numerical modelling. Ocean Dynamics 67(7): 897-913. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-017-1066-z
Shah, S.H.A.M.; Primeau, F.W.; Deleersnijder, E.; Heemink, A.W. (2017). Tracing the ventilation pathways of the deep North Pacific Ocean using Lagrangian particles and Eulerian tracers. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 47(6): 1261-1280. https://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-16-0098.1
Wolanski, E.; Andutta, F.; Deleersnijder, E.; Li, Y.; Thomas, C.J. (2017). The Gulf of Carpentaria heated Torres Strait and the Northern Great Barrier Reef during the 2016 mass coral bleaching event. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 194: 172-181. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2017.06.018
Andutta, F.P.; Helfer, F.; de Miranda, L.B.; Deleersnijder, E.; Thomas, C.; Lemckert, C. (2016). An assessment of transport timescales and return coefficient in adjacent tropical estuaries. Cont. Shelf Res. 124: 49-62. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2016.05.006
Le Bars, Y.; Vallaeys, V.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hanert, E.; Carrere, L.; Channeliere, C. (2016). Unstructured-mesh modeling of the Congo river-to-sea continuum. Ocean Dynamics 66(4): 589-603. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-016-0939-x
Mouchet, A.; Cornaton, F.; Deleersnijder, E.; Delhez, E.J.M. (2016). Partial ages: diagnosing transport processes by means of multiple clocks. Ocean Dynamics 66(3): 367-386. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-016-0922-6
Naithani, J.; de Brye, B.; Buyze, E.; Vyverman, W.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2016). An ecological model for the Scheldt estuary and tidal rivers ecosystem: spatial and temporal variability of plankton. Hydrobiologia 775(1): 51-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-016-2710-1
Pham Van, C.; Gourgue, O.; Sassi, M.; Hoitink, A.J.F.; Deleersnijder, E.; Soares-Frazao, S. (2016). Modelling fine-grained sediment transport in the Mahakam land–sea continuum, Indonesia. J. Hydro-environ. Res. 13: 103-120. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2015.04.005
Pham Van, C.; de Brye, B.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hoitink, A.J.F.; Sassi, M.G; Spinewine, B.; Hidayat, H.; Soares-Frazao, S. (2016). Simulations of the flow in the Mahakam river-lake-delta system, Indonesia. Environ. Fluid Mech. 16(3): 603-633. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-016-9445-4
Vincent, D.; Karatekin, O.; Vallaeys, V.; Hayes, G; Mastrogiuseppe, M; Notarnicola, C; Dehant, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2016). Numerical study of tides in Ontario Lacus, a hydrocarbon lake on the surface of the Saturnian moon Titan. Ocean Dynamics 66(4): 461-482. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-016-0926-2
Delandmeter, P.; Lewis, S.; Lambrechts, J.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V.; Wolanski, E. (2015). The transport and fate of riverine fine sediment exported to a semi-open system. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 167(Part B): 336-346. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2015.10.011
Thomas, C.J.; Bridge, T.; Figueiredo, J.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hanert, E. (2015). Connectivity between submerged and near-sea-surface coral reefs: can submerged reef populations act as refuges? Diversity Distrib. 21(10): 1254-1266. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ddi.12360
Andutta, F.P.; Ridd, P.V.; Deleersnijder, E.; Prandle, D. (2014). Contaminant exchange rates in estuaries - New formulae accounting for advection and dispersion. Prog. Oceanogr. 120: 139-153. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2013.08.009
de Brauwere, A.; Gourgue, O.; de Brye, B.; Servais, P.; Ouattara, N.K.; Deleersnijder, E. (2014). Integrated modelling of faecal contamination in a densely populated river–sea continuum (Scheldt River and Estuary). Sci. Total Environ. 468-469: 31-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.08.019
Delhez, E.J.M.; de Brye, B.; de Brauwere, A.; Deleersnijder, E. (2014). Residence time vs influence time. J. Mar. Syst. 132: 185-195. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.12.005
Elskens, M.; Gourgue, O.; Baeyens, W.; Chou, L.; Deleersnijder, E.; Leermakers, M.; de Brauwere, A. (2014). Modelling metal speciation in the Scheldt Estuary: combining a flexible-resolution transport model with empirical functions. Sci. Total Environ. 476-477: 346-358. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.047
