WoRMS name details
Nomenclaturebasis of record
Johnston, G. (1865). A catalogue of the British non-parasitical worms in the collection of the British Museum. <em>[book].</em> 1-365. British Museum. London. [See also separate entry for Baird supplement]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/12291 page(s): 251 [details] 
From editor or global species database
Homonymy Based on a usage in synonymy in Johnston (1865: 251). This is noted in Nomenclator Zoologicus. Junior homonym to Alveolaria Busk, 1859, in bryozoa. [details]
Nomenclature The synonymy entries in Johnston (1865: 251) indicate the name Alveolaria was used in the British Museum collection for Alveolaria arenosa and Alveolaria lumbricalis. Its only usage in literature appears to be in synonymies in Johnston and also in McIntosh (1822: 32). The Hartman catalogue includes entries for the species combinations, but not for the genus, except as a synonym for Sabellaria, indicating Hartman did not think it was ever a valid genus. [details]