Mohammad, Murad-B.M. (1980). Polychaete annelids from Kuwaitian islands, Arabian Gulf, with descriptions of four new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, London. 69(1): 31-42.
A systematic account of a collection of polychaete annelids from four Kuwaitian islands, Arabian Gulf, is given together with ecological notes. The whole collection comprises 45 species, in 22 families. Of these, four species are named as new and ten are recorded as new to the fauna of the Arabian Gulf. The new species and records are: Ancistrosyllis rigida, Brania balaninew combination, Perinereis nigropunctata, Perinereis vancaurica, Onuphis eremita, Phylo kubbarensis sp. nov., Scolelepis indica, Poecilochaetus serpens, Mesochaetopterus minutus, Parasclerocheilus branchiatus, Scyphoproctus aciculatus sp. nov., Clymenura annulata sp. nov., Pista unibranchiata and Telothelepus macrothoracicus sp. nov.