Thomas, C.J.; Lambrechts, J.; Wolanski, E.; Traag, V.A.; Blondel, V.D.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hanert, E. (2014). Numerical modelling and graph theory tools to study ecological connectivity in the Great Barrier Reef. Ecol. Model. 272: 160-174. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.10.002
de Brye, B.; de Brauwere, A.; Gourgue, O.; Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E. (2013). Reprint of water renewal timescales in the Scheldt Estuary. J. Mar. Syst. 128: 3-16. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.03.002
Gourgue, O.; Baeyens, W.; Chen, M.S.; de Brauwere, A.; de Brye, B.; Deleersnijder, E.; Elskens, M.; Legat, V. (2013). A depth-averaged two-dimensional sediment transport model for environmental studies in the Scheldt Estuary and tidal river network. J. Mar. Syst. 128: 27-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.03.014
Kärnä, T.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2013). A baroclinic discontinuous Galerkin finite element model for coastal flows. Ocean Modelling 61: 1-20. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.09.009
Shah, S.H.A.M.; Heemink, A.W.; Grawe, U.; Deleersnijder, E. (2013). Adaptive time stepping algorithm for Lagrangian transport models: theory and idealised test cases. Ocean Modelling 68: 9-21. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.04.001
Wolanski, E.; Lambrechts, J.; Thomas, C.; Deleersnijder, E. (2013). The net water circulation through Torres strait. Cont. Shelf Res. 64: 66-74. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2013.05.013
de Brye, B.; de Brauwere, A.; Gourgue, O.; Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E. (2012). Water renewal timescales in the Scheldt Estuary. J. Mar. Syst. 94: 74-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.10.013
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E. (2012). Residence and exposure times: when diffusion does not matter. Ocean Dynamics 62(10-12): 1399-1407. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-012-0568-y
Gräwe, U.; Deleersnijder, E.; Shah, S.H.A.M.; Heemink, A.W. (2012). Why the Euler scheme in particle tracking is not enough: the shallow-sea pycnocline test case. Ocean Dynamics 62(4): 501-514. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-012-0523-y
Kärnä, T.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E.; Burchard, H. (2012). Coupling of a discontinuous Galerkin finite element marine model with a finite difference turbulence closure model. Ocean Modelling 47: 55-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.01.001
Mouchet, A.; Deleersnijder, E.; Primeau, F. (2012). The leaky funnel model revisited. Tellus, Ser. A, Dyn. meteorol. oceanogr. 64: 19131. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.19131
Sassi, M.G.; Hoitink, A.J.F.; de Brye, B.; Deleersnijder, E. (2012). Downstream hydraulic geometry of a tidally influenced river delta. JGR: Earth Surface 117: 13. https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2012JF002448
de Brauwere, A.; de Brye, B.; Blaise, S.; Deleersnijder, E. (2011). Residence time, exposure time and connectivity in the Scheldt Estuary. J. Mar. Syst. 84(3-4): 85-95. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2010.10.001
de Brauwere, A.; de Brye, B.; Servais, P.; Passerat, J.; Deleersnijder, E. (2011). Modelling Escherichia coli concentrations in the tidal Scheldt river and estuary. Wat. Res. 45(9): 2724-2738. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2011.02.003
de Brye, B.; Schellen, S.; Sassi, M.; Vermeulen, B.; Kärnä, T.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hoitink, T. (2011). Preliminary results of a finite-element, multi-scale model of the Mahakam Delta (Indonesia). Ocean Dynamics 61(8): 1107-1120. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-011-0410-y
Kärnä, T.; de Brye, B.; Gourgue, O.; Lambrechts, J.; Comblen, R.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2011). A fully implicit wetting–drying method for DG-FEM shallow water models, with an application to the Scheldt Estuary. Comput. methods appl. mech. eng. 200(5-8): 509-524. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2010.07.001
Lietaer, O.; Deleersnijder, E.; Fichefet, T.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Comblen, R.; Bouillon, S.; Legat, V. (2011). The vertical age profile in sea ice: theory and numerical results. Ocean Modelling 40(3-4): 211-226. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.09.002
