Congress themes

  • Theme 1: Bedform evolution (migration, growth, spatial variation)
  • Theme 2: Sedimentary properties of bedforms
  • Theme 3: Biogeomorphology
  • Theme 4: Hydrodynamic and Morphodynamic modelling
  • Theme 5: Field data collection (incl. emerging technologies)
  • Theme 6: Practical applications and human influences (e.g. bedform related problems for navigation; power generation; petroleum exploration; dredging and disposal)
  • Theme 7: River, coastal and marine management (e.g. risk management; EU Directives)

For all themes, we encourage submissions on integrated data-modelling approaches, as also on the implementation and application of new and emerging technologies.

Please note that beach and aeolian environments are not dealt with during this conference.


Morning: Visit to Breskens and Hooge Platen, a sandbar in the mouth of the Schelde river and visible at low tide. In the framework of the deepening of the navigation channel of the Westerschelde a īmega dune` was disposed on this sandbar to create ecologically valuable habitats. Technical explanations will be provided on the new disposal strategy and on the first results of the intensive monitoring.

After lunch, we will visit the Zwin Nature Reserve (scientific and practical guidance is foreseen). The Zwin is a nature reserve at the North Sea coast, on the Belgian-Dutch border. It consists of the entrance area of a former tidal inlet which during the Middle Ages connected the North Sea with the ports of Sluis and Bruges inland (

Congress programme

The congress programme is available on the programme page.


The conference allows for exhibition stands for organizations, companies, government agencies and educational institutions related to bedform dynamics. As such, opportunities are given to reach highly specialized practitioners and researchers working in the field of marine sciences and to present to the participants your products and services.

Please feel free to contact us so that we can discuss your individualized needs with regards to the exhibition

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