ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2022: Marine biological research at the frontier
ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2022: Marine biological research at the frontier
ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2022 - Marine biological research at the frontier is coming soon!
We would like to invite you to participate in the “ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2022 - Marine biological research at the frontier” which will take place online from 13-24 June 2022. The conference is organised by the ASSEMBLE Plus project partnered by a network of marine stations and institutes led by EMBRC ERIC - the European Marine Biological Resource Centre.
The conference will include keynote speakers, invited lectures by ASSEMBLE Plus users, matchmaking with industry, service/technology demonstrations and workshops. This year, the conference will also have a side-event The EMBRC Clinic targeting industry sectors that could benefit from scientific advances in marine biotechnology such as in aquaculture, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, biofibres and biofuels to name but a few so please do promote this.
We strongly encourage you to follow the event and please feel free to spread the word among your networks. This is an opportunity for researchers, academia, industry and policy makers, to be connected and share experiences, knowledge and a chance to establish partnerships.
The conference will showcase recent developments in marine biology and ecology; state-of-the-art technologies available at marine stations and institutes; how to access biological resources and marine research infrastructure; how to improve services provided by marine stations; knowledge transfer to industry and sustainability of research infrastructures.
ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2022 website | Register now!
Participation is free upon registration but please note registration closes 6 June 2022.
Keynote speakers:
Detlev Arendt, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
Melody Clark, British Antarctic Survey, USA
Matthew Sullivan, Ohio State University, USA