Sassi, M.G.; Hoitink, A.J.F.; de Brye, B.; Vermeulen, B.; Deleersnijder, E. (2011). Tidal impact on the division of river discharge over distributary channels in the Mahakam Delta. Ocean Dynamics 61(12): 2211-2228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-011-0473-9
Shah, S.H.A.M.; Heemink, A.W.; Deleersnijder, E. (2011). Assessing Lagrangian schemes for simulating diffusion on non-flat isopycnal surfaces. Ocean Modelling 39(3-4): 351-361. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.05.008
Blaise, S.; de Brye, B.; de Brauwere, A.; Deleersnijder, E.; Delhez, E.J.M.; Comblen, R. (2010). Capturing the residence time boundary layer—application to the Scheldt Estuary. Ocean Dynamics 60(3): 535-554. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-010-0272-8
Blaise, S.; Comblen, R.; Legat, V.; Remacle, J.-F.; Deleersnijder, E.; Lambrechts, J. (2010). A discontinuous finite element baroclinic marine model on unstructured prismatic meshes: I. Space discretization. Ocean Dynamics 60(6): 1371-1393. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-010-0358-3
Comblen, R.; Blaise, S.; Legat, V.; Remacle, J.-F.; Deleersnijder, E.; Lambrechts, J. (2010). A discontinuous finite element baroclinic marine model on unstructured prismatic meshes: II. Implicit/explicit time discretization. Ocean Dynamics 60(6): 1395-1414. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-010-0357-4
de Brye, B.; de Brauwere, A.; Gourgue, O.; Kärnä, T.; Lambrechts, J.; Comblen, R.; Deleersnijder, E. (2010). A finite-element, multi-scale model of the Scheldt tributaries, river, estuary and ROFI. Coast. Eng. 57(9): 850-863. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.04.001
Deleersnijder, E.; Cornaton, F.; Haine, T.W.N.; Vanclooster, M.; Waugh, D.W. (2010). Tracer and timescale methods for understanding complex geophysical and environmental fluid flows. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 10(Spec. Issue 1-2). Springer: Dordrecht. 1-295 pp.
Deleersnijder, E.; Cornaton, F.; Haine, T.W.N.; Vanclooster, M.; Waugh, D.W. (2010). Tracer and timescale methods for understanding complex geophysical and environmental fluid flows. Environ. Fluid Mech. 10(1-2): 1-5. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-009-9164-1
Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V.; Lermusiaux, P.F.J. (2010). Multi-scale modelling of coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics. Ocean Dynamics 60(6): 1357-1359. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-010-0363-6
Deleersnijder, E.; de Brauwere, A. (2010). Assessing the parameterisation of the settling flux in a depth-integrated model of the fate of decaying and sinking particles, with application to fecal bacteria in the Scheldt Estuary. Environ. Fluid Mech. 10(1-2): 157-175. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-009-9151-6
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E. (2010). Residence time and exposure time of sinking phytoplankton in the euphotic layer. J. Theor. Biol. 262(3): 505-516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2009.10.004
Goosse, H.; Brovkin, V.; Fichefet, T.; Haarsma, R.; Huybrechts, P.; Jongma, J.; Mouchet, A.; Selten, F.; Barriat, P.-Y.; Campin, J.-M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Driesschaert, E.; Goelzer, H.; Janssens, I.; Loutre, M.-F.; Morales Maqueda, M.A.; Opsteegh, T.; Mathieu, P.; Munhoven, G.; Pettersson, E.J.; Renssen, H.; Roche, D.M.; Schaeffer, M.; Tartinville, B.; Timmermann, A.; Weber, S.L. (2010). Description of the Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM version 1.2. Geosci. Model Dev. 3(2): 603-633. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/gmd-3-603-2010
Modave, A.; Deleersnijder, E.; Delhez, E.J.M. (2010). On the parameters of absorbing layers for shallow water models. Ocean Dynamics 60(1): 65-79. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-009-0243-0
Comblen, R.; Legrand, S.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V. (2009). A finite element method for solving the shallow water equations on the sphere. Ocean Modelling 28(1-3): 12-23. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.05.004
de Brauwere, A.; De Ridder, F.; Gourgue, O.; Lambrechts, J.; Comblen, R.; Pintelon, R.; Passerat, J.; Servais, P.; Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W.; Kärnä, T.; de Brye, B.; Deleersnijder, E. (2009). Design of a sampling strategy to optimally calibrate a reactive transport model: Exploring the potential for Escherichia coli in the Scheldt Estuary. Environ. Model. Softw. 24(8): 969-981. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.02.004
