WoRMS taxon details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
(of Dactylus carpenteri Mörch, 1861) Mörch, O. A. L. (1859). Beiträge zur Molluskenfauna Central-Amerika's. <em>Malakozoologische Blätter.</em> 6(4): 102-126., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/16014200 [details]
original description
(of Lithodomus bipenniferus Guppy, 1877) Guppy, R. J. L. (1877). First sketch of a marine invertebrate fauna of the Gulf of Paria and its neighbourhood. <em>Proceedings of the Scientific Association of Trinidad.</em> 2(3): 134-157., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/54078108 page(s): 154-155 [details]
original description
(of Lithodomus forficatus Ravenel, 1861) Ravenel, E. (1861). Descriptions of new Recent shells from the coast of South Carolina. <em>Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.</em> 13: 41-44., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1683170 page(s): 44 [details]
original description
(of Lithophaga jeffreysii Dunker, 1883) Dunker, W. (1880-1883). Die Gattung <i>Lithophaga</i> in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. pp. 1-32, pl. 1-6, In: H. C. Küster (ed.), Systematisches Conchylien–Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz. Volume 8, part 3a. Bauer und Raspe, Nurnberg [pls 1–3, 1880; pp. 1–8, pls 4-6, 1882; pp. 9-32, 1883]
In Martini & Chemnitz(eds) Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, 8 (3a): 1-32, pi. 1-6.
Nürnberg, G.N. Raspe. , available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34258363 page(s): 15 [details]
original description
(of Lithophagus caudatus Gray, 1826) Gray, J. E. (1826). Mollusca. Appendix, In: King P. P. (ed.) <i>Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and 1822</i>. Vol. 2. John Murray, London, pp. 474–496. ["1827"; published April 1826]. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/53741968 page(s): 477; note: nom. nov. pro Modiola caudigera Lamarck, 1819 [details]
original description
(of Modiola caudigera Lamarck, 1819) Lamarck [J.-B. M.] de. (1819). <i>Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres</i>. Tome 6(1): vi + 343 pp. Paris: published by the author. , available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/47441 page(s): 116 [details]
original description
(of Modiola excavata de Folin, 1867) Folin L. de. (1867). Les méléagrinicoles. Espéces nouvelles. <em>Recueil des Publications de la Société Havraise d'Études Diverses.</em> 33: 41–112, 6 pls., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/11247403 [details]
original description
(of Mytilus aristatus Dillwyn, 1817) Dillwyn, L. W. (1817). A descriptive catalogue of Recent shells, arranged according to the Linnean method; with particular attention to the synonymy. John and Arthur Arch, London, Vol. 1: 1-580 pp.; Vol. 2: 581-1092 pp. + index [29 pp.]., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/11670899 page(s): 303 [details]
original description
(of Mytilus lithophagus striatus J. Sowerby, 1807) Sowerby, J. (1807). Additional Observations relative to the <i>Mytilus lithophagus</i>. <em>Transactions of the Linnean Society of London.</em> 8: 272-274, pl. 6., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/766741 page(s): 274, pl. 6, fig. 2 [details]
basis of record
Huber, M. (2010). <i>Compendium of bivalves. A full-color guide to 3,300 of the world's marine bivalves. A status on Bivalvia after 250 years of research</i>. Hackenheim: ConchBooks. 901 pp., 1 CD-ROM. (look up in IMIS) [details]
Taxonomystatus source
Huber M. (2015). <i>Compendium of Bivalves 2. A Full-Color Guide to the Remaining Seven Families. A Systematic Listing of 8,500 Bivalve Species and 10,500 Synonyms.</i> ConchBooks, Harxheim, Germany,. 901 pp. + 1 CD-ROM (containing chapters 5 and 6.461) [Tellinidae by Huber, Langleit & Kreipl, pp. 167-297]. [details]
Identification resourceidentification resource
Cosel, R. von; Gofas, S. (2019). <i>Marine bivalves of tropical West Africa: from Rio de Oro to southern Angola</i>. Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Paris, IRD Éditions, Marseille (Faune et Flore tropicales, volume 48): 1-1104. page(s): 198-199 [details]
Othercontext source (PeRMS)
Paredes, C.; Cardoso, F.; Santamaría, J.; Esplana, J.; Llaja, L. (2016). Lista anotada de los bivalvos marinos del Perú. <em>Revista peruana de biología.</em> 23(2), 127-150., available online at http://www.scielo.org.pe/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1727-99332016000200006 [details]
additional source
Velásquez M., Valentich-Scott P. & Capelo J.C. (2017). Marine boring bivalve mollusks from Isla Margarita, Venezuela. <em>The Festivus.</em> 49(3): 247-269. [details]
additional source
Valentich-Scott, P.; Coan, E. V.; Zelaya, D. (2020). <i>Bivalve seashells of western South America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Punta Aguja, Peru to Isla Chiloé, Chile</i>. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. vii + 593 pp. page(s): 112-112, pl. 38 [details]
From regional or thematic species database
Introduced species vector dispersal Galapagos part of the South Pacific Ocean (Marine Region) Ships: general (burrows)
Introduced species vector dispersal Galapagos part of the South Pacific Ocean (Marine Region) Ships: accidental as attached or free-living fouling organisms
Language | Name | |
English |
scissor datemussel [from synonym]scissor date mussel [from synonym] |
[details] |
German |
Scheren-Seedattel [from synonym] |
[details] |
To Barcode of Life (from synonym Lithophaga aristata (Dillwyn, 1817))
To Barcode of Life (1 barcode)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (29 publications) (from synonym Lithophagus aristatus (Dillwyn, 1817))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (36 publications) (from synonym Lithophaga aristata (Dillwyn, 1817))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (6 publications) (from synonym Myoforceps aristatus (Dillwyn, 1817))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (8 publications) (from synonym Lithophaga (Myoforceps) aristata (Dillwyn, 1817))
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Leiosolenus aristatus)
To GenBank (21 nucleotides; 5 proteins) (from synonym Lithophaga aristata (Dillwyn, 1817))
To GenBank (21 nucleotides; 5 proteins)
To GenBank (21 nucleotides; 5 proteins) (from synonym Mytilus aristatus Dillwyn, 1817)
To Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) (from synonym Lithophaga aristata (Dillwyn, 1817))
To Malacopics (Leiosolenus aristatus (Dillwyn, 1817) Portugal, Faro, Albufeira, ex coll. J. Trause...
To PESI (from synonym Dactylus carpenteri Mörch, 1861)
To PESI (from synonym Lithodomus forficatus Ravenel, 1861)
To PESI (from synonym Modiola caudigera Lamarck, 1819)
To PESI (from synonym Modiola excavata de Folin, 1867)
To PESI (from synonym Mytilus aristatus Dillwyn, 1817)
To PESI (from synonym Lithophagus aristatus (Dillwyn, 1817))
To PESI (from synonym Lithophagus aristatus var. gracilior P. P. Carpenter, 1857)
To PESI (from synonym Lithophagus aristatus var. tumidior P. P. Carpenter, 1857)
To PESI (from synonym Myoforceps aristatus (Dillwyn, 1817))
To PESI (from synonym Lithophaga aristata (Dillwyn, 1817))
To PESI (from synonym Lithophaga bipinnifera Guppy, 1877)
To PESI (from synonym Lithophaga caudata (Gray, 1826))
To PESI (from synonym Lithophaga incurva Gabb, 1861)
To PESI (from synonym Mytilus ropan Deshayes, 1836)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Mollusca Collection (from synonym Lithophaga aristata (Dillwyn, 1817))
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Mollusca Collection (from synonym Myoforceps aristatus (Dillwyn, 1817))