Ecolas was established in 1988 as a specialized environmental consulting company within the Belgian AXE (Ahlers-Xylos-Ecolas) group of companies. The activities of the group are maritime transport and logistics, information technology services , environmental studies and consultancy. The group currently employs about 500 people, half of which are in subsidiary offices abroad : the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. We deliver services to International Financing Institutions (IFI’s), the European Commission and public administrations. Our consultancy company is characterized by : 1) A multidisciplinary team consisting of biologists, agronomists, civil engineers, chemists, economists, geologists, etc. 2) Quality assurance 3) A team of its own experts 4) And a flexible organisation, providing swift execution of assignments.
Volckaert, A.; Rommens, W. (2018). Update socio-economic analysis of the use of the Belgian marine waters and of the cost of degradation. Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Art. 8.1.c. Final Version V6.0 [Openbare raadpleging]. ARCADIS Belgium nv: Gent. 105 + (15 p. Dutch summary) pp., more
Volckaert, A.; Veiga, J.M.; Van Acoleyen, M. (2012). Sources and pathways for marine litter: Bottom up approach starting from local case-studies for the four European regional seas, in: Belpaeme, K. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts. International Conference Littoral 2012: Coasts of Tomorrow. Kursaal, Oostende, 27-29 November 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 61: pp. 73-74, more
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