Gourgue, O.; Comblen, R.; Lambrechts, J.; Kärnä, T.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2009). A flux-limiting wetting–drying method for finite-element shallow-water models, with application to the Scheldt Estuary. Adv. Water Resour. 32(12): 1726-1739. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2009.09.005
Plisnier, P-D.; Mgana, H.; Kimirei, I.; Chande, A.; Makasa, L.; Chimanga, J.; Zulu, F.; Cocquyt, C.; Horion, S.; Bergamino, N.; Naithani, J.; Deleersnijder, E.; André, L.; Descy, J.-P.; Cornet, Y. (2009). Limnological variability and pelagic fish abundance (Stolothrissa tanganicae and Lates stappersii) in Lake Tanganyika. Hydrobiologia 625(1): 117-134. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-009-9701-4
Primeau, F.; Deleersnijder, E. (2009). On the time to tracer equilibrium in the global ocean. Ocean Sci. 5(1): 13-28
Blaise, S.; Deleersnijder, E. (2008). Improving the parameterisation of horizontal density gradient in one-dimensional water column models for estuarine circulation. Ocean Sci. 4(4): 239-246
Deleersnijder, E.; Hanert, E.; Burchard, H.; Dijkstra, H.A. (2008). On the mathematical stability of stratified flow models with local turbulence closure schemes. Ocean Dynamics 58(3-4): 237-246. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-008-0145-6
Lambrechts, J.; Hanert, E.; Deleersnijder, E.; Bernard, P.-E.; Legat, V.; Remacle, J.-F.; Wolanski, E. (2008). A multi-scale model of the hydrodynamics of the whole Great Barrier Reef. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 79(1): 143-151. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2008.03.016
Mouchet, A.; Deleersnijder, E. (2008). The leaky funnel model, a metaphor of the ventilation of the World Ocean as simulated in an OGCM. Tellus, Ser. A, Dyn. meteorol. oceanogr. 60(4): 761-774. dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00322.x
Orre, S.; Gao, Y.; Drange, H.; Deleersnijder, E. (2008). Diagnosing ocean tracer transport from Sellafield and Dounreay by equivalent diffusion and age. Adv. atmos. sci. 25(5): 805-814. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00376-008-0805-y
White, L.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V. (2008). A three-dimensional unstructured mesh finite element shallow-water model, with application to the flows around an island and in a wind-driven, elongated basin. Ocean Modelling 22(1-2): 26-47. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.01.001
White, L.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2008). Tracer conservation for three-dimensional, finite-element, free-surface, ocean modeling on moving prismatic meshes. Mon. Weather Rev. 136(2): 420-442. dx.doi.org/10.1175/2007MWR2137.1
Blaise, S.; Deleersnijder, E.; White, L.; Remacle, J.-F. (2007). Influence of the turbulence closure scheme on the finite-element simulation of the upwelling in the wake of a shallow-water island. Cont. Shelf Res. 27(18): 2329-2345. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2007.06.003
Deleersnijder, E.; Delhez, E.J.M. (2007). Timescale- and tracer-based methods for understanding the results of complex marine models. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 74(4): v-vii. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2007.05.007
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E. (2007). Overshootings and spurious oscillations caused by biharmonic mixing. Ocean Modelling 17(3): 183-198. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2007.01.002
Gourgue, O.; Deleersnijder, E.; White, L. (2007). Toward a generic method for studying water renewal, with application to the epilimnion of Lake Tanganyika. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 74(4): 628-640. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2007.05.009
Hanert, E.; Deleersnijder, E.; Blaise, S.; Remacle, J.-F. (2007). Capturing the bottom boundary layer in finite element ocean models. Ocean Modelling 17(2): 153-162. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2006.11.006
Legrand, S.; Deleersnijder, E.; Delhez, E.J.M.; Legat, V. (2007). Unstructured, anisotropic mesh generation for the Northwestern European continental shelf, the continental slope and the neighbouring ocean. Cont. Shelf Res. 27(9): 1344-1356. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2007.01.009
