BeRMS taxon details
original description
(of Ectinosoma curticorne Boeck, 1873) Boeck, A. (1873). Nye Slaegter og Arter af Saltvands-Copepoder. [New Genera and Species of Saltwater Copepods. <em>Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania.</em> 1872:35-60. [meddelt i modet den: announced in the fashion for 1872]. page(s): 45 [details] 
original description
(of Ectinosoma curticorne Boeck, 1873) Scott, T. & A. Scott. (1896). A revision of the British Copepoda belonging to the genera Bradya Boeck, and Ectinosoma, Boeck. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology (2)6(5):419-446, pls. 35-38. (vi-1896), available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/8598965 [details] 
context source (Schelde)
Maris, T.; Beauchard, O.; Van Damme, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; Wijnhoven, S.; Meire, P. (2013). Referentiematrices en Ecotoopoppervlaktes Annex bij de Evaluatiemethodiek Schelde-estuarium Studie naar “Ecotoopoppervlaktes en intactness index”. <em>Monitor Taskforce Publication Series, 2013-01. NIOZ: Yerseke.</em> 35 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details]
basis of record
Huys, R. (2001). Copepoda - Harpacticoida. <em>In: Costello, M.J. et al. (eds.) European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50:268-280. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). , available online at http://www.itis.gov [details]
additional source
Brunel, P., L. Bosse & G. Lamarche. (1998). Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. <em>Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 126.</em> 405 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Bodin, P. (1997). Catalogue of the new marine Harpacticoid Copepods. <em>Studiedocumenten van het K.B.I.N. = Documents de Travail de l'I.R.Sc.N.B., 89. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Brussels, Belgium.</em> 89: 1-304. (look up in IMIS) page(s): 45 [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Apostolov, A. & T.M. Marinov. (1988). Copepoda Harpacticoida (morski kharpaktikoidi). Copepoda, Harpacticoida (marine harpacticoids). <em>Fauna Bulgarica, Fauna Bolgarii. Izd. B'lg. Akad. Nauk, in Aedibus Academiae Scientiarum Bulgaricae, Sofia. Scient. Bulgaricae, Sofia.</em> 18:1-384. (Bulgarian.). [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Letova, V.N. (1982). Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the mud-sandy littoral of the east Murman. Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) ilisto peschano litorali vostochnogo Murmana. In: Skarlato, O.A. (ed.). Bespozvonochnye pribrezhnykh biotsenozov severnogo ledovitego. Marine invertebrates of coastal biocenoses of the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Issledovaniya Fauny Morei 29(37):46-75, figs. 1-22. (27-xii-1982, Russian with English summary). [details] Available for editors 
From editor or global species database