Van Beneden (1867, pl. 19)
Description 1 – 4. Actinia coccinea (synonym of Stomphia coccinea) 5 – 6. Actinia gemmacea (synonym of Bunodactis verrucosa) 7. Cave dwelling anemone (Actinia troglodytes, synonym of Cylista troglodytes) 8 – 9.Devonshire cup-coral (Caryophyllia smithii) 10 – 11. Balanophyllia regia
Author P.J. Van Beneden
JPG file - 1.63 MB - 2 126 x 2 954 pixels
added on 2008-05-078 974 viewsNSBP taxa Cylista troglodytes (Price in Johnston, 1847)checked Daly, Meg 2023-05-03From reference Van Beneden, P.-J. (1867). Recherches sur la faune littor...