Naithani, J.; Darchambeau, F.; Deleersnijder, E.; Descy, J.-P.; Wolanski, E. (2007). Study of the nutrient and plankton dynamics in Lake Tanganyika using a reduced-gravity model. Ecol. Model. 200(1-2): 225-233
Spivakovskaya, D.; Heemink, A.W.; Deleersnijder, E. (2007). The backward Îto method for the Lagrangian simulation of transport processes with large space variations of the diffusivity. Ocean Sci. 3(4): 525-535. dx.doi.org/10.5194/os-3-525-2007
White, L.; Deleersnijder, E. (2007). Diagnoses of vertical transport in a three-dimensional finite element model of the tidal circulation around an island. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 74(4): 655-669. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2006.07.014
Andréfouët, S.; Ouillon, S.; Brinkman, R.; Falter, J.; Douillet, P.; Wolk, F.; Smith, R.; Garen, P.; Martinez, E.; Laurenth, V.; Lo, C.; Remoissenet, G.; Scourzic, B.; Gilbert, A.; Deleersnijder, E.; Steinberg, C.; Choukroun, S.; Buestel, D. (2006). Review of solutions for 3D hydrodynamic modeling applied to aquaculture in South Pacific atoll lagoons. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 52(10): 1138-1155. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2006.07.014
Deleersnijder, E.; Beckers, J.-M.; Delhez, E.J.M. (2006). The residence time of settling particles in the surface mixed layer. Environ. Fluid Mech. 6(1): 25-42. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-005-3941-2
Deleersnijder, E.; Beckers, J.-M.; Delhez, E.J.M. (2006). On the behaviour of the residence time at the bottom of the mixed layer. Environ. Fluid Mech. 6(6): 541-547. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-006-9003-6
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E. (2006). The boundary layer of the residence time field. Ocean Dynamics 56(2): 139-150. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-006-0067-0
Hanert, E.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V. (2006). Erratum to "An adaptive finite element water column model using the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme" (vol 12, pg 205, 2006). Ocean Modelling 15(1-2): 137-137. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2006.07.001
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Legrand, S.; Deleersnijder, E.; Hanert, E.; Legat, V.; Wolanski, E. (2006). High-resolution, unstructured meshes for hydrodynamic models of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 68(1-2): 36-46. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2005.08.017
White, L.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E.; Le Roux, D. (2006). A one-dimensional benchmark for the propagation of Poincaré waves. Ocean Modelling 15(1-2): 101-123. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2005.11.001
White, L.; Beckers, J.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Legat, V. (2006). Comparison of free-surface and rigid-lid finite element models of barotropic instabilities. Ocean Dynamics 56(2): 86-103. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-006-0059-0
Burchard, H.; Deleersnijder, E.; Meister, A. (2005). Application of modified Patankar schemes to stiff biogeochemical models for the water column. Ocean Dynamics 55(3-4): 326-337
Hanert, E.; Le Roux, D.Y.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2005). An efficient Eulerian finite element for the shallow water equations. Ocean Modelling 10(1-2): 115-136. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2004.06.006
Pietrzak, J.; Deleersnijder, E.; Schroeter, J. (2005). Preface, in: Pietrzak, J. et al. (Ed.) The Second International Workshop on Unstructured Mesh Numerical Modelling of Coastal, Shelf and Ocean Flows (Delft, The Netherlands, September 23-25, 2003). Ocean Modelling, 10: pp. 1-3. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2004.09.004
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Delhez, E.J.M.; Heemink, A.W.; Deleersnijder, E. (2004). Residence time in a semi-enclosed domain from the solution of an adjoint problem. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 61(4): 691-702. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2004.07.013
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Rixen, M. (2004). Preface. Tracer methods in geophysical fluid dynamics, 34th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Liège, Belgium, May 6-10, 2002. J. Mar. Syst. 48(1-4): 1-2. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.01.001
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Rixen, M. (2004). Tracer methods in geophysical fluid dynamics. Journal of Marine Systems, 48(1-4). Elsevier: Amsterdam. 1-194 pp.
