Search the ASSEMBLE publications collection
The publications produced in the context of ASSEMBLE Plus (2017–present) and AssembleMarine (2009–2012) are stored in the ASSEMBLE publications collection that can be searched here.
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The bulk of the collection at present consists of the publications from AssembleMarine, and in particular its three joint research activities from (JRA1: improving the provision of whole, multicellular organisms; JRA2: improving the provision of cultures of marine protists and cell lines of marine animals; JRA3: improving the provision of genetic and genomic resources). Some of the global themes covered include: the responses to and effects of climate change, investigations of local biodiversity, genomics, and many specific studies of different aspects (physical, chemical, life-cycle) of different species.
The existing publications will be extended by the activities that will be carried out by the following:
- The five Joint Research Activities of ASSEMBLE Plus (JRA1: genomic observatories, JRA2: cryobanking, JRA3: functional genomics, JRA4: marine instrumentation, JRA5: scientific diving)
- The Transnational Access programme of ASSEMBLE Plus