ASSEMBLE Plus Virtual Research Environments
Browse the virtual access and research environments that use ASSEMBLE Plus data
Many of the datasets in our collection can be accessed via virtual environments – data display and analysis scripts and packages that can be accessed and run directly from your browser. These are available on the MarineVRE (LifeWatch) site. To access the ASSEMBLE Plus VREs, you can click on the "ASSEMBLE Plus" tag, to:
- Access the ASSEMBLE Plus data collection, and to the Ocean Sampling Day 2015/2015 data: here
- Access the VREs to analyse biodiversity and omics data: here
- RvLab: to analyse biodiverstiy data
- Integrated microbial NGC platform: to screen for, retrieve, process, and analysis publically-available prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene amplicon datasets
- Pipeline for Environmental DNA Metabarcoding Analysis: a pipeline for 16S rRNA and COI marker genes, returning the taxonomies found
- R scripts for the analysis of microbial profiles: a downstream analysis of OTU tables