Delhez, E.J.M.; Lacroix, G.; Deleersnijder, E. (2004). The age as a diagnostic of the dynamics of marine ecosystem models. Ocean Dynamics 54(2): 221-231. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-003-0075-2
Hanert, E.; Le Roux, D.Y.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2004). Advection schemes for unstructured grid ocean modelling. Ocean Modelling 7(1-2): 39-58. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1463-5003(03)00029-5
Wolanski, E.; Colin, P.; Naithani, J.; Deleersnijder, E.; Golbuu, Y. (2004). Large amplitude, leaky, island-generated, internal waves around Palau, Micronesia. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 60(4): 705-716. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2004.03.009
Deleersnijder, E. (2003). Comments on "Water renewal time for classification of atoll lagoons in the Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia)" by Andréfouët et al. [Coral Reefs (2001) 20:399-408]. Coral Reefs 22(3): 307-308. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00338-003-0319-0
Deleersnijder, E.; Burchard, H. (2003). Reply to Mellor’s comments on “Stability of algebraic non-equilibrium second-order closure models” (Ocean Modelling 3 (2001) 33-50). Ocean Modelling 5(3): 291-293. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1463-5003(02)00059-8
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Mouchet, A.; Beckers, J.-M. (2003). A note on the age of radioactive tracers. J. Mar. Syst. 38(3-4): 277-286. dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0924-7963(02)00245-2
Hanert, E.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2003). A comparison of three finite elements to solve the linear shallow water equations. Ocean Modelling 5(1): 17-35. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1463-5003(02)00012-4
Wolanski, E.; Richmond, R.H.; Davis, G.; Deleersnijder, E.; Leben, R.R. (2003). Eddies around Guam, an island in the Mariana Islands group. Cont. Shelf Res. 23(10): 991-1003. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0278-4343(03)00087-6
Brinkman, R.; Wolanski, E.; Deleersnijder, E.; McAllister, F.; Skirving, W. (2002). Oceanic inflow from the Coral Sea into the Great Barrier Reef. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 54(4): 655-668. dx.doi.org/10.1006/ecss.2001.0850
Delhez, E.J.M.; Deleersnijder, E. (2002). The concept of age in marine modelling: 2. Concentration distribution function in the English Channel and the North Sea. J. Mar. Syst. 31(4): 279-297. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0924-7963(01)00066-5
Mathieu, P.-P.; Deleersnijder, E.; Cushman-Roisin, B.; Beckers, J.-M.; Bolding, K. (2002). The role of topography in small well-mixed bays, with application to the lagoon of Mururoa. Cont. Shelf Res. 22(9): 1379-1395. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0278-4343(02)00002-X
Spagnol, S.; Wolanski, E.; Deleersnijder, E.; Brinkman, R.; McAllister, F.; Cushman-Roisin, B.; Hanert, E. (2002). An error frequently made in the evaluation of advective transport in two dimensional Lagrangian models of advection-diffusion in coral reef waters. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 235: 299-302. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps235299
Beckers, J.-M.; Delhez, E.; Deleersnijder, E. (2001). Some properties of generalized age-distribution equations in fluid dynamics. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 61(5): 1526-1544
Burchard, H.; Deleersnijder, E. (2001). Stability of algebraic non-equilibrium second-order closure models. Ocean Modelling 3: 33-50
Deleersnijder, E. (2001). Enforcing the continuity equation in numerical models of geophysical fluid flows. Appl. Math. Lett. 14: 867-873
Deleersnijder, E.; Campin, J.M.; Delhez, E.J.M. (2001). The concept of age in marine modelling: 1. Theory and preliminary model results. J. Mar. Syst. 28(3-4): 229-267. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0924-7963(01)00026-4
Legrand, S.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2000). Delaunay mesh generation for an unstructured-grid ocean general circulation model. Ocean Modelling 2: 17-28
Deleersnijder, E. (1999). L'équation de la chaleur et l'enseignement des méthodes de simulation numérique de la physique. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 21: 31-56
Delhez, E.J.M.; Campin, J.M.; Hirst, A.C.; Deleersnijder, E. (1999). Toward a general theory of the age in ocean modelling. Ocean Modelling 1: 17-27
Goosse, H.; Deleersnijder, E.; Fichefet, T.; England, M.H. (1999). Sensitivity of a global coupled ocean-sea ice model to the parameterization of vertical mixing. J. Geophys. Res. 104(C6): 13681-13695. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1999JC900099
Mathieu, P.-P.; Deleersnijder, E.; Beckers, J.-M. (1999). Accuracy and stability of the discretised isopycnal-mixing equation. Appl. Math. Lett. 12: 81-88
Beckers, J.-M.; Burchard, H.; Campin, J.M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Mathieu, P.-P. (1998). Another reason why simple discretizations of rotated diffusion operators cause problems in ocean models: comments on "Isoneutral diffusion in a z-coordinate ocean model". J. Phys. Oceanogr. 28: 1552-1559. https://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0485(1998)028<1552:ARWSDO>2.0.CO;2
Deleersnijder, E.; Wang, J.; Mooers, C.N.K. (1998). A two-compartment model for understanding the simulated three-dimensional circulation in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Cont. Shelf Res. 18: 279-287
Tartinville, B.; Deleersnijder, E.; Lazure, P.; Proctor, R.; Ruddick, K.G.; Uittenbogaard, R.E. (1998). A coastal ocean model intercomparison study for a three-dimensional idealised test case. Appl. Math. Modelling 22: 165-182
Wolanski, E.; Deleersnijder, E. (1998). Island-generated internal waves at Scott Reef, Western Australia. Cont. Shelf Res. 18: 1649-1666
Deleersnijder, E.; Tartinville, B.; Rancher, J. (1997). A simple model of the tracer flux from the Mururoa lagoon to the Pacific. Appl. Math. Lett. 10(5): 13-17
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Goosse, H.; Campin, J.M.; Fichefet, T.; Deleersnijder, E. (1997). Impact of sea-ice formation on the properties of Antarctic bottom water. Ann. Glaciol. 25: 276-281
Tartinville, B.; Deleersnijder, E.; Rancher, J. (1997). The water residence time in the Mururoa atoll lagoon: sensitivity analysis of a three-dimensional model. Coral Reefs 16: 193-203
Deleersnijder, E. (1996). On the numerical treatment of a lateral boundary layer in a shallow sea model. J. Mar. Syst. 8: 107-117
Luyten, P.J.; Deleersnijder, E.; Ozer, J.; Ruddick, K.G. (1996). Presentation of a family of turbulence closure models for stratified shallow water flows and preliminary application to the Rhine outflow region. Cont. Shelf Res. 16(1): 101-130
Wolanski, E.; Asaeda, T.; Tanaka, A.; Deleersnijder, E. (1996). Three-dimensional island wakes in the field, laboratory experiments and numerical models. Cont. Shelf Res. 16(11): 1437-1452
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Deleersnijder, E.; Campin, J.M. (1995). On the computation of the barotropic mode of a free-surface world ocean model. Ann. Geophys. 13: 675-688
Ruddick, K.G.; Deleersnijder, E.; Luyten, P.J.; Ozer, J. (1995). Haline stratification in the Rhine-Meuse freshwater plume: a three-dimensional model sensitivity analysis. Cont. Shelf Res. 15(13): 1597-1630
Deleersnijder, E. (1994). Numerical mass conservation in a free-surface sigma coordinate marine model with mode splitting: erratum. J. Mar. Syst. 5(2): 185
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Ruddick, K.G.; Deleersnijder, E.; De Mulder, T.; Luyten, P.J. (1994). A model study of the Rhine discharge front and downwelling circulation. Tellus, Ser. A, Dyn. meteorol. oceanogr. 46A(2): 149-159
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De Maet, T.; Hanert, E.; Deleersnijder, E.; Fichefet, T.; Legat, V.; Remacle, J.-F.; Soares Frazao, S.; Vanclooster, M.; Lambrechts, J.; König Beatty, S.; Bouillon, S.; de Brye, B.; Gourgue, O.; Kärnä, T.; Lietaer, O.; Pestiaux, A.; Slaoui, K.; Thomas, C. (2012). SLIM: a multi-scale model of the land-sea continuum. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 14(EGU2012-9603-1)
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Deleersnijder, E.; de Brye, B.; de Brauwere, A.; Gourgue, O.; Delhez, E.J.M. (2011). A generic approach to the concept of water renewal: theory, idealised examples and realistic application to Lake Tanganyika and the Scheldt Estuary, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 2
Mouchet, A.; Deleersnijder, E. (2011). Assessing the World Ocean ventilation timescales with simple analogs - the leaky funnel model, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1
Spivakovskaya, D.; Deleersnijder, E.; Heemink, A.W. (2006). Random walk in case of iso- and diapycnal diffusion, in: Wesseling, P. et al. (Ed.) European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD 2006): Proceedings.
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Burchard, H.; Deleersnijder, E.; Stoyan, G. (2005). Some numerical aspects of turbulence-closure models, in: Baumert, H.Z. et al. (Ed.) Marine turbulence: theories, observations, and models. Results of the CARTUM Project. pp. 197-206
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Dehairs, F.A.; Lancelot, C.; André, L.; Frankignoulle, M.; Deleersnijder, E.; Becquevort, S.; Cardinal, D.; Cattaldo, T.; Delille, B.; Elskens, M.; Fagel, N.; Goosse, H.; Hannon, E.; Navez, J.; Probst, G.; Schoemann, V. (2003). An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean, in: Belgian Scientific Research programme on the Antarctic, phase 4 (1997-2001), Scientific results: 1. Marine biota and global change. pp. 1-160
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Hanert, E.; Le Roux, D.Y.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2003). A comparison of 4 advection schemes for use in unstructured grid ocean modelling, in: 6th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Ghent, May 26-27, 2003. pp. 1-8
Legrand, S.; Legat, V.; Deleersnijder, E. (2003). Mass conservation in global ocean model on unstructured meshes, in: 6th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Ghent, May 26-27, 2003. pp. 1-4
Wolanski, E.; Brinkman, R.; Spagnol, S.; McAllister, F.; Steinberg, C.; Skirving, W.; Deleersnijder, E. (2003). Merging scales in models of water circulation: perspectives from the Great Barrier Reef, in: Lakhan, V.C. (Ed.) Advances in coastal modeling. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 67: pp. 411-429
Wolanski, E.; Brinkman, R.; Spagnol, S.; McAllister, F.; Marshall, K.; McCook, L.; Done, T.J.; Lough, J.; Deleersnijder, E. (2002). An ecohydrological model of the Great Barrier Reef, in: Proceedings of the 4th Queensland Environmental Conference (30-31 May 2002, Brisbane). pp. 145-150
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Spagnol, S.; Wolanski, E.; Deleersnijder, E. (2001). Steering by coral reef assemblages, in: Wolanski, E. (Ed.) Oceanographic processes of coral reefs: physical and biological links in the Great Barrier Reef. pp. 231-236
Deleersnijder, E.; Beckers, J.-M.; Campin, J.M.; Crucifix, M.; Delhez, E.J.M.; Lewandowski, R.; Mouchet, A. (2000). The age, a tool for understanding complex fluid flows, in: Proceedings of the 5th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 23-24 May 2000. pp. 167-170
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