Presentations Second BeNCoRe Conference

Geographic Information Systems in Coastal and Marine Research and Management

-Opportunities and new perspectives for Coastal and Marine Research-

9.30-9.45: Mr. Simon Claus (Flanders Marine Institute - VLIZ)
Introduction; the BeNCoRe Network (Download Presentation, 2 MB)
9.45-10.15:Prof Dr. Philippe De Maeyer
(Geography Department, Ghent University):
Geographic and Mapping Information Systems: A historical overview, new developments Dr. David Green, (Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management, University of Aberdeen, UK):
Marine and Coastal Geographic Information Systems – a European Perspective (Download Presentation, 26 MB)
Mme. Ingrid Vanden Berghe (National Geographic Institute):
The Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) Directive: Implications and Opportunities for Coastal and Marine Research)
11.45-12.15: Dr. Wendy Bonne (Federal Public Service, Marine Environment):
Policy as an end-user of Geographic Information Systems and importance of Geographic Systems as a reporting tool Download Presentation, 41MB)
13.15-13.35:Dr. Kevin Ruddick, (Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models-MUMM)
Optical teledetection of Coastal Waters
13.35-13.55: Dr. Bart Deronde, (Flemish Institute for Technological Research– VITO)
Airborne remote sensing as a tool to study coastal sediment dynamics (Download Presentation, 13MB)

13.55-14.15:Drs. Els Verfaillie (Renard Centre of Marine Geology, Ghent University)
Mapping European Seabed Habitats, the MESH project as a case study(Download Presentation, 10 MB)
14.15-14.45: Ir. Frederic Wauters (ESRI Belux/Eurosense)
Applications of a 3D Geographic Information System of the North Sea and the Scheldt Estuary)
15.15-15.30:Mme Kathy Belpaeme (Coordinaton Centre for ICZM)
The Belgian Coastal Atlas: moving from a classical static to an interactive data driven atlas (Download Presentation, 6MB)
15.30-16.00: Dr Wouter Rommens (UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE)
How marine data can be presented at a global scale: the African Marine Atlas as a case study(Download Presentation, 40MB)
16.00 - 16.30: Andrus Meiner (European Environmental Agency)
Publication of the Blue Book on an Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union. The concept of Marine Spatial Planning and how to organize Coastal and Marine Information at the European Scale (Download Presentation 15MB)

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