Desbruyères, Daniel. (1978). Melythasides laubieri gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Annélides Polychètes sédentaires) abyssal de la mer de Norvège [Melythasides laubieri gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Annélides Polychètes sédentaires) abyssal species from the Norwegian Sea]. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Zoologie. 514(353): 231-238.
Desbruyères, Daniel
<i>Melythasides laubieri</i> gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Ann�lides Polych�tes s�dentaires) abyssal de la mer de Norv�ge [<i>Melythasides laubieri</i> gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Ann�lides Polych�tes s�dentaires) abyssal species from the Norwegian Sea]
Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Zoologie
Annelidabase. Link available at the museum is for the complete volume, from which the WoRMS pdf has been extracted World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Publicaton date: "Achevé d'imprimer le 30 juin 1978"
A new Ampharetid (Polychaeta, Sedentaria) has been collected in the deep sea during the French-Swedish Expedition NORBI in the east-Groenland basin. It represents the type of a new genus, Melythasides gen. nov., characterized by two modified setigerous segments, three pairs of gills, twelve uncinigerous thoracic segments and thoracic uncini with 5-6 series of teeth. The addition of another genera with one or several modified thoracic segments leads to a reconsideration of the taxonomic importance of this character
Cold North Atlantic and Arctic together
North Atlantic