NARMS source details

Desbruyères, Daniel. (1978). Melythasides laubieri gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Annélides Polychètes sédentaires) abyssal de la mer de Norvège [Melythasides laubieri gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Annélides Polychètes sédentaires) abyssal species from the Norwegian Sea]. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Zoologie. 514(353): 231-238.
Desbruyères, Daniel
<i>Melythasides laubieri</i> gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Ann�lides Polych�tes s�dentaires) abyssal de la mer de Norv�ge [<i>Melythasides laubieri</i> gen. sp. nov. Ampharetidae (Ann�lides Polych�tes s�dentaires) abyssal species from the Norwegian Sea]
Bulletin du Mus&eacute;um national d'histoire naturelle. Zoologie
514(353): 231-238
Annelidabase. Link available at the museum is for the complete volume, from which the WoRMS pdf has been extracted
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Publicaton date: "Achevé d'imprimer le 30 juin 1978"
Available for editors  PDF available
A new Ampharetid (Polychaeta, Sedentaria) has been collected in the deep sea during the French-Swedish Expedition NORBI in the east-Groenland basin. It represents the type of a new genus, Melythasides gen. nov., characterized by two modified setigerous segments, three pairs of gills, twelve uncinigerous thoracic segments and thoracic uncini with 5-6 series of teeth. The addition of another genera with one or several modified thoracic segments leads to a reconsideration of the taxonomic importance of this character
Cold North Atlantic and Arctic together
North Atlantic
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2025-03-10 00:58:16Z