Porifera name details
original description
(of Euspongia officinalis var. lamella Schulze, 1879) Schulze, F.E. (1879). Untersuchungen über den Bau und die Entwicklung der Spongien. Siebente Mittheilung. Die Familie der Spongidae. <em>Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie.</em> 32: 593-660, pls XXXIV-XXXVIII. page(s): 617; pl XXXV fig 4 [details]
basis of record
Pronzato, R.; Manconi, R. (2008). Mediterranean commercial sponges: over 5000 years of natural history and cultural heritage. <em>Marine Ecology.</em> 29 (2), 146-166., available online at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0485.2008.00235.x page(s): 154-156 [details] Available for editors [request]
basis of record
Grenier, M.; Simmler, C.; Chevaldonné, P.; Callizot, N.; Pérez, T. (2023 [2024]). Searching for Mediterranean bath sponges (Demospongiae: Dictyoceratida: Spongiidae) in the Northeast Atlantic reveals a new species: an integrative taxonomic approach. <em>Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.</em> 202 (1) : 1-23., available online at http://htps://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad166 page(s): 11-13 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Idan, T.; Shefer, S.; Feldstein, T.; Yahel, R.; Huchon, D.; Ilan, M. (2018). Shedding light on an East-Mediterranean mesophotic sponge ground community and the regional sponge fauna. <em>Mediterranean marine science.</em> 19(1): 84-106., available online at https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/hcmr-med-mar-sc/article/view/13853 page(s): 9 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Krikech, I.; Le Pennec, G.; Ezziyyani, M. (2020). Diversity and Distribution of Marine Sponges (Porifera) from the Western Coast of Morocco (South-West Mediterranean Sea). <em>Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD'2019).</em> Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, pp. 252-261., available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36671-1_22 page(s): Fig. 2N [details] Available for editors [request]
Castritsi-Catharios, J.; Magli, M.; Vacelet,J. (2007). Evaluation of the quality of two commercial sponges by tensile strength measurement. <em>Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK.</em> 87: 1765–1771. note: comparison of Mediterranean and Philippines Elephant Ear [details] Available for editors [request]
biology source
Noyer, C.; Becerro, M.A. (2012). Relationship between genetic, chemical, and bacterial diversity in the Atlanto-Mediterranean bath sponge <i>Spongia lamella</i>. <i>in</i>: Maldonado, M., Turon, X., Becerro, M.A. & Uriz, M.J. (eds) Ancient Animals, New Challenges. Sponge Research Developments. <em>Hydrobiologia.</em> 687: 85-99. page(s): 87 [details] Available for editors [request]
biology source
Noyer, C.; Thomas, O.P.; Becerro, M.A. (2011). Patterns of Chemical Diversity in the Mediterranean Sponge <i>Spongia lamella</i>. <em>PLoS ONE.</em> 6(6): e20844., available online at https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0020844 [details] Available for editors [request]
Neotype MSNG 54199, geounit Ionian Sea [details]
From editor or global species database
Additional information All specimens identified as Spongia agaricina from Mediterranean are in fact Spongia lamella. Both species are known under the vernacular name "Elephant ear", but S. agaricina is a species from Philippines area only and S.lamella is from Